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Tim told me as he left the house (see, he is one of my roommates in homepark near Georgia Tech campus) that he was going with Jake to see Violet, to petition her with some tasks for entry into Summer Court.

Now I had already talked to Jennifer about my task for Winter Court entry, I just needed to do a little more prep-work, and find a time when Tim and the others and I were all off at the same time where we could accomplish it.

Anyhow, after he'd been gone for a little while, I got a phone call from Tim. He started bungling over his words so he gave the phone to Jake instead, who told me they were forming a group to stop some nabbings of college kids by the Fey, and that they could use my Hedge know-how. Sure, I told them, and so a meeting was setup with Nehemiah to get more info.

Apparently Jake had posted some kind of bulliten at Glamour Shots asking for more members. A few days later, we went to meet some chick named Nefertiti Ennis at some fight club type place. There was a strange mix of people at this club. And a line to get in. I shrugged and got in line while Tim fretted constantly over it.

We got inside in short order and Jake inquired about Nefertiti's whereabouts. We found her, decided to all go sit at a table together to discuss and drink tequila shots. Jake wimped out on the booze, claiming some kind of genetic predisposition, so Tim got to down two shots instead. Or was it three? I lost count.

Anyway, Nefertiti a HUGE badass chick, and was pretty easy-going to boot. How refreshing to finally meet someone with out a stick up their ass! We did introductions, then Jake got down to business about this group of his, while I spaced out for a while watching people as they walked by. He told Nefertiti about the meeting with Nehemiah, and then we left to go to Glamour Shots meet with Archie, who had also signed up.

Apparently Archie had decided that Spring Court was not for him, and was now trying to join Summer Court. Anyhow, he had some hos on him and sent them off when we came up to talk to him. I watched the people dancing around mostly while Jake talked to Archie. He told him about the meeting with Nehemiah, and then we left.

A few days later, we all met Nehemiah at some place called Halfbaked. Turns out we were all somewhat under-dressed (owel), well, except for Nefertiti who'd apparently been here before. We chatted, got some information from him, since he'd been running the show on this kidnappings stuff up until now, and he gave us the contact info for the two who'd saved his grandson from the jaws of the Fey somewhat recently.

After THAT, we met up with those two at Waffle House, although there was some confusion over the location. Turns out, one of those two people was my idiot little brother, haha! I never thought I'd see him again! And wow, he got Fey-nabbed too. I'm kinda surprised. Perhaps we're somehow marked? Seems kind of statistically unlikely that both of us would be taken… owel.

Jake ran his schpiel, and afterwards when we broke up this final meeting, I headed off with my brother to a bar to catch up with him. The cute indian chick, Sabina, came along with us. There is obviously some chemistry there, even I could see it. Not too surprising, though. As is somewhat unusual for my brother though, this Sabina chick was really nice, and seemed somewhat… not innocent or naive, just not… what I knew to be my brother's “usual” type. Well, I guess Faerie changes us all. Hopefully he won't inexplicably be be a douche to her later. And seriously, why is he in Atlanta? Prior to my kidnapping, that I knew of, he'd never set his foot out of the old country before. I wonder what drew him here?

A couple days later, we finally met on GT campus. Jake had compiled a list of names for us to research. We each went about our seperate ways, to track down our quarry. I had a Zeta to follow, and she had apparently skipped her first class. I went to her second class, and she was there. She looked like hell. I talked to her briefly, and she seemed very dismissive, ill, and totally out of it.

I SMS'd the guys and let them know that my target was probably what we were looking for. They converged upon the classroom and Jake gave her a bit of a hard time on her way out. She pretty much blew them off and headed back to her Sorority House. I headed over there a little ways behind her, and headed inside to inspect things, since, being female, I would be less suspicious. I walked in like I meant to be there, and headed upstairs to where all the dorm rooms were.

The place looked about like I expected it to, and so I searched for her name on the doors. I found her room, the door was open, but empty. I tried searching outside of it for Hedgestuff but didn't notice anything. I glanced in the room again and then headed down the hallway to the bathroom. I saw one set of feet in there, and called out Claire's name in the clearest plain American-English I could muster. She answered from the occupied stall, and seemed to be doing a “major event” in there, so I knew I had a few minutes to look around before she was done. I replied to her that I'd talk to her after she was out.

I headed back to her room and searched around for more Hedgestuff inside of her room. Her closet stood out at my Hedge senses like the mighty daystar does to my eyes; it must be an active Hedge door. About that time some of her sororisisters came in and pestered me. I told them nonchalantly that I was waiting for Claire, that she was in the bathroom and would be back in a few minutes. They offered me something to drink, so I asked for rosehips tea to get them out of my face for a while. After they left, I headed back outside to confer with the boys about where to go from here.

jaeger/svetlana/svetlana_05.txt · Last modified: 2008/03/24 13:04 by tara