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We retired to the camp to plan and regroup. Argent got busy hooking us up with some explosives. At the time we weren't sure how we'd use it, but they seem to pretty much be universally applicable, so… While he was doing that, I got to talking to the local xenobiologist. He was an odd little bothan, but he taught me a great deal. I even think I can anticipate a bit what some of these creatures are going to do. Knowledge is always good! I also bought bits and pieces from some of the other cultists to forge a pretty awesome set of armor. The small lizards almost took my other arm off with their bites, so I wanted a bit more protection. Besides, what else is money good for?

Anyway, this particular beastie is a dark-side shadow beast. Of course, that meant the xenobiologist kept pointing out variables, but we got a couple broad ideas. The first is that, universally, reptiles slow down in the cold. Unfortunately, the average air temperature of the planet was perfectly comfortable for it, even considering it preferred to slumber above lava pools. This bit of info wasn't useless, however; we put Lyndee on the trail of how mines in hot areas are cooled. After a bit of time, we discovered that carbonite works really well to pull heat out of the environment. With that in mind, we went off in search of weaponized carbonite.

As luck would have it, Atronis had a carbonite grenade. Lyndee did the wheeling and dealing to acquire it it. We worked the grenade into Argent's plan to setup a kill zone with explosives, and set off down the tunnels. After painstaking effort setting the bombs, we cut some holes in the cave walls for the carbonite to expand into, effectively allowing it to lock the giant lizard into place. With the trap set, I tucked in a side tunnel, while Lyndee retreated to the opposite side of the kill zone. Argent opened fire on it to get its attention, which we immediately had.

A wave of cold washed over us as the lizard began to charge forward. We'd later learn that it was pulling our body heat more or less vampirically to heal itself. The others opened fire, and I attempted to hack at it as it passed my position. I guess it had some power to obscure it, as Lyndee was having trouble targeting it, but it seemed straight forward to me. My first blow was solid, though not well positioned. My second one, however, was more or less simultaneous with the carbonite grenade going off. I basically just braced myself against the cave wall and held the blade such that the beast's own momentum would slice it open. Following this double hit, it was more or less immobilized and starting to expire. The others opened fire on its head, sealing the deal.

I had a moment of panic when I saw the glimmers of what I feared to be a force ghost manifesting from it. I warned the others as we retreated from the aching cold of the dying beast, but the force was with us and either the ghost fled, or moved on.

Argent and Lyndee blasted the carcass to allow me to escape the side tunnel I'd become trapped in, and we headed back the camp with our spoils. Upon arriving the scholarly types were thrilled at the chance to study such a magnificent dark-side specimen. Lyndee leveraged salvage rights to get us a chunk of change.

I was then summoned in a towel to the tent of Yasha Tar, Lyndee's mentor. We had some noxious tea that induced a coma, and incredibly vivid, disturbing dreams of my own mortality. I guess the others had them too, though it seemed that Argent was a bit less effected by what he saw.

And then boom, we were full members, and we were given kill-on-sight pins of our own. We were also informed that we needed to spread through out the galaxy spreading the message. Along side us was Zrak, a human who, somehow, completed his trials at the same time, yet, has been completely unknown to us heretofore.

starwars/protagonists/savn/game8.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/04 22:22 by chris