Mechanics and Rules
The Dice Basics
All dice are d10s
All dice are rolled as a pool
Pools: add Attribute + Skill dots as number of dice to roll
Target Number: the number on the die you have to equal or exceed for it to be a success
Difficulty: the number of successes you need to overcome a challenge
Threshold Successes: extra successes above the Difficulty value
Enhancements add to successes if you at least equal the Difficulty
Spend Threshold Successes to overcome Complications
Spend Threshold Successes on Stunts
Failure: If your successes total less than or equal to the Difficulty of a roll
Botch: A special Failure. No successes, and at least one 1 on the die
10-Again: keep rerolling 10s for added successes until you stop getting 10s
All challenges require at least 1 success
Contested Rolls: Roll against opponent, ties go to defender
Complications: an unforeseen consequence to overcoming a challenge. buy them off with extra successes.
Enhancements: extra successes added to a rolled result from equipment or circumstances
If a player rolls at least one success, they receive bonus successes equal to any applicable Enhancement
Enhancements should not go above 3 total without good reason
Enhancements above 3 should absolutely come with Drawbacks
Drawbacks: using an Enhancement sometimes comes with a drawback.
Mixed Actions: calculate die pool for each action and roll smallest pool. Successes are applied to meet Difficulty and Complications of all involved challenges.
Teamwork: Assisting character rolls their die pool. Successes become Enhancement bonus to main roller.
Scale: situational and dramatic events that call for bonus successes. Size, Force, Speed, Leadership, etc can contribute to scale bonus successes.
Momentum: A resource players can spend (a single pool, shared by all players) to affect the game
Mundane Systems
Turn: A few seconds to a minute
Round: The length of time it takes for all participants to have a turn
Scene: As in a movie scene or a book scene; one single, coherent, related sequence of events
Act (Session): A game session
Episode: A small story that gives the characters a breather when it finishes
Arc: A full storyline from beginning to end
Season: A complete and conclusive story driven by some great threat or goal that is resolved with a climax
Series: A entire continuity of a game's story. A campaign.
Supernatural Systems
Complex Actions
Milestones | Investigation | Race |
2 | An awkward case | A short-distance course |
3 | A carefully hidden secret weakness | A three-lap chariot race |
4 | A treasure hunt with four keys | A rough and varied derby |
5+ | A multilayered conspiracy | An incredible marathon |
Difficulty Table | Example - Pursuit |
1 | Minor | You escape a pursuer |
2 | Notable | You evaded a coordinated pursuit from trained cops |
3 | Significant | You outran a police car on foot |
4 | Major | You got away from a charge of the Wyld Hunt |
5 | Extreme | You slipped from the clutches of a vengeful Fury |
Complication Table | Example - Negotiation |
1 | Minor | You upset him |
2 | Notable | He's worked out what you're really after |
3 | Significant | You owe him one |
4 | Major | An invisible spy overheard the discucssion |
5 | Extreme | His seriously pissed at you; watch out |
Enhancement Table | Example - Melee Attack |
1 | Minor | A finely balanced rapier |
2 | Notable | An enchanted macuahuitl |
3 | Significant | A genuine Masamune blade |
4 | Major | A dagger made from the head of a Gungir |
5 | Extreme | Excalibur |
Drawbacks Table |
Add a Complication |
Increase the Difficulty of another action |
Antagonists get a free Enhancement bonus against you |
Degree of Success
Degree of Success | Example - Generic |
0 | Normal | You succeeded; no more, no less |
1 | Competent | You showed particular expertise or luck |
2 | Excellence | You performed admirably; the Gods are smiling |
3 | Amazing | Your feats leave others in awe |
4+ | Divine | You'll be talked about for decades at least |
scion2/rules/general.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/19 02:18 by tara