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So the others told me I wasn't allowed to go to the dinner with our mysterious employer. Thats fine, they'd probably just get mad at me for asking questions. Instead, I kept a watch on the ship to make sure that our uninvited guest didn't return. Things went fairly well until I noticed the baron's jawa working on a R2 unit. Naturally, curiosity got the better of me, and I was compelled to investigate.

I'm pretty sure the droid he was working on didn't belong to him, so I decided to mess with him a bit. When I approached after a few minutes, he seemed convinced that I was the one messing with him, though I'm pretty sure, given his reaction, there was no way he knew it was me. Instead we engaged in some odiferous banter, and ended up in the local cantina. I offered to buy him some drinks to smooth over any hard feelings, and potentially get some information about the baron… alas, he turned out to be a mean drunk. I left down a few credits but none the wiser.

Anyway, the others returned soon enough, and we were on our way to Coruscant. On the approach it didn't look like the defenses were on high alert or anything, but we did have to fork over our identity chips. The others seemed surprised I was a Miraluka, perhaps they're not very observant? Anyway, we landed, rented a space-car and headed for the surface. We tracked the beacon to an area near an access tunnel, however, our descent wasn't to be that easy. The area was being watched by 2 Jedi.

I approached, and was thrilled to see my old buddy and his master. I was hoping they'd be a bit more loquacious, but they played it close to their chests. Anyway, we hacked the door and headed down. After a couple minutes, I felt a disturbance in the force, clearly the Jedi were trailing us. Not wanting a confrontation, we pushed forward and eventually arrived at an archaeological dig. We knocked out a few workers, took their uniforms, and continued to track the beacon.

We arrived at a massive shaft heading down, which took a great deal of time and effort to descend. Upon reaching the bottom, we spied a massive shift of unknown make and origin. We snuck through the workers and tried to gain entry before realizing our beacon was in the antenna array. We quickly liberated it, and then used the the equipment lifts to escape the shaft. Not wanting to wait hours for the ascent, we kicked the system into overdrive, which attracted a good amount of attention. Luckily we reached the top just fine after some acrobatics and requisitioned a vehicle, and proceeded to make our escape down an access tunnel.

Unfortunately, a cloud of surveillance drones began to track us, and we were forced to dispose of them before making good our escape. Along the way we spied the disremembered remains of our Jedi tails. I wanted to take their remains with us to ensure their proper handling. The others seemed quite distressed over this, and they forced me to leave them behind. After a quick search of their possessions (that turned up nothing of interest), we space-radioed in their locations anonymously to the appropriate authorities, and headed back to the ship.

On the way back, the others asked about my behavior with the Jedis' bodies. I explained I was a former padawan, and merely was acting of respect. They dropped the questions at that.

starwars/protagonists/savn/game2.txt · Last modified: 2011/10/29 18:19 by chris