The morning started off as seems typical for the camp: raining. It was a light mist, but the all pervasive moisture was starting to get to me. I went out to find some gruel and took the opportunity to make the acquaintance of Lord Harkonen. He had two cute serving girls with him. We discussed philosophy a bit. He chided me for not having a plan or goal to pursue. I chided him for having fixed goals that inherently bounded his ambition. To his point, I should probably have some destination in mind. To use the analogy of the river we developed, if going with the flow is the Jedi way, and fighting the flow is the Sith way, the Revanite way is to use the river to your advantage when possible, striking out on your own when not.
Still, his question of what I want is rattling in my mind. I need an answer to that.
Voltaris introduced himself during the conversation with Harkonen. At first I thought he merely wanted to get to know me before designing my trials. There was some discussion of why I was here, more questioning along the line of “what do I want?” The short term answer is I want to do what I want to do. Still, not very far-sighted, but again the analogy of the river seemed to be satisfactory. As our conversation meandered, I eventually came to the understanding that this was no mere interview, rather, it constituted a trial. This was driven home when he asked what I would do if I were to know the Revanite cause is doomed. He cautioned me to answer sagaciously, and not merely answer in a manner to please him. I admit I took a bit of umbrage at this, for only a coward answers questions merely to please the questioner. I responded that it didn't matter if the cause failed. If all the Revanites were to be wiped out, the *idea* of a middle path would persist. Ideas, after all, are very hard to destroy.
Atronis approached me a bit later asking some questions about Argent. I fear his interview didn't go as well, and some of his answers raised questions. I'm sure his questions were different than mine. It is up to Argent to find his own path, so I answered truthfully. Time will tell what comes of it. She then directed me to Voltaris.
Voltaris had our Physicality test planned. We were to do it as a group. There was a lizard in the caves that had grown to such a size as to become a threat should the cult need to retire into the cave system to hide from pursuers. Our task was to remove this threat.
We plunged into the caves, quickly dispatching 4 lizards we didn't want to leave in our rear. We took the opportunity to learn a bit about them, in the interest of being able to face our quarry with more information. They're slow, but well armored, Lyndee will probably need an upgraded weapon to be able to really effect them. Pushing deeper, we found, after several hours, our foe. He was resting on the ceiling of a large cave. He was easily 10, maybe 13 meters in length. Absolutely massive. Given the firepower we have available, we decided we were outgunned, and began to retire back to the camp. We need a plan.
I think Lyndee's time on Dromund Kaas has awakened the force in her. I can see it budding slowly. Perhaps we can find, or build, her a light saber. That will be more effective than her pistol. I think Argent's cannon will do just fine, but we are going to need something more. Also, I need to see if I can't dig up a few pieces of armor. Those lizard claws look painful…