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Chapter 13: Great Escape & Hot Potato

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  • As we returned to civilization….
  • 3WolfMoon got on the phone to the Johnson to arrange a drop-off for Hiroto
    • We would meet downtown in a parking deck under a skyscraper in the back corner to do the exchange
  • Cat got a call from Dufresne on the drive down
    • He said he woke up with a package next to him this morn for us, tossed in bag, and left for the day
    • Got home and his place had been trashed
    • Wants to offload this “disk” before worse things happen
    • We agree to meet him at QT at exit 11 on GA400
  • We meet Dufresne at QT, take the package, while Cat talks to him
    • Package was dropped off by Majestic
    • Note left with it that said they had to leave town suddenly
    • Requested us to keep this disk safe
  • We part and head to the drop-off with the two other pax0rages
  • Jack had been sensing drones follow us, and a pulse every so often at seeming random
  • As we travel GA400, I send my earth elemental to take down the 3 drones
  • As he kills the last one, he disappears and I summon a spirit of man to snag the last drone and bring it to us
  • Van keeps going, and I return to it
  • We make the drop-off and get paid
    • $150,000 nY to split however we want
  • Notice the pinging has stopped while in deck
  • Make Cat turn off her commlink, being the probable guilty party
  • Wait for a 10 min in the deck, then move to another deck, then examine the disk
    • Disk is magical
    • Disk is mildly conductive
    • Introducing current causes magic to flare a bit then it absorbs the charge
  • After examining, we move to a distant open location to test pings again
    • No more pings when commlink is turned back on
  • We go meet up with Helen's Talismonger to get info on disk
    • D'Arcy says that some dudes came in looking for it
    • “Seal of Mot”
      • Mot is god/angel of death
    • Phoenician in Origin
    • Willing to pay top nuyen for info on it
    • 2 humans, “appeared” mundane, extensive arcane knowledge, arrived in ATL 1-1.5 weeks ago
  • Do some space-google searching to get in touch with someone who might know more about this disk
  • But before we can find anyone…
  • Another incoming call from Dufresne
    • He's been kidnapped (big surprise)
    • Dragon wants to talk to us
    • They want us to meet at a park (now)
    • Cat makes some big bullshit lie about needing 6hrs to get there
    • Hang up, we have 6 hrs
    • Reboot Cat's commlink again
  • We drive back up to north GA and bury the disk inside a lichen coating
  • We return to town and prepare for a fire fight…
  • Show up at park at approximate time
    • Dufresne is tied to chair in middle of clearing with remote-det bomb on his neck
    • Four dudes surround him just outside clearing
    • Farther back, astrally perceiving mage has watcher spirits around keeping an eye
  • Jack sends out drones to assess the sitch
    • We are at a loss of what to do
    • I don't want to give up the disk
    • The others really don't want to let them kill Dufresne
    • Can't figure out a way to kill all dudes before Dufresne is blown to chunks
  • Finally decide to call Dufresne's phone
    • Someone, not Dufresne, picks up
    • We ask for their demands
    • An even exchange, Dufresne for the disk, and both parties walk, no harm no fowl
    • We say we don't have the disk on us, and even still, it is a decision we can't make right now
    • All parties agree to a length of 3 days, whereby we will call back with our decision
  • Helen is willing to give up the disk, which is in disagreement with everyone else
    • Jack, Tae, and Cat are willing to give the disk to them and kill after getting Dufresne into the van
    • Helen is concerned because the people disagreeing know nothing about magic
  • In the interim 3 days, we MUST locate an expert on this thing to see what it does
    • Helen suspects that smashing it might unleash a horror, which, if the case, is DEFINITELY not willing to give it up
  • Helen will also be summoning her ally spirit, if there is time…
  • Paid out 200 nY in bribes (Helen's purse), and 3000 nY to Jack's decker for tracing the phone#s of the 2 dudes looking for Seal of Mot
srva/helen_bach/reports/chapter13.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/08 02:02 by tara