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Fire-Purview Innate Abilities

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Fire Purview

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: None
Pre-Requisite: None
Tier: 0
Cost: Standard Tier 0 cost

Effect Levels Description
Chosen of Fire 1-n Grants you the ability to purchase any of the Fire-Element Purview Powers of ( n ) level if you meet the requirements.

Whenever fire is listed in square-brackets (like so [Fire]), it is referring to the number of ranks you have purchased in this Power, “Chosen of Fire”. Your ranks in this Power restrict what you can buy and how many dice you roll for all Fire-Purview Powers. Essentially, you cannot purchase a Fire-Purview Power higher than your ranks in this.

Fire Elemental Style

Allows the user to affect fire in the following ways. Lasts for a scene by default, unless otherwise noted. Note that Aggravated damage infliction costs 1 Mana. This is considered a style of Martial Arts.

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + PRES (+ Atheltics)
Pre-Requisite: “Chosen of Fire”
Tier: 1
Cost: Standard Tier 1 cost for each sub-Power

Effect [Fire] Description
Fire Shield 1 Grants you immunity to fire wielded by your use of Fire Elemental Style Powers. For other fires, works as damage-reduction/shield against fire-based elements. At Fire +1 Level, grants these protections to other(s). You can target [Fire] people with this spell at [Fire] +1 Level.
Effect [Fire] Description
Summon/Banish Fire 2 (Duration: Instant) Light or extinguish a match, candle, campfire, etc. You can light up anything even slightly flammable. Must have oxygen available and a fuel source. At base [Fire] level, your RANGE is touch. At [Fire] +1, your range is sensory (becomes Fireball since you can do it at a distance, see below for details).
Fireball +1 (This is the [Fire] +1 version of “Summon/Banish Fire”, and as such does not need to be purchased separately) At this level, when targeted on a person/object, this version of the Power deals BASHING damage to said object, (Duration: Instant), and subtracts target's -STA. The damage type increases according to General Restrictions if desired. Inflicting of Aggravated costs 1 Mana.
Effect [Fire] Description
Shape Fire 3 Gain fine-tuned control or gross control over fire's appearance/movement. Make a campfire appear to be a dancing nymph (fine-tuned control, MANIP-based), or turn a bonfire into a wall of fire (gross control, RES-based).
Effect [Fire] Description
Control Fire 4 Cost 1 Mana. You can now move fire about in the air as desired; it does not need to be anchored to a fuel source.
Effect [Fire] Description
Fire Elemental Form 5 Cost: [Fire] in Mana. You channel the absolute mastery of the Fire Elemental through your body, and take on the form/features of a Fire Elemental for a scene, gaining the following benefits for the duration (the numbers in parens are the [Fire] Level requirements). Usage of these Form-Power benefits do not count as a specific sub-Power activation, so you can still use the sub-Powers separately (e.g., you can cast “Fire Shield” on your comrades while this Form Power is up) for the purposes of multiple activation. Scrutiny by any version of Magic Sight shows a single Fire-Purview Manifest Power active no matter what of the following list of benefits you are currently using.
(0) Anyone who successfully lands a melee attack on you using a weapon takes ( Roll [Fire] ) in fire damage, and anyone who successfully lands a brawl attack on you takes ( [Fire], no roll ) in fire damage; both versions ignore mundane defense/armor. This provides no benefits against ranged attacks.
(1) You are now immune to any and all damage that comes from Fire (Prereq: “Fire Shield”). Note you are now extra-vulnerable to Water-based attacks, and take (2 * damage successes).
(2) You can now summon and extinguish fire at will (Prereq: “Summon/Banish Fire”).
(3) You can now Shape Fire (Prereq: “Shape Fire”) at will.
(4) You can now Control Fire (Prereq: “Control Fire”) at will (no Mana Cost).
(5) You can now add a Fire element (Prereq: “Fireball”) of ( [Fire] ) dice to any Melee or Ranged attack (or, if you prefer you can perform a “Fireball” as your attack action).

Kindred of the Fire Spirit

Allows the user to interact with Fire-Element-based Spirits in the following ways. Lasts for a scene by default, unless otherwise noted. Note that Aggravated damage infliction costs 1 Mana..

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + MANIP (+ Persuasion)
Pre-Requisite: “Chosen of Fire”
Tier: 1
Cost: Standard Tier 1 cost for each sub-Power

Effect [Fire] Description
Eyes of the Fire Spirit 1 Lasts for a Scene. See both the world of magic (“Mage Sight”), and Spirits dematerialized in the Material Plane. Spend 1 Mana and see beyond the gauntlet into the realm of Spirits.
Effect [Fire] Description
Tongue of the Fire Spirit 2 Lasts for a Scene. You are now able to communicate with with any Fire Element based Spirits.
Effect [Fire] Description
Summon Fire Spirit 3 You summon the nearest Fire Element-based Spirit (type of your choosing) whom your Eminence is greater than their Spirit Ranking, and who is present in either the Material Plane or just across the other side of the Gauntlet. They will appear before you as quickly as they can double-move to your location. Upon the Spirit's arrival, they are bound to the location for ([Fire] minutes), whereby you can negotiate with them, question them (under no compulsion) or activate “Control Fire Spirit”.
Effect [Fire] Description
Control Fire Spirit 4 Lasts for a Scene. You can now control any Fire Element-based Spirits of whom your Eminence is greater than their Spirit Ranking. Roll Die Pool - Resistance Stat.
Effect [Fire] Description
Gate of Fire 5 You can open a two-way gate to any of the Fire-Element-based Planes of existence from any other Plane, or you can open a gate from any of the Fire-Element-based Planes back to the Material Plane. Gate remains open for (Concentration + [Fire] minutes). The Gate does not need to be anchored to a doorway frame of any sort, and the Gate can optionally be of a size such that objects of up to Size ([Fire] x 10) can be moved through.
Effect [Fire] Description
King of the Fire Spirits 6 Cost: [Fire] in Mana. You transform into a Fire Element-based Spirit of your choosing for a scene (your aura appears to be that of your chosen Fire Element-based Spirit, not a Manifest), gaining the following benefits for the duration (the numbers in parens are what you get for each dot of [Fire] you have, so if you have only [Fire] 6, then you can't do the [Fire] 7 benefit).
(0) For the remainder of the scene, you are immune to fire, and no longer need to breathe/eat/etc like other Spirits, and you can attack dematerialized spirits of any type normally (effectively, you can utterly destroy a spirit now; this costs 1 Mana when the final blow is landed).
(1) You can see the flows of magic (prereq: “Eyes of the Fire Spirit”), dematerialized Spirits, or through the gauntlet (Mana no longer required).
(2) You can communicate with any Fire-based spirits at will (prereq: “Tongue of the Fire Spirit”).
(3) You can summon Fire-Element-based Spirits to you (prereq: “Summon Fire Spirit”) using the same restrictions as the prereq.
(4) You can command any Fire-Element-based spirits (prereq: “Control Fire Spirit”) using the same restrictions as the prereq.
(5) You can plane-shift yourself (Duration: Instant) back and forth between the Material Plane and the Fire-Element-based Plane of whose form you took (prereq: “Gate of Fire”).
(6) You can turn coporeal/incoporeal like other Spirits (Action: Instant) at will.
(7) You gain the effects (for the duration) of simply being dematerialized and sent back to your “home” Plane (whatever Fire-Element-based Plane is home to your current Spirit form) if “killed” during battle while this Power is still active (and the user is not wielding a weapon/Power that can destroy spirits).

Lightning Elemental Style:

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + PRES (+ Atheltics)
Pre-Requisite: Fire Elemental Style “Fire Shield”
Tier: 2
Cost: This only needs to be purchased once; use Standard Tier 2 costs

Effect [Fire] Description
Lightning Elemental Style 2 You gain the ability to manipulate the Element of Lightning as you do Fire. For any Fire Elemental Style sub-Powers that you possess, choose to manipulate Lightning instead of Fire. For damage purposes, Lightning instead deals a (Roll Die Pool vs WITS + Power Stat, net successes) in turns stunning effect against a single target.

Light Elemental Style

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + PRES (+ Atheltics)
Pre-Requisite: Fire Elemental Style “Fire Shield”
Tier: 2
Cost: This only needs to be purchased once; use Standard Tier 2 costs

Effect [Fire] Description
Light Elemental Style 2 You gain the ability to manipulate the Element of Light as you do Fire. For any Fire Elemental Style sub-Powers that you possess, choose to manipulate Light instead of Fire. For damage purposes, Light instead deals a (Roll Die Pool vs WITS + Power Stat, net successes) in turns blinding effect against a single target. For creatures vulnerable to light (vampires), this can deal aggravated damage at base [Fire] required to cast the “Fireball” version of “Summon/Banish Fire”, although you still have to spend the 1 Mana.

Plasma Transmutation

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + MANIP (+ Persuasion)
Pre-Requisite: Fire Elemental Style “Fire Shield” & Other Fire-Purview Elemental Styles
Tier: 2
Cost: This only needs to be purchased once; use Standard Tier 2 cost

Effect [Fire] Description
Transmute Plasma 3 Change elements of the nature of a fire back/forth into other. Turn a red fire blue, turn Lightning back/forth into Fire (if you have the Lightning Bending Power) or Light (if you have the Light Bending Power), give a fire [Fire] level radioactivity (=Fire's version of “poison”), alter the conductivity of Plasma, etc.


Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + MANIP (+ Persuasion)
Pre-Requisite: Light Elemental Style & Fire Elemental Style “Shape Fire”
Tier: 2
Cost: This only needs to be purchased once; use Standard Tier 2 cost

Effect [Fire] Description
Invisibility 3 Lasts for a Scene. Manipulate the light reflected around you to gain personal Invisibility. At [Fire] +1, this can be granted to others. Maximum number of targets is [Fire].

Dolphin's Intellect

Lasts for a scene by default. Only one instance of this Power may be active. For each point of intelligence desired, up to the highest rank you have purchased in this Power, 1 mana must be spent (in addition to any activation mana costs). Succeed (simple success) in ( Roll Die Pool ) and gain +n INT. The Mana points put toward the dots of temporary INT are only spent if the activation is successful.

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + RES (+ Academics)
Pre-Requisite: “Chosen of Fire”
Tier: 2
Cost: Standard Tier 2 cost for each level

Effect [Fire] Description
Dolphin's Intellect n +n INT

Bull's Strength

Lasts for a scene by default. Only one instance of this Power may be active. For each point of strength desired, up to the highest rank you have purchased in this Power, 1 mana must be spent (in addition to any activation mana costs). Succeed (simple success) in ( Roll Die Pool ) and gain +n STR. The Mana points put toward the dots of temporary STR are only spent if the activation is successful.

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + STA (+ Athletics)
Pre-Requisite: “Chosen of Fire”
Tier: 2
Cost: Standard Tier 2 cost for each level

Effect [Fire] Description
Bull's Strength n +n STR

Eagle's Splendor

Lasts for a scene by default. Only one instance of this Power may be active. For each point of presence desired, up to the highest rank you have purchased in this Power, 1 mana must be spent (in addition to any activation mana costs). Succeed (simple success) in ( Roll Die Pool ) and gain +n PRES. The Mana points put toward the dots of temporary PRES are only spent if the activation is successful.

Primary Focus Purview: Fire
Die Pool: [Fire] + COMP (+ Expression)
Pre-Requisite: “Chosen of Fire”
Tier: 2
Cost: Standard Tier 2 cost for each level

Effect [Fire] Description
Eagle's Splendor n +n PRES

farne/protagonists/cassie/character_sheet/magic/fire_powers.txt · Last modified: 2010/04/16 11:55 by tara