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Vladimir, Vampire, Lover Name: Vladimir Rustakovich
Gender: Male
Nationality: Bulgarian
Apparent Age: 35
Height: 6'0“
Weight: 165lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Vladimir hails from the old country. Until recently (relatively speaking), he was the Prince of Atlanta. He adhered to the ancient ways to the dismay of the younger kindred. Staunchly Invictus, his rule was strict, and allowed little dissent.

Vladimir abdicated suddenly under mysterious conditions. Younger kindred have reported seeing him in recent nights, though no substantiated sightings have occurred within the past fifteen years. Neophytes have reported being approached by an immensely powerful man with an thick foreign accent and simple questions.

nwod/vampires/vladimir_rustakovitch.txt · Last modified: 2008/02/09 23:15 by admin