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Since the Gothic Rose “incident”, I had been having some… problems. I've been incredibly distracted, or something like that. So I decided to go see Jae, since he was a psychologist in addition to the freehold librarian.

After several sessions I was feeling better, but the distraction still lingered. Additionally, things had been heating up at work, and I found myself drawn into a cat-and-mouse game with my boss. Meanwhile I was trying to get things together for my transfer to Georgia Tech, and I was all-in-all feeling incredibly overwhelmed.

Finally I managed to get all of my stuff together for school, and all that was left was to … contact Jake in order to get my records changed. This was really the part I was dreading the most, since Jake had been fairly insufferable lately. But it was something I couldn't really do on my own, so it was unfortunately necessary.

After a quick and surprisingly easy series of emails was exchanged… it was done. Well mostly. I had to meet Jake at glamour shots. So I did. He wanted to know exactly what I wanted done, then told me to say “please”. So I did, both. And that was… it? I am somewhat underwhelmed. I was sort of disappointed, really.

Anyway, so I called up the rest of the scooby gang and we all made plans to execute this grand scheme.

We drove to Athens. I dressed scandalously in order to distract the guy carding people to get into the computer lab so that Jake could sneak in. Strangely, everything came together to make this ridiculous plan of mine work out. Did I just hear a camera snap sound? Hrm. Must've been hearing things.

Anyway, after we got Jake in, the rest of us headed to the Registrar's office to find the physical files. Well… except they weren't there. They'd been moved to long-term storage. And dangit, we are NOT taking the cake! No cake for you guys!

We notified Jake, and met him at the long term storage warehouse. There were some ne'er-do-wells hangin' out nearby with a barrel-fire as we walked up to it. Well, I stayed by the car and let Tim and Holden head up to the warehouse to retrieve the file. I watched the guys at the fire-can.

They started yelling and heading over toward Holden and Tim, so I headed over to their fire-barrel and kicked it over, and then taunted them from across the parking lot. Fortunately that was enough of a distraction to keep them off of Holden. Tim however decided to come help me out instead of helping Holden find my files. Muwahahahaha, cough.

We had a bit of a pull-and-tug game going with them. Tim tried to defuse the hobos. I taunted them some more, riling them up again. I mean, it was too easy, especially being convinced by such ridiculous cock-wagging gloating by Tim. So Tim spent another block of time trying to convince the hobos to get their asses out of here, to the Varsity, and eat with THIS goddamn $20 bill! And that they would LIKE it, too!

Fine, fine, after that convinced them, I decided to drop the heckling and let them go, so Holden could do his work. I mean after all, this was for me. Needed to keep this in mind. Did not need to take my frustrations out on poor Tim (and by proxy, the hobos. even though they should go get a real goddamn job. freeloading assholes! *cough*).

Anyway, so Holden found the file, and passed it off to Jake. Jake headed off to Kinkos for a bit, and then came back with two files. He handed them over to Holden, who replaced them both in their spots, and then we all headed back to Atlanta.

Woo-hoo, now it was time to submit my application to Georgia Tech!

A week later, we all independently got a call from that Massimo guy, the really hot guy who was the emissary from the Autumn Court, under Nehemiah. He wanted to meet us at glamour shots. So… we all met him there.

He showed us this video from a security camera at a Bank of America ATM where some chick is assaulted by a tentacle-hedge, her head is chopped off and rolls across the parking lot, and tentacle hedges come out of her severed head and basically eat her face. Not really my type of movie, certainly nothing to watch right before you eat dinner. Gah.

Anyway, given our success with Gothic Rose, Massimo wanted us to look into this incident because he believed the Fey were involved, although apparently Queen Violet wasn't so convinced. The video itself was disturbing enough that I would want to do something about it whether or not it was caused by the Fey, but apparently Jake was not so convinced to do something.

I guess he wanted to talk to Violet, to see why she rejected Massimo's idea. Anyway, he left to do that while the rest of us continued to talk to Massimo about the video. In the end, Violet gave Jake some business card and told us we should go talk to Jae. So we did.

I guess Jae asked to talk to me while Jake was on the phone with him, so Jake handed me the phone. I tried to play it off and ignored what he said, just telling him we'd be right over, and that here was Jake back… I handed the phone back and looked away from everyone at the wall.

Anyway, we went to talk to Jae. He explained there's other things out there that are freaky and non-human besides us. Wizards and werewolves and vampires. Freaky. Yeah. He gave us what info he could, which wasn't much. We can't identify them, he's not sure if they can identify us. We are not necessarily on bad terms but we really don't want to interfere in their shit.

Queen Violet apparently thinks that it's very likely that whatever happened in that video that Massimo showed us was caused by one of these other weirdos, not any of the Fey. Given the evidence, I would tend to agree with Queen Violet's assessment. I am not convinced this was done by the Fey, too many of things fail what I believe to be the basic Fey MO, such that there is.

Like us, Fey feed on emotion. This death was exacted too fast to absorb the emotion of fear from the victim. Fey can be random about dismissively killing humans, but this is apparently not the first time it's happened. And from what I've seen so far, there doesn't seem to be a doorway nearby, and we're pretty sure that Fey don't ever stay very long in our world.

But anyway, I am still intrigued enough by this ridiculously gruesome death to check it out. I will help out Massimo just to try and see what craziness could've caused this aside from the Fey. Jake began the investigation by hunting through the police database for some similar cases. Seems he found a few…

Anyway, after our meeting, I stayed to talk to Jae for a while after the guys left. I mean, I hadn't seen him in a while and I wasn't feeling completely right yet…

Oh yeah, and hopefully I will know within a couple of weeks whether or not my transfer application was accepted to GA Tech for the fall semester. I can't wait to get back to school! (ooh, and upon successful acceptance into school, I should be able to be inducted into the Winter Court finally, whee!)

jaeger/svetlana/svetlana_08.txt · Last modified: 2008/06/10 15:58 by tara