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Handle: Bloodmoon
Birth Name: Connor Bloodmoon
Place of Birth: Winnipeg (southern forested outskirts), UCAS
Metatype: Elf Sex: Male Ethnicity: Irish-Sioux
Birthdate: 04/21/37 Age: 37 Apparent Age: 25
Height: 6'0“ Weight: 175 lbs. Build: Slim
Notes: Ears tilted back slightly, canines naturally prominent

Runner Profile

  • Why are you a runner? What got you started?

Previously he made a living as a paracritter hunter in the wilds of Georgia, but his trusted buyer (and the buyer's family) were murdered in cold blood by a corporate strike force. Seeking vengeance, he fell into the shadows of Atlanta and chose to make a living while testing himself against the most dangerous prey: “civilized” man.

  • What did you do before?

His parents were killed in the military backlash against the Native Americans (thanks, Daniel Howling Coyote!) and he was left alone in the Canadian wilderness as a baby. Found by a small pack of werewolves, he was raised as one of their own as best they could. When he came of age, he went to seek his Irish father's side of the family in Atlanta.

  • What would get you to stop (what are you looking for)?

The end of the reign of the megacorporations; the return of the world to simpler times when a person's worth was based upon their ability to survive and thrive alone or in small groups. He knows he might never live to see that future, but he will do what he can to bring the world closer to it.

  • Enemies?

If you work for a megacorporation, you are ultimately his enemy. He will exploit his enemies, and learn from them, until they show sufficient weakness. Then he will go for the neck.

  • Something unique about you that makes you a real person (do you love Opera? Have a BTL problem?)

Heart and soul, from his upbringing he craves the taste of real meat. His adopted werewolf family ate only that, and as a result his elven metabolism kept him as a sickly, malnourished child until he learned that his biology was incapable of digesting meat. He makes do with the soy equivalents but cannot deny his spirit's hunger for flesh, so occasionally binges and pays for it hours later.

srva/bloodmoon.txt · Last modified: 2014/07/08 23:26 by mark