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Chapter 05: Termite Spirits

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  • Video from P'Tree Dekalb was inspected and emory buses were noted as loading up the Parishioners
  • Met up with a new member, Tae
  • Decided to look into Emory more
    • HR lady had record of 24 isolation cells being ordered recently
    • Checked out the bus pool, but found nothing interesting in the buses that were transported
    • Files noted that the patience were dropped off out front and the bus was returned to the pool
    • Tae and Wolfmoon went inside to find out if any records of any of the Parishioners being admitted as patients: NO
      • They then headed into the hospital proper to search around
    • I sent spirit to search for isolation pods kept on premesis: he found some in the 3rd floor sub-basement
    • I ghosted down to the basement and noted a suspicious mana barrier
      • Returned to van and sent over commlink info about the barrier so Tae and Wolfmoon would head to the basement area where I had seen it
      • Eventually everyone was escorted down by Tae
    • I summoned an Earth Elemental to help break down the physical wall, the mana wall, and to fight anything suspicious we might find
    • Once the physical wall was down, a short (~3ft) earthen hallway was noted down and back
      • Apparently a bug spirit hideout
      • We finished breaking down the mana barrier and Jack and Kat were beating down some bugs in the far back
      • Wolfmoon, the spirit and I finished off the last
    • Tae noted someone heading toward their location
      • I inspected, he appeared to be a cojoiner of a Termite spirit
    • Joiner entered room and didn't know what hit him…. literally
      • Joiner “Culley” was knocked unconscious
    • Wolfmoon interrogated him after waking him up for this info:
      • Parishioners are on a train in the isolation pods headed to San Antonio TX to become joiners (date, time, train #, etc)
    • Joiner was kilt dead after interrogation
srva/helen_bach/reports/chapter05.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/14 00:22 by tara