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So now… what to do?

We decided to confer with all controlling parties of this little adventure, and while Nehemiah didn't seem to care too much (odd, it was his grandson that was first attacked), Violet suggested we speak to a couple of people she knew who might have some info on this Gothic Rose chick, in order to help us figure out what to DO exactly about the Fae's parties.

Well, Jake was in fine form this night. We got in a fight and then he started being underhanded. Tim told us to “get a room”. Arrrrgh.

Anyway, we met with this Azukari Hina chick to see what she knew about Gothic Rose. Well, I guess she's Japanese. And blind. And some kind of seer? We met her and her husband William at the Melting Pot, an really expensive (gah!) restaurant on the north side of town.

Miss Hina told us she'd get back to us after pondering our questions, and I guess she called Jake the next day with some info. She told us to talk to Jae Kwon as well, although not in particularly straightforward terms. Jake called him and set up a meeting time; we joined him there, and he and Tim had some irritating witty banter at my expense. Why does it always have to be about sex? Pervs.

Jae was a little easier to talk to. Apparently he has an extensive library on the Fae and their odd behaviors. It turns out each has some kind of weakness that we can exploit, all we have to do is just figure out what it is. And so, between Jae's information and Miss Hina's, we had at least some general idea to go on.

So… we needed to not enjoy ourselves at Gothic Rose's party, and let her know that in very direct terms.

Seemed kinda risky to me, but if that was all that needed to be done, then I think we could manage considering we all 4 were pretty much total social basket cases (Holden for a different reason than he would think, heh).

Before leaving Jae's office, I asked him a bit about the Snow Fairy and the Huntsman, the two Fae, or perhaps the Fae and her lackey, to see what he knew about them and if we (or I) could give him any additional information about them. The guys teased me again as I did this, insinuating things about why I wanted to make an appointment with Jae, and of course being loud enough so that he would hear. Sigh. Jae was kind enough to ignore their childishness, thank goodness.

Well anyway, we ended up leaving Ugly Archie behind as he'd be a bit of a liability, given his tendencies toward goofing off and fornicating with the ladies at every spare chance (and even then some) normally. Not sure why we didn't call Nefertiti; despite her gigantic size and the ax she carries around, she seems to have much more in the way of manners than the rest of us. Ah well.

We headed back to Agnes Scott and Denise's room. Holden did something strange that ended up with both he and Denise disappearing from the room. The RA came by and nagged us while Jake was trying to pick the locks, so waited for Holden to come back. He did, eventually, and so we snuck into the room and hid. Holden pretended to be Denise and we waited for whatever signaled the party's start.

Unfortunately, before that could happen, Denise's friggin' roommate came back, so Holden had to fake her out into leaving for another couple of hours. Then, arrrrgh, Denise came back and Jake just finally cut the power in the building so that everyone would go the hell away.

Eventually, blessedly, the hedge door opened and hypnotic music started pouring out. We resisted the effects but headed into the hedge. We came upon the clearing transformed a bit. The guys started being sneaky and fanning out around the edges but I just forced my form to appear human and walked into the clearing. I think Holden did the same, I'm not too sure. And then the fun started.

When I walked in I suddenly became rather um, er, yeah. Aroused. Damnit, resist the effects, resist the effects. I noticed everyone in the clearing was completely naked, and mostly just having sex with each other, while Gothic Rose absorbed the emotional energy. This looked like something I imagine my brother would heartily enjoy.

So… yeah, Holden and I stood out quite a bit since we were still fully clothed and weren't “partaking” in the festivities. Looking around, I quickly shed my clothing so that Gothic Rose would quit staring in my direction and I could get down to business.

I headed over and dumped half of my bag full of roaches into the middle of the biggest group of people uhhhh… fornicating. After that was done, while Holden was causing problems over at the food tables… something about strychnine I believe it was (gah?!)…. and having some kind of witty banter with Gothic Rose, some guy came up to me and started groping me. Well, this could be a nice cover I guess… arrrgh, resist the effects, resist the effects!

I steeled my will some and pulled the guy who had a trail of folks follow him back away from the main group a little bit, but not toward Holden. Jake and Tim started going to town about now, with the super-soakers full of itching powder and the diarrhea/vomit balloons. I made sure to avoid such craziness because I sure didn't want to get covered in… yeah.

I had been about to dump the rest of the roaches in the food, but no one seemed too interested in eating so I decided I would send the rest of them flying into the main group of people, and on Gothic Rose if I could manage it. With a heave and a ho, I sent the roach bomb soaring over the area, raining disgusting, skittering bugs down on people.

Meanwhile, it seemed as if Gothic Rose had tamed Holden; instead of harrassing her, he was off doing uhhh whatever. Her attention had turned to Jake, now. He seemed dazed a bit, and then she approached him, touched him, and he just kind of turned and headed into the mass of naked people to I guess uhhhh… enjoy himself? Speaking of enjoyment, that guy on me was getting to be kind of a distracting pain, but not a particularly unpleasant one… arrrgh, focus, MUST FOCUS.

Tim on the other hand waded into the crowd of people and started yelling at Gothic Rose. This snapped my attention back to task at hand, thankfully. I noticed, as I watched, that his yelling seemed to have an effect on her… a negative effect, as if it were hurting her. So I joined in the yelling too, and we both tried to rile the people nearby up into insulting her abilities to throw a good party, and continued issuing direct verbal assaults of our own.

After going back and forth, I finally randomly yelled at her, “I'm leaving!!” All I could do was stare as she just kind of, fwwwwwooup!, instantly sucked away into the distance, her scream left hanging in the air around us. I was kind of stunned, I'd never seen such a thing especially against a True Fae. But anyway, te spell seemed to be broken, and the random people attending the party were left frantically wondering why they were naked and screwing, and where the hell they were.

Chaos erupted. Amazingly, the four of us almost magically sort of ended up working together to round everyone up and get them off down the correct path, back to Denise's dorm room at Agnes Scott. Man oh man, now that the scary part was over with, the cleanup for this would be… a giant headache to say the least.


I needed to set up a way to get to UGA and alter my school records so that I could be able to transfer to Georgia Tech to finish my Bio undergrad degree. Unfortunately I'd need Jake's help, since he's the computer whiz and I'm pretty damn sure that they keep track of their student records on computers somewhere. I really don't like needing Jake's help because he makes it such an aggravating and humiliating experience to have to deal with him at all.

Anyway, I've finished the necessary research to determine what credits would transfer, and what wouldn't, what classes I'd need to take at GT in order to graduate, and what nonsense I'd need to go through in order to transfer. This was going to be a bit of a pain, but I had it all set up and ready to go, just as soon as I get those records altered….

jaeger/svetlana/svetlana_07.txt · Last modified: 2008/05/18 16:41 by tara