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Hayley Scott Name: Hayley Scott
Gender: Female
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5'8“
Weight: 130lbs
Clan: Daeva
Covenant: Invictus
Sire: Henri Michaux
Apparent Age: 21
Favored weapons:
Vehicle: Porsche 911 Turbo


Member of Summer's little gang and lover of Cassie. An ethereal beauty with deep blue eyes, silky blond hair, and smooth creamy skin, Hayley always looks amazing. She dresses casually, but still stylishly, going for the comfy-cute look and never looking overly primped. She's a bit of a flirt, but not overly so. Mostly her attitude is friendly, polite, and fun, seemingly nice to everyone, never brushing people away, even if they are annoying. All in all, her physical beauty is complemented with a down to earth personality and an aura of self confidence that's somehow contagious. It is this combination of looks, personality, and approachability that make her the kind of girl guys dream about and other girls envy.

And that's how she gets you. Hayley has always been an it girl, the proverbial “life of the party”, never having any trouble making friends (or lovers!). And the blond Daeva has only gotten better at this in her unlife due to her vampiric powers and agelessness. Hayley has the benefits of age and experience, while still getting to keep her looks, frozen in their prime.

Hayley is absolutely captivating on the dance floors of the clubs she frequents. People find themselves drawn to the stunning blond like sailors to a siren's song. And once she has them entranced with her beauty, she reels them in with her seductive charm. While she mainly uses these skills to ensnare “toys” for her and Cassie to play with or snack on, she has also parlayed them into collecting a veritable wealth of useful contacts for her coterie.

Hayley Scott Curious Hayley

nwod/vampires/hayley_scott.txt · Last modified: 2008/02/14 10:24 by geebs