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Chapter 14: Fancy's Fuckt

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  • Tae left w/a note saying the Yakuza was after us
  • Jack's decker called saying lots of matrix activity looking for us
  • Helen's talismonger called saying the peeps came back asking aboot us
  • Karsten calls:
    • Apologies for all the heat
    • Says keep the seal safe
    • He will send a team to rescue Fancy
    • In meantime, go to Santa Fe, NM to follow up a lead he has on the Selubria thing
      • A mine owned by AzTech that used to be an old silver mine
      • Technically the mine is supposed to be shut down and in maintenance-only mode
      • But obviously something else is going on…
      • Trucks found to be taking ore up to Selubria facility in Denver
    • Take seal with us
  • Contacts in Santa Fe
    • Penny Dreadful (very proper brit woman)
    • Navajo Joe (Pueblo injun)
  • Meeting at Adobe Cup
    • Peeps gave us info about the facility
  • Scouted the facility that night
  • Decided to observe it over the course of the day
    • 15 people at all times
    • Chainlink exterior fence w/padlock
    • Warehouse + ChemBuilding + Alamo administrative building
    • Blast door in ChemBuilding
      • Goes into mine
      • Had huge astral barrier to the right of the mine shaft
      • Opened 2x/day, 6am and 6pm with mine cart coming out with ore, stayed open 20 min
    • Drones every 3-4 hrs
    • Watcher spirit 1x/day
    • Foot patrol 2-3x/day
  • Decided to head into the mine when they opened at 6am
    • Iron man + Helen + Cat were taken in and concealed by Helen's Ally spirit
    • Runes lined the entrance (proto-chinese and olmec), painted with silver, active at our approach
    • Discovered the huge egg-shaped chamber was an Earthdawn Kaer that had been breached
    • The buildings inside were being broken up and harvested as the ore by robots
    • This place had trace amounts of the astral spores
    • Background count of 4 inside chamber
    • Cat was almost enticed to stay but Helen cast influence and made her leave
  • Escaped and headed back to town and contacted Majestic
srva/helen_bach/reports/chapter14.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/08 02:14 by tara