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Prequel: xx/yy/14 & xx/yy/14

Session 1: 05/17/14


  • Johnson hired the team to locate the missing son of a wealthy politician
  • Son had been shipped off to the BrightView Farm (via NewPath) in Macon for rehab/therapy but fallen out of contact
  • Scouted the location astrally and via drones
  • Incursion scheduled for next morning.


  • Earth elemental, Beast spirit, and astral Helen worked on the magical defenses then the elemental took out the generator, cutting power to the facility
  • Armed guards dealt with, penetrated installation
  • Six dozen or so vats with unknown spore cultures apparently feeding off humanoid remains
  • Retrieved files from computer to explain what had been conducted, and removed (and cleaned) target's skull from one of the vats
  • Handed evidence to the Johnson, received full payment.

Session 2: 05/31/14


  • Johnson hired team to locate and potentially retrieve a semi truck with reportedly radioactive equipment inside (bonus for neutralizing the gang)
  • The truck had apparently been hijacked by the “88 Balrogs,” a go-gang in north Georgia
  • Viewed footage of the heist, reviewed general-knowns about the gang
  • Motored north to investigate the site and search the highway for egress/boltholes
  • Got hacker assistance to search for additional leads.


  • Gang leader is an ork poser (Peter Meyer) and had two ex-communicated gang members (siblings Elsbeth and Julian Schroeder) running the matrix drop for the truck ransom
  • Interrogated the siblings in a home invasion, extracted the location of a probable holding facility
  • Traveled to site: extremely heavy security
  • Toxic spirits of some sort, cyberzombie dogs and guards, milspec anthrodrones with heavy machine guns
  • Contacted Johnson and discussed an immediate fee hike
  • Committed to recon and engagement.

Session 3: 06/14/14


  • Microdrones located target truck inside facility
  • Laid astral assault on the spirits, standard tactics of Helen + elemental + spirit
  • Jack remoted into the truck and extracted it from the facility
  • Contacted the Johnson to rendezvous roadside for scrub-down, debrief, and transfer
  • Attempted some offhand sterilization of the contaminated area then left it to the authorities to mop up
  • Job complete.

Session 4: 08/02/14


  • “Regenisys” rumors: Restores lost essence damage
  • Sister Mary Katherine (70 year old human) has an issue, meet at Vortex
  • Father Gary has the issue, the sister is his legman
  • Gary reports a flu spreading through his congregation, AZT medtechs investigating but patients instead got disappeared
  • Mission objective: Locate and potentially retrieve missing flock (6 adults, 18 children): 25kY offered
  • Deal changed: 2.5kY up front, 2.5kY after 24h of investigation then negotiate for the rest of the effort
  • Initial scouting: unknown watcher spirit assigned to monitor the church counting people going in and out (also noting who's sick and not)
  • Checked out airport: Paperwork at airport shows that they were picked up by Emory
  • Individuals seem to have been picked up by false Emory personnel.

Session 5: 08/16/14


  • New teammate: Tae
srva/lore.txt · Last modified: 2014/08/17 01:03 by mark