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The Invictus

Current Leader: Viktor Angelov

The most powerful of the Kindred organizations and one of the most powerful organizations (supernatural or otherwise) in Atlanta, the Invictus are the guardians of the Masquerade and the leaders of vampiric society. Their current leader, Viktor, is also Prince of the city. As such, he not only governs those in the Invictus, but all kindred residing in the greater Atlanta area. The First Estate's influence goes beyond the world of the unliving, having strong ties to Atlanta's high society and the highest levels of the city and state government. It also has its hands in numerous other organizations, both criminal and legitimate.

The Invictus of Atlanta is actually less stodgy than its counterparts in other cities, with the Prince leaving the masses to their own devices so long as they respect the Kindred hierarchy, not come into conflict with other supernatural beings, and most of all, uphold the Masquerade. With the greater freedom allowed, there is much less rocking of the boat, so for the most part Atlanta's kindred society has remained stable even in the aftermath of the Brotherhood of Scion's attempt to overthrow the Invictus. This is not to say Viktor is a pushover or a straw boss. On the contrary, any threat to his or the Invictus' rule is dealt with swiftly by the Archon Tyrell Nichols and his minions.

The Invictus also has a strong presence amongst the Primogen, with the Daeva Persephone Halifax having the most influence and the Prince's ear.

Relations with other supernatural beings

Mages: The Mage Guild is the Invictus' main rival outside the Kindred arena. While the guild is more a loose collection of individuals compared to the various vampire covenants, more than a few of those members hold significant power and influence in the city. Additionally, of the other supernatural beings, the mages seem to be the ones the vampires interact with the most.

Werewolves: For the most part, the Kindred and the Lupines stay out of each others' affairs. The vampires claim dominion over the city and suburbs, while the lupines stick to the rural areas.

Changelings: ????

nwod/organizations/invictus.txt · Last modified: 2008/02/09 23:27 by admin