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Chapter 19: Kat Runs Away at a Million

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  • Call with Karsten, Poghos Bolzdag has been located in the Yucatan
  • He's in a mental health facility
  • He still looks 30, but his bodily functions are failing
    • Okratus's host is dying, he needs to hop bodies
    • This is our chance to take him (Okratus) out while he's weakened
  • Majestic will provide a hover tank for our escape, planted in the woods
  • They will air drop us into the area
  • They will provide whatever gear is needed (within reason)
  • We decided we would use a Fire elemental to cook him for hours in a cenote
  • Karsten's intel network located a suitable cenote site
  • We were dropped at the cenote to inspect and prep
  • Took the t-bird (hover tank) across the rebel border into Atzlanter territory, where the facility is located
  • Helen summons Force 8 fire elemental on the way there
  • Helen and Kat roll into the side door (in the meat) from the Hover tank
  • Hover tank heads around front for distraction, shooting crap up while Helen and Kat slip inside
  • Guards are shot up and scared away
  • Helen and Kat head down and blast the door open
  • Kat zooms down the stairs and grabs Poghos and zooms up the stairs
    • Helen armors Kat
    • Fire elemental guards Kat
    • Astrid grants Kat movement, so he zooms the hell up the stairs with the horror bobbing along, attached to Poghos in astral
    • Wolfboi fires one hugeass lightning bolt down the stairs at the horror as he bangs and crashes up the stairs, blowing the ever living fark out of him and pissing him off majorly
    • Wolfboi takes a decent amount of splash damage
    • Everyone loads back up on the hover tank and prepares to leave with the goods
srva/helen_bach/reports/chapter19.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/29 02:57 by tara