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Beautiful, ambitious, and utterly ruthless, Anzja rose to power on the blood of her opposition. The Current Prioress of the Black Abbey and Vicar of Kaz, she holds much influence within Upper Thalia.

Despite being in her 40s, she still looks like she did in the prime of her youth. Rumors abound about how she's managed to keep her young looks. Some theorize its the result of dark and arcane rituals, the most popular one being that she regularly bathes in the blood of virgins. Others say its one of her rewards for years of meritorious service to Kaz, a view she encourages as a sign that she is in his favor.

She is currently working with Sanria Veris.

Her will is often imposed by the powers granted to her by Kaz, or, where she prefers to either keep her hands clean, by her dread functionaries, Grave, Serendipity, and Nemesis.

farne/actors/anzja_of_the_rivers.txt · Last modified: 2009/12/13 02:40 by chris