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Chapter 16: Oh The Horror

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  • As the smoke cleared, the magical fun began
  • Two wraiths and a bunch of zombies came at us
  • The wraiths caused a lot of trouble, takin over peoples' minds briefly
  • Cat and Gadget obliterated the zombies
  • The spirits and I dealt with the wraiths
    • After they possessed various people, including the dwarf….
    • They were dealt with eventually… after a lot of agonizing effort
  • Meanwhile WolfmanSam headed inside the warehouse to see what we'd have to deal with in there
  • What he found was more spirits of a flavor…
  • We all headed in, and to our horror, … it was a Horror
  • A minor Horror awaited us
  • It was… nearly impossible to damage
  • There was a lot of back and forth, but little progress was made, even from my Force 10 earth elemental
  • Eventually, in a move of desperation, I had the earth elemental cast a Binding on teh horror
    • It took the earth elemental out of the direct combat, but
    • Now everyone else could hit it
    • And hit it we did
  • After a stepped up heroic moment on our parts, we took the thing down
  • WolfmanSam headed into the office, as he'd been cast outside
  • He raided the documents we needed as well as some we didn't to maintain our cover
  • We also raided a bunch of stuff in the warehouse to also maintain our cover
  • Then we headed up and out of there with what gangers we had left
srva/helen_bach/reports/chapter16.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/07 03:16 by tara