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Capital: Alestia
Population: 21,000,000 ( Human 95%, Other 5% )
Government: Republican Monarchy
Cities of Note: Caldaes, Immelsae, Dearalis, Valois, Suddermaer

The Prince or Princess Elector (not a king/queen, and acts as an executive) of Alestia is elected by a council of electors. The Council of Electors form a co-equal legislative body to the Prince/Princess. Currently, there are 200 electors in the council. A sitting Prince/Princess Elector can be recalled via a non-confidence vote.

Half of the electors descend from patrician families 1), with the position being bequeathed to an heir of the elector's choosing. In most cases, this goes to the eldest child, though that isn't always the case. Should a heritable elector seat become vacant without a designated successor (a rare occurrence to be sure), the reigning Prince or Princess Elector can appoint a new one. The newly appointed elector must come from the patrician classes.

The remaining 100 electors may come from any class other than the patrician elites. The positions are life time appointments (made by the executive), and are generally as a reward for meritorious service to Alestia. Wise princes distribute sufficient positions to people of humble origins in order to placate the masses.

The Prince/Princess Elector is elevated from Council of Electors, leaving 199 voting members. Historically, Prince Electors are selected from the group of patrician electors, though it is not unknown for commoners to steer the ship of state. Princess Electors appoint a council of ministers to assist them in their duties.

so called Patrician Electors
farne/locations/alestia.txt · Last modified: 2009/12/15 14:24 by chris