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Character Sheet: Rose

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I think I'm going to make another spreadsheet just to store stats. Otherwise, this is all in R20 atm.


1. Concept: Monster Hunter

2. Race: Altara [Tomorrow Legion p56]

	> Edge: Attractive
		* REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Vigor d6+
		It’s no secret people are more willing to help those they find physically attractive. Your character adds +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls if the target is attracted to his general type (gender, sex, species, etc.).

	> Genetic Engineering: starting Traits altered
		* Agility d6 (Trait maximum d12+1)
		* Strength d6 (Trait maximum d12+1)
		* Vigor d6 (Trait maximum d12+1)
	> Edge: Minor Psionic
		* Arcane Background (Psionics) [Tomorrow Legion p120]
			+ 10 ISP
			+ Powers {See Core p152 for global power modifiers. -MP}
				- Arcane Protection*
					Rank: Novice
					Power Points: 1 (-1, self only)
					Range: Smarts
					Duration: 5
					Trappings: Concentration, a dull glow around the protected character, a fetish. Success with arcane protection means hostile powers suffer a −2 penalty (−4 with a raise) to affect this character. If the power causes harm, damage is also reduced a like amount.
					Arcane protection stacks with Arcane Resistance should the recipient have both!
						_ [Global] GLOW/SHROUD (+1): Glow gives off soft light of an appropriate color for its Trapping (or caster’s choice). This creates soft light in a Small Blast Template centered on the target, and lasts until the power expires. It subtracts 2 from her Stealth totals and negates 1 point of Illumination penalties for those attacking the glowing character.
						Shroud dims and slightly obscures the target so that attacks against her suffer a −1 penalty and she adds +1 to her Stealth rolls.
						_ [Global] HINDER/HURRY (+1): The target is slowed in some way, perhaps due to intense cold, a slippery surface, or even binding matter or energy. His base Pace is reduced by 2 until the power expires.
						A caster can Hurry the recipient instead. He might get increased energy, sure footing, or more powerful muscles. His Pace is increased by 2.
						Effects of either modifier aren’t cumulative.
				- Detect/Conceal Arcana*
					Rank: Novice
					Power Points: 2 (-1, self only)
					Range: Smarts
					Duration: 5 (detect); one hour (conceal)
					Trappings: Waving hands, whispered words.
					Detect arcana allows the recipient of the power to see and detect all supernatural persons, objects, or effects in sight for five rounds. This includes invisible foes, enchantments on people or items, weird science devices, and so on. With a raise, the caster knows the general type of enchantment as well—harmful, obscurement, magic, miracles, etc.
					Detect arcana also allows a character to ignore up to 4 points of penalties when attacking foes hidden by magical darkness, invisibility, or similar abilities (or all penalties with a raise).
					Conceal arcana prevents detection of arcane energies on one being or item of Normal Scale for one hour (see the Size Table page 179).
					Detect vs. Conceal: Detecting arcana against someone or something that’s been concealed is an opposed roll of arcane skills (roll each time it’s attempted, but no more than once per turn). If the concealment wins, the character cannot see through the ruse with this casting, but may terminate this instance and try again.
						_ STRONG (+1): Conceal only. Detection rolls to see through the concealment are made at −2.
						_ [Global] GLOW/SHROUD (+1): Glow gives off soft light of an appropriate color for its Trapping (or caster’s choice). This creates soft light in a Small Blast Template centered on the target, and lasts until the power expires. It subtracts 2 from her Stealth totals and negates 1 point of Illumination penalties for those attacking the glowing character.
						Shroud dims and slightly obscures the target so that attacks against her suffer a −1 penalty and she adds +1 to her Stealth rolls.
						_ [Global] HINDER/HURRY (+1): The target is slowed in some way, perhaps due to intense cold, a slippery surface, or even binding matter or energy. His base Pace is reduced by 2 until the power expires.
						A caster can Hurry the recipient instead. He might get increased energy, sure footing, or more powerful muscles. His Pace is increased by 2.
						Effects of either modifier aren’t cumulative.
				- Empathy
					Rank: Novice
					Power Points: 1
					Range: Smarts
					Duration: 5
					Trappings: Concentration, a warm or sympathetic smile, exchanging a pleasantry.
					The caster forms an emotional bond between himself and the target with a successful arcane skill vs Spirit roll. He knows the target’s emotional state and most basic surface thoughts, and gains +1 (+2 with a raise) to Intimidation, Persuasion, Performance, or Taunt rolls against him.
					Empathy also works on animals, adding +2 to Riding or other rolls used to interact with the creature.
						_ [Global] GLOW/SHROUD (+1): Glow gives off soft light of an appropriate color for its Trapping (or caster’s choice). This creates soft light in a Small Blast Template centered on the target, and lasts until the power expires. It subtracts 2 from her Stealth totals and negates 1 point of Illumination penalties for those attacking the glowing character.
						Shroud dims and slightly obscures the target so that attacks against her suffer a −1 penalty and she adds +1 to her Stealth rolls.
						_ [Global] HINDER/HURRY (+1): The target is slowed in some way, perhaps due to intense cold, a slippery surface, or even binding matter or energy. His base Pace is reduced by 2 until the power expires.
						A caster can Hurry the recipient instead. He might get increased energy, sure footing, or more powerful muscles. His Pace is increased by 2.
						Effects of either modifier aren’t cumulative.
 			If an Altara chooses a framework providing Arcane Background (Psionics), three of her starting powers are the ones listed above (even if not normally allowed to that Framework) and she adds two powers to her starting total.

	> Superior Senses (Edge: Alertness)
		Not much gets by this hero. He’s very observant and perceptive, and adds +2 to his Notice rolls to hear, see, or otherwise sense the world around him.
	> Hindrances
		* Bad Reputation (Minor): Initial Reactions start as Uncooperative
		* Blind (Minor): Cannot read, see color, etc. but have radar view w/in 1200 ft {NOTE! You get cybereyes from your Framework so we'll buy off the downside of this Hindrance with Advances. -MP}
		* Instilled Ignorance (Major): −2 to all Common Knowledge rolls (a total untrained penalty of d4−4) and do not start with the standard d4 in this core skill
        * Near-Human Physiology (Minor): those unfamiliar with their biology a −1 penalty to Healing skill rolls and to any cybernetics checks involving installation, repair, and modification
		* Storm-fouled Senses (Minor): In inclement weather or conditions where the environment is greatly disturbed (sand storms, fires with lots of smoke), the Altara suffer a −2 penalty to Notice, Fighting, Shooting, and Athletics (throwing)
        * Wanted (Minor): Any Minion of Splugorth, including most other Altara Warrior Women, attack to capture or kill a rogue Altara in an instant

3. Framework: Momano Headhunter	[Empires of Humanity p19]	

	> Bionically Augmented (no Trait maximums for these Attributes)
		* Cyber-Wired Reflexes: Agility +1
		* Bionic Strength Augmentation: Strength +3
		* Synthetic Organ Replacement: Vigor +1

	> Cybernetic Techno-Warriors
		* Armor Plating 1: +2 natural Armor, stacks with worn armor [Strain 1]
		* Core Electronics Package: A computer with universal jack. Grants +2 to Common Knowledge, Electronics, Hacking, Research, and Repair rolls. Radio (20-mile range), gyro-compass, clock-calendar. [Strain 1]
		* Expanded Detection and Security Array: 360 degree radar, sonar, motion detectors; +2 Notice and Edge: Danger Sense [Strain 2]
			+ Edge: Danger Sense
			Your hero can sense when something bad is about to happen. When rolling for Surprise (page 108), he adds +2 to his Notice roll to act in the first round. With a raise, he starts the encounter on Hold.
			In other situations not covered by the Surprise rules (a sniper shot, pit trap, poisoned drink, etc.), Danger Sense gives him a Notice roll at −2 (or +2 if a Notice roll is usually allowed) to detect the hazard and take appropriate action. If this was an attack and the hero makes his Notice roll, the foe doesn’t get The Drop against him.
		* Nano-Repair System: Heal one Wound/day, +4 to resist Bleeding Out, 50% chance to reject poison/disease [Strain 2]
		* Optics Package: Ignore Illumination penalties, +2 to sight-based Notice, +2 vs blinding [Strain 1] {NOTE! This will give her cybereyes!! We'll buy off your Blind Hindrance penalties with Advances. -MP}
		* Targeting Eye: +2 to Shooting for calibrated weapons (takes 1 round), requires Optics Package [Strain 1]

	> Demon Slayer
		* Skill: Occult d8
		* Edge: Scholar (Occult)
			+ REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Research d8+
			Learned professors, devoted students, and amateur enthusiasts spend great amounts of time and energy studying particular subjects. They become experts in these fields, and rarely fail to answer questions in their particular area of expertise.
			Pick any one of the following skills: Academics, Battle, Occult, Science, or a Smarts-based “knowledge”-type skill allowed in your setting, and add +2 to the total whenever they’re used.
			This Edge may be taken more than once if applied to different skills.
		* Edge: Monster Slayer
			+ REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Smarts d6+, Occult d8+, Notice d6+
			The hero has expert knowledge of the supernatural forces common to Rifts Earth and is trained to exploit their weaknesses. When confronted with a supernatural opponent, Monster Slayers may take an action to roll Occult to identify a foe, its characteristics, and common tactics. The GM may impose penalties for uncommon or unique beings.
			If successful, the Monster Slayer has identified the foe, the GM reveals the being’s weaknesses (if any) and the Monster Slayer’s advice grants allies a +1 bonus to Trait rolls versus such creatures until the end of the encounter. On a raise, the target’s special abilities of note (if any) are revealed, and the bonus to Trait rolls is increased to +2.

	> Harmony of the Body
		* Skill: Athletics d6
		* Skill: Fighting d6
		* Edge: Chi
			+ REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Martial Warrior
			Your hero’s martial arts training goes beyond the norm and into the realm of the mystical. 
			At the start of each combat encounter, she gains a “Chi Point” that can be spent to:
			• Reroll one of her failed attacks (even a Critical Failure).
			• Make an enemy discard an attack against her, then reroll it from scratch.
			• Add +d6 damage to a successful Fighting attack made with her hands, feet, claws, or other Natural Weapons (this may Ace).
			Unspent Chi is lost at the end of the combat encounter.

	> Harmony of the Mind
		* Skill: Academics d6
		* Skill: Performance d6
		* Edge: Brave
			+ REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Spirit d6+
			Those with this Edge have learned to master their fear, or have dealt with so many horrors they’ve become jaded. These valiant explorers add +2 to Fear checks and subtract 2 from Fear Table results (Core p124).

	> Monster Hunters
		* Skill: Survival d6
		* Free reroll on all Notice and Survival (tracking) checks made for supernatural targets

	> Powerful Psionics
		* Skill: Psionics d6 {redundant with Species -MP}
		* Edge: Arcane Background (Psionics) {redundant with Species -MP}
		* 10 ISP {redundant with Species -MP} 
		* Powers: See the standard Psionic list for notes and further power choices. Momano may gain access to Mega Power Modifiers by taking the Major Psionic then Master Psionic Edges. Once the Master Psionic Edge is taken they may choose their powers from the Mind Melter's list (Rank permitting).
			+ Arcane Protection* {redundant with Species -MP}
			+ Detect/Conceal Arcana* {redundant with Species -MP}
			+ Protection*
				Rank: Novice
				Power Points: 1 (-1, self only)
				Range: Smarts
				Duration: 5
				Trappings: A mystical glow, hardened skin, ethereal armor, a mass of nanites.
				Protection creates a field of energy or armor around a character, giving him 2 points of Armor, or +4 with a raise.
				Whether the protection is visible or not depends on the Trapping—this is entirely up to the caster.
				Protection stacks with all other armor, natural or worn, and is negated by AP as usual.
					- MORE ARMOR (+1): Success grants 4 points of Armor (+6 with a raise).
					- TOUGHNESS (+1): Protection provides Toughness instead of Armor and is not affected by AP (magical or otherwise).
					- [Global] GLOW/SHROUD (+1): Glow gives off soft light of an appropriate color for its Trapping (or caster’s choice). This creates soft light in a Small Blast Template centered on the target, and lasts until the power expires. It subtracts 2 from her Stealth totals and negates 1 point of Illumination penalties for those attacking the glowing character.
					Shroud dims and slightly obscures the target so that attacks against her suffer a −1 penalty and she adds +1 to her Stealth rolls.
					- [Global] HINDER/HURRY (+1): The target is slowed in some way, perhaps due to intense cold, a slippery surface, or even binding matter or energy. His base Pace is reduced by 2 until the power expires.
					A caster can Hurry the recipient instead. He might get increased energy, sure footing, or more powerful muscles. His Pace is increased by 2.
					Effects of either modifier aren’t cumulative.
			+ Healing
				Rank: Novice
				Power Points: 3
				Range: Touch
				Duration: Instant
				Trappings: Laying on hands, touching the victim with a holy symbol, prayer. Healing removes Wounds less than an hour old. A success removes one Wound, and a raise removes two. The power may be cast additional times to remove additional Wounds within that hour and as long as the healer has enough Power Points. For Extras, the GM must first determine if the ally is still alive (see Aftermath, page 96). If so, a successful arcane skill roll returns the ally to action (Shaken if it matters.)
				     - GREATER HEALING (+10): Greater healing can restore any Wound, including those more than an hour old.
				     - CRIPPLING INJURIES (+20): The power can heal a permanent Crippling Injury (see Incapacitation, page 95). This requires an hour of preparation and only one casting is permitted per injury. If it fails, this caster cannot heal that particular injury (but someone else may try). If successful, the subject is Exhausted for 24 hours.
				- NEUTRALIZE POISON OR DISEASE (+1): A successful healing roll negates any poison or disease. If the poison or disease has a bonus or penalty associated with it, the modifier applies to the arcane skill roll as well.
			+ Light/Darkness
                                  Rank: Novice
                                  Power Points: 2
                                  Range: Smarts
                                  Duration: 10 minutes
                                  Trappings: Illusionary torch, sunlight, darkness, thick fogs.
                                  - Light creates bright illumination in a Large Blast Template. With a raise, the light can be focused into a 5″ (10 yard) beam as well. 
                                  - Darkness blocks illumination in an area the size of a Large Blast Template, making the area Dark, or Pitch Darkness with a raise (see Illumination on page 102). If light and darkness overlap, they create a patch of Dim light (−2).
                                     - MOBILE (+1): The caster can move the area of effect up to his arcane skill die type each round after casting, or attach it to an inanimate object when first cast.

	> Recognized Defenders: All Momano Headhunters enjoy +1 Persuasion and Connections (Momano Sect and
Allies) when dealing with those who value the faction's exploits.

	> Techno-Wizard Bionic Attunement: The peculiar cybernetics of the Momano are customized for each slayer and their psychic aura. When combined with the order's training and meditations for cyber-psychic attunement, the normal Strain penalty to Psionics rolls for their starting cybernetics is reduced to −1 total, but any further augmentation could throw off this energetic harmony, see below.

	> Complications:
		+ Cybernetic Oddball: Non-TW cybernetics cause catastrophic interference, rendering a Momano's Psionics skill unusable until removed by their sect's armorers—though lifesaving cybernetic systems are still a temporary stop-gap option.
		+ Enemies: Momano are despised by demons and monsters, who will target them first for destruction (often through ambush or guile). The CS and supremacists hate them, too.
		+ Limited Expansion: The Momano's base cybernetics use up all personal Strain, ever. Cybernetics may only be expanded by taking the Beyond the Limit Edge, followed by the Upgrade Edge (representing the sect's custom work). Resulting Strain penalties are halved (rounding up). The CyberPsychic Alignment Edges may offset Strain penalties (including both the base −1 from TW Bionic Attunement and further penalties).
		+ Outsider: −2 penalty to Persuasion rolls with those unfamiliar with Momano heroism.
		+ Restricted Path: Momano may take no further Arcane Backgrounds.
		+ Some Piece of Work: Momano's bodies can be Healed as normal when they are hurt, but damage to their TW bionics (usually from Called Shots, Critical Failures resulting in Technical Difficulties, or permanent Injuries to either Arm) must be repaired using the lower of Healing or Techno-Wizardry (magical healing, nano-repair systems, etc. have no effect)—only with no "Golden Hour".

4. Hindrances
   * Cautious (Minor)
		This planner personifies restraint and carefulness. He never makes rash decisions and likes to plot things out in detail long before any action is taken.
   * Suspicious (Major)
		Your character is suspicious of everyone. As a Minor Hindrance, his paranoia causes frequent trust issues. He might demand full payment before doing a task, want every agreement in writing, or believe even his friends are out to get him. As a Major Hindrance, Support rolls to aid the distrustful individual are made at −2.
   * Outsider (Minor)
		In a society made up of only a few types of people, your hero isn’t one of them. A Native American in a Western town, an alien in a scifi game of human marines, or a half-orc in a party of elves, dwarves, and humans are all examples. Locals are likely to raise prices on her, ignore pleas for help, and generally treat her as lower class.
		Outsiders subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence those who aren’t her own kind. The Major version also means the character has few or no legal rights in the main campaign area. She might be a different species among xenophobes, the civilization may be cruel and unenlightened toward strangers, or she might even be an artificial intelligence whose sapience isn’t acknowledged by the law.

5. Traits
	> Attributes (distribute 5 points) - this includes those 5 points + initial bumps from Framework / Species
		* Agility: d6 + 1 == d8 + 2 = d12 {no Trait maximum}
		* Smarts: d4 + 2 = d8
		* Spirit: d4 + 1 = d6 + 1 = d8
		* Strength: d6 + 3 == d12 {no Trait maximum}
		* Vigor: d6 + 1 == d8 + 1 = d10 + 1 = (d12 + 1) (initial advances) {no Trait maximum}

	> Skills (distribute 15 points)
		* Core:
			+ Athletics: d6
			+ Common Knowledge: 0 (-2)
			+ Notice (SMA): d4 + 2 = d8
			+ Persuasion: d4
			+ Stealth: d4
		* Learned / Framework:
			+ Occult (SMA): d8
			+ Psionics (SMA): d6 + 1 = d8
			+ Fighting (AGI): d6 + 3 = d12
			+ Academics: d6
			+ Performance: d6
			+ Survival: d6
			+ Repair (SMA): 0 + 2 = d6
			+ Weird Science (SMA): 0 + 2 = d6
			+ Intimidation (SPI): 0 + 1 = d4
			+ Shooting (AGI): 0
			+ Electronics (SMA): 0 + 2 = d6 
			+ Healing (SMA): 0 + 2 = d6 
       Extras from table rolls / advances:
       > Strong Willed (Social Edge): 
              REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Spirit d8+
              Self-confidence is powerful armor against those who attempt to attack this individual’s will. He adds +2 to his total when resisting Tests with Smarts or Spirit
       > Block (Fighting Edge)
              REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Fighting d8+
              Through hard-fought experience your hero has learned to defend himself in vicious hand-to-hand combat. His Parry increases by +1 and any Gang Up bonus against him is reduced by one.

6. Narrative Hook: [Tomorrow Legion p132]
	> Nearly Done For: You nearly died, or the jig was almost up when the tide turned and
          someone from the Tomorrow Legion rescued you, which leaves you in their debt.

7. Gear
	> Techno-Wizard Bionics
		* Magical Blades & Spikes
			+ Str+2d4 AP 8
			+ Considered Claws, see Natural Weapons in Savage Worlds
		* Hydraulic Stake Driver
			+ Str+d12 Mega Damage, AP 12, Shots 6
			+ May be used with either a Touch Attack or at no Called Shot penalty (only when used against Grappled opponents). Wooden stakes can be magically reloaded (costs 1 ISP), but metal stakes are commonly hand-loaded (often silvered or cold iron tipped).
		* Energy Projector
			+ A versatile weapon system with the embedded powers of Bolt, Burst, and Smite (applied to her Magical Blades & Spikes and emitted bolts and bursts only, deals Mega Damage for the Duration). As an action she may activate the base (no modifiers possible) version of one power using her Spirit—costs 1 ISP and choose one following Trapping each activation: Cold Iron, Electricity, Fire, Holy Sun Beam/Light, or Silver.
	> Purchased (Starting cash: $200,500)
		* Branaghan EBA Armor w/ Duster (40k) retrofitted with Naruni Medium Force Field (125k)
			+ Base armor: Armor +5, Toughness +1, StrMin d8
			+ Duster: Armor +2, Toughness +1
			+ When activated (takes eClip): Toughness +3
                * From body armor table: 18: Micro exoskeleton enhancements in the legs give your hero +2 to Pace and +1" Jumping distance; may be applied up to two times.
		* eClips, short, x2 (5k)
		* Field Repair Kit (4k)
		* NG-S2 Survival Pack (3k)
		* Globe of Daylight Flare, x2 (4k)
		* Flash-Bang Bombs, x10 (10k)
		* "Vampire Chaser" Steam Grenade, x5 (10k)
		* Walking-Around Money (9.5k)
8. Advances [Core p54]
	* #1 (Novice): saved to be used with Advance #2
	* #2 (Novice): Removed Major Hindrance "Blind"
	* #3 (Novice): Vigor to d12
	* #4 (Seasoned): Vigor to d12 +1
	* #5 (Seasoned): Added Fighting Edge: Block
rifts/rose/charsheet.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/30 05:03 by dee