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We had three goals that we needed to accomplish over the next couple of days, with the deadline being very firm:

  1. A Dying Man's Regrets
  2. A Tear from a Maiden's First Broken Heart
  3. A Baby's First Breath

A Baby's First Breath
We staked out Northside Hospital (Glenridge) and eventually decided to have sneaky Holden hide in a birthing room and snag the breath the second the babe popped out. We were in luck that the Goblin Market had occurred on a full moon, considering the hospital was loaded with women ready to pop. Holden managed to do quite a good job, capturing the breath with great timing and all. Although he was seen and chased out of the room. The rest of us succeeded in misdirecting the authorities.

A Dying Man's Regrets
Following the baby's breath incident, Knox declared that he “had this one”, referring to the dying man's regrets. And he proceeded to head up to the long-term ICU. We were all vaguely disturbed that Knox was going to kill someone, but, really none of us had asked him what his plans were so we couldn't be completely sure of what he was going to do. In the end, he stayed there the rest of the afternoon and over night. In a way, he may've contributed to the man's demise by making him stop fighting to live since the guy apparently thought Knox was the Grim Reaper. But, he ended up getting the regrets from the guy in plenty of time for the last day of the market.

A Tear from a Maiden's First Broken Heart
While Knox was doing his thing above, the rest of us each went to attempt to come up with a maiden's first broken heart. Our assumptions here were: 1) maiden == virgin, 2) 'broken heart' does not necessarily imply romantic, and 3) a tissue with the tears on it would be sufficient. Working with this knowledge, Tim and Holden decided to be mean to a lonely nerdgirl and break her heart, while I headed down to Grady Hospital and hung out in the ER waiting room looking for youngish girls (~6 or so) who had a family member come in dying. I managed to talk to and get tears from 3. I marked each one as how likely it was to satisfy the requirements for this item. Later I met up with Tim and Holden, and they'd apparently tortured some poor lonely girl who believed in (goodish) fairy tales, and gotten her tears. Between the four, we were pretty sure we had this one covered.

Book of the Snow Fairy's Weakness
“Under the willow trees,
A silver harp expertly played
Will render the her charms unmade.”

The Bobbin who had the book didn't give us a hassle about what we'd collected from him in exchange for the book, so I can only assume everything was sufficiently covered. We decided to pick up a silver harp from the fair since we were there anyway and they had all sorts of weird odds and ends. Knox took care of this one, so I'm not sure what was traded for it.

Goblin Market: Final Day
Both Tim and I picked up a Token (<html>**</html>) hedgespun garment for +1B/+2L armor and cool appearance. Mine was kind of a black, skin-tight cat-burglar suit. I think Tim's was something like a jacket.

I also picked up the korean-chopping sword (Lethal +3) with the ice opal handle and scabbard that I had negotiated for on the first day. I handed over the red swingline stapler for the scabbard and checked the edge on the sword to make sure it was sharp to my satisfaction.

I guess Knox must've picked up his new corvette thing. Some days I'm glad that I have a small vehicle ill suited to hauling a lot of people around, but on other days it's very inconvenient.

Holden had said something about a storm globe thing, he may've gone to pick it up today as well.

As we all puttered around the market and checked out the weird and interesting things for trade, we pondered how to organize the circumstances required to unmake the snow fairy.

jaeger/svetlana/svetlana_16.txt · Last modified: 2009/02/24 18:03 by tara