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Светлана Евгеньевна Новоси

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Светлана Новоси Светлана Новоси Name: Svetlana Yevgenyevna Novosi
Gender: female
Age: 21
Nationality: Russian
Languages: Russian, English

–Height: 5'7“
–Weight: 140lbs
–Hair: blond
–Eyes: brown

Occupation: UGA undergrad 4th year senior in Biology. Wants to continue on after graduation to get her MS or PhD in Marine Biology.

Job: UGA library (during school), Hartwell Marina (during summer)

Светлана Новоси Specializations: Drive (boat)

Location: lives in the dorms during school; stays up with the marina owners during the summer. Does not have a car or any other type of transportation. Walks or rides the bus, mostly.

Spare Time: likes sports, mostly for recreation though. Skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, ice hockey/field hockey (winter sports not so big in GA, though). Additionally swimming, water skiing, and does non-competitive gymnastics at UGA (is either a bench warmer or just uses the equipment for non-intensive training during off-hours). Also likes reading (both fiction and non-fiction).

Clubs: The outdoorsy club mentioned in the original email. Is also a member of any club to do with hockey, water skiing, skiing (basically anything that she likes to do that's somewhat difficult to organize or do immediately on campus) so that she can have access to doing these kind of things despite her lack of personal transportation and/or bad location and/or lack of knowing people (no skiing in GA, that's for sure).

Family: Parents (Eugene and Nelli) and twin brother, Ilya, in Moscow. Family is on the higher end of middle class, but still struggles a good amount financially to allow Svetlana to attend college in a foreign country. Her parents get along with each other pretty well. Her twin brother, Ilya, is taller, looks similar, and is a few minutes younger than Svetlana. Ilya (extrovert) is a lot more sociable than Svetlana (introvert), but Svetlana is a lot more driven and intellectual (higher degree for a white-collar career) than her lazy, purpose-less brother (blue collar jobs, whatever is convenient at the time). They are very close, despite their vast differences in personality.

In general: Svetlana is pretty straight-laced, kind of cold, focused, and doesn't goof around much (outside of sports). She's not in a sorority and doesn't screw around/drink every weekend as seems to be fairly common at UGA. She doesn't have too many friends outside of her major school and profs. Is somewhat jealous of Ilya's ability to have lots of friends and get along with pretty much anyone. Not so jealous of his lack of vision. ;) She gets along with her parents just fine, they [usually] fly her up once a year during xmas each year to visit home. Her parents wish she would loosen up a bit but also wish Ilya would get his life together some day.

jaeger/svetlana/svetlana_novosi.txt · Last modified: 2008/03/11 12:29 by tara