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I stood outside of the Zeta house on Georgia Tech campus explaining to the guys (well, and Nefertiti) what I had discovered.

Jake decided he would basically just barge right in and head for Claire's closet, to hell with what anyone else thought. I was a bit worried about this plan, since it wasn't really a plan at all, but I figured screw it, we'd be gone in almost an instant anyway.

We got yelled at by sororowhores, and barged our way into Claire's room. With barely an effort, Jake opened the portal to the hedge right in front of Claire. Her eyes got huge and she froze, staring. Jake lectured her on staying away from this, but that we were going in. I shook my head in dismay but followed him in, along with everyone else.

We left the door cracked for a bit but ended up having to close it quickly as some of the other sororowhores charged it.

Down the path we went, attempting to determine the intentions for its creation. We passed a clearing that intersected several other paths, and I noted that this area seemed to change a lot. We continued on straight, and eventually heard a rustle in the bushes. I noted a few moments later that we were on a path to Faerie.

Just as we turned around we were attacked… by a midget riding a hedgewolf. He got in a tussle with Jake and Tim, and at the sight of it, all I could do was just stand there and laugh. It was so ridiculous, the entire display.

Anyway, the scuffle didn't last long, no one was hurt really, except the wolf which someone had killed. I was quickly getting the impression that Ugly Archie was pretty much just a moronic, perverted, redneck-thug. Moronic being the primary here; he nearly pounded the shit out of Jake during this tussle for no real reason other than he's just an idiot.

Well anyhow, the boys lectured the “brownie” and Jake extracted some info from him about an apparent Fae who held a party (kidnapping party?) here on the new moon. Her name was Gothic Rose.

After extracting all the info on her we could, Tim then demanded Widget the brownie bring him a hedgewolf within a month's time. After that, we released him and headed back to speak with Nehemiah Rumples.

After speaking with Prince Autumn, we decided to try a few other colleges in the area looking for more of these portals. After mentioning several places in the area, the guys very vocally agreed on Agnes Scott, the rather famed college of “lesbians”. All I could do was roll my eyes at that, even if it also piqued my interest.

Like at GT, Jake turned up several names, and we were each assigned one. Mine, Mercedes, didn't seem like much of a lesbian at all. She reminded me of the Zetas, really. Then again, it was just a stereotype and I'm sure not everyone necessarily fit the bill.

I chatted with Mercedes a bit in her class, before class, and she seemed normal enough. I left and headed over to her room while she headed on to her next class. I was greeted by her chain-smoking roommate, and bullshitted her a bit to get her to let me in for a few minutes. While I was there, I searched for hedge doorways and didn't find any.

I was pretty sure Mercedes was not being targeted, so I mentioned I needed to head to the bathroom and her roommate said she'd leave the door open for me. Instead, I headed out to meet up with the guys.

Apparently Jake had some luck with his target; I went into his target's dorm with him to search for a hedge gate and we found one. While the girls were still out, managed to get everyone “snuck” into the dorm and through the gate.

The hedge was basically the same as it had been last time. We came to the clearing, found the trail to Faerie, and noted that the paths into/outof the clearing had changed, but some were still somewhat familiar.

This time we decided to explore them from the inside. Went up and down a couple to see where they lead, making a note of the exit locations (Jake nearly getting his butt kicked at one of them), and then headed back to try and decide where to proceed from here.

jaeger/svetlana/svetlana_06.txt · Last modified: 2008/05/13 13:29 by tara