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Chapter 02: Radioactive

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  • We received our bonus of 10k nY
  • The Johnson said he had possibly another job coming our way soon
  • A week later we met with the different Johnson, recommended by the first Johnson
  • We were to find a stolen tractor-trailer type truck full of nuclear materials that could cause a public health disaster if opened
  • We accepted a price of $37k total nY + $10k nY bonus for neutralizing the thieves
  • We departed and immediately headed to the hijack site
  • The truck had been nabbed by a gang of bored, rich teenager types
  • We searched the area, but found nothing helpful
  • We searched the next exit up, and questioned a person at a gas station, but still nothing turned up
  • I urged we return and research; I was not with scouring every exit from the ATL to Charlotte
  • Jack got online and began looking deeper into things; he also contacted a decker friend of his
  • Kat got in touch with a cop friend of hers
  • The next morning we had an address and two names: Elsbeth and Julian Schroeder
  • These two were apparently the matrix dropoffs (Gemini55) for the ransom
  • We invaded their home, interrogated, and left
    • They gave their leader's name Thog (Peter Meyer) who lived down the street
    • They gave a location for the storage facility that we could check out
    • We let them be, but not after one more tsk-tsk
  • We checked out Peter's house, but it was empty as if it hadn't been lived in for a while
  • Headed out to the warehouse same-day to inspect
  • Arrived, and immediately got a bad feeling about this
    • Military grade fully autonomous droids
    • Toxic spirits raising zombies
    • Dead teenage gangers being raised as zombies
    • Military paratroopers being raised as zombies
    • Not your standard ganger-warehouse load-out
  • I had my spirit of man go out and cast accident on the turret turning toward us to shred Jack's van
    • The thing keeled over and started shooting up into the air as Jack peeled the van backwards and out of sight
  • Bloodmoon dialed our Johnson and upped our cost to $40k + $10k
  • Time for a disengage, some recon, and a new plan
srva/helen_bach/reports/chapter02.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/03 15:56 by tara