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Manifest Character Creation

As per the nWoD core rule book, but …


Basically, we're looking at Mage: The Awakening with the character sheet modifications from Requiem for Rome. At its most basic we have:

Normally, you get 11/7/4 skill points. In Farne, we don't have primary/secondary/tertiary skills sections. Instead, the 22 points can be distributed as you see fit. The 5th dot costs two points.


The “Meat Shields” rule is in effect for non-Extras, and Manifest characters also gain an additional number of Health Levels equal to their Eminence. Therefore, the Health of a Player Character is calculated with the following formula:

Health = Size + MAX(Stamina or Resolve) + Eminence

Extras have a fixed 3 Health Levels, and automatically go unconscious after filling them up with Bashing, unless dramatically or thematically appropriate.


Normally you get 5/4/3 dots to distribute. In Farne, however, you get 12 dots to distribute as you see fit, with each attribute starting at one. Unlike the base system, the 5th dot will only cost 1 point. As an attribute score of 1 reflects some level of ineptness or inherent problem. As multiple 1s are unsuitable for heroic characters, no more than one attribute can be a one. A character with a one must include why/how this handicap happened or impacts his/her life.

Further, an attribute at a one implies an Inherent Weakness. Raising this attribute will cost as if the new value were 2 points higher. Normally, the cost of raising an attribute from 1 to 2 would cost 10 points. With an Inherent Weakness, this would cost 20 experience points ( (2 + 2) * 5)

farne/rules/character_creation.txt · Last modified: 2010/04/15 18:18 by tara