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Junia is from a rich family Junia Caspar Hoffman was born and raised in the CS. Her family is of distant Chinese and American mixed blood, and the Chinese influences can still be vaguely discerned among certain family members, Junia being one of these. She is the eldest child of the Hoffman family, and her father is the Director of the Biomedical and Genetics research arm of the CS government. This being the case, her family was wealthy, and she was raised under strict tutelage aimed at her following in the footsteps to join the lab's R&D wing, and eventually take over her father's position (science, politics).

Junia was not opposed to learning these things, although they were not her passion. She performed her obligations to her family dutifully and thoroughly. But in her spare time, she spent her time learning Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu along with Chinese weapons training, specializing in dao (single-edge curved sword) and jian (double-edge straight sword).

Upon reaching the age of 22, she finally joined the labs as a junior researcher. In the following years, after a few suspiciously quick promotions to senior researcher, she made an amazing discovery. She presented her findings to the upper echelon of the government and the B&E department. Behind those closed doors something happened. The next day the data was wiped from the computer banks, and Junia was missing.

This was 3 years ago. The company has been searching for Junia since, publicly blaming the True Federation of Magic, holding up her “kidnapping” as a rallying point to fan the flames of animosity, and further their propaganda pillars against magic. “Cute, young, 'white' (enough), rich girl is kidnapped at the hands of the Federation! Oh the humanity of it all!”

Junia worked for the Biomedical & Genetic research branch of the CS But Junia wasn't kidnapped. She took her research and left, and the CS wants it back. The truth of the matter, but only a select few know, is that they will stop at nothing to retrieve this data.

She has been missing for the past 3 years.

rifts/jc/reports/00_background.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/22 23:22 by tara