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Holden called up with some completely ridiculous scheme to get his fetch's rival in trouble. Since both his fetch and his fetch's rival were running for the same political office, the plan was to have the rival get caught in the middle of some kind of illegal teenage debauchery in order to cause a scandal.

Jake bowed out of these shenanigans, as he had been quite often lately, and so Tim, Holden and I headed over to the Jocks and Jills near GT in order to set up for the little shindig that Holden and Tim had drummed up over the past few days.

It was the rival's theoretical daughter's 18th birthday, Holden was masquerading as the rival (with this appearance-change contract) and a bunch of teens from a local school were invited to partake in the drunken debauchery. Tim and I were there to kinda help push things in the right direction. Holden had brought a video camera that he was using to record the scandalous “evidence”.

In the middle of the evening, a random changeling I'd never seen before walked in in a rather dramatic fashion. Not wanting the conspicuous guy to create a scene, I quickly pulled him aside and smoothed the sitch over. Apparently Jake had sent him to us for some reason that we would discuss at a later date. I got his info and went back to join all the craziness.

Finally, we'd gotten enough naughty things recorded on the video camera, we decided to make our break for it. We each left, and Holden called the police. I went to the Waffle House across the street to watch the antics.

Later, it turns out the Jocks and Jills was shut down thanks to the scandal and a changeling took over and opened a new bar called “Hedgehogs” as sort of a first attempt at creating a new hangout since the big incident.

Anyways, sometime later I got in touch with the new changeling guy, called Knox, who'd walked in on our party, and the rest of us all met up with him to find out what his deal was. He wanted to know about the incident, so we explained, and then he prodded more about the Snow Fairy. We explained as much about her as we could. He asked why nothing was being done, but we didn't really know the answer to that. And so we pinged Nehemiah about that, and he for some reason gave us a bunch of excuses about a couple things being done that didn't really constitute much of an effort.

Inexplicably, Knox wanted to try and contact the Snow Fairy. We drove down to the ghetto to use a pay phone, but the best we could do was schedule a phone meeting with her at a later date. We also managed to get harassed by some thugs while we were on the phone, but Knox managed to confusingly defuse the situation before it really got anywhere.

The next time we decided to call from a pay phone up in Sandy Springs. Knox spoke to her and asked her why she was doing all this and she told him that she “wanted all of her children to be with her”. The conversation didn't seem to be going anywhere, and she ended up sending a cop car with two ensorcelled cops (e.g., who could see our changeling natures) to try and capture us under the guise of investigating a bomb threat.

Holden, ever the silly one, disguised himself as an oldish black lady who had been riding the bus and told the cops she almost got trampled by two black guys running back the other way from the direction of the gas station. “She” managed to send the two cops well off track of us, but we later had to come back and retrieve the video surveillance footage from the gas station to be sure we hadn't been seen.

Contacting the Snow Fairy sent chills down my spine, but then again, so did the idea of her capturing others within the freehold. And since the Snow Fairy was originally our owner, it made me even angrier that she was getting away with this. Really, we did need to step up and put a stop to it. But how?

jaeger/svetlana/svetlana_13.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/16 23:15 by tara