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Entry 06: Alright, I'll Drink the Kool-Aid Too

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So Turret spilled the beans while we waited in a holding pattern that he had some fake identities within the Sith empire that he could leverage to possibly get us onto the planet. We made a plan, and radioed Jaxon, telling him we were leaving and would return after we could get clearance through an official channel. He seemed okay with that.

And so, we high-tailed it out of the system. There, we waited for a day or so while we got our story ready, and then headed back to Dromund Kaas, approaching it from a different side, and broadcast new fake credentials ship when queried. And then, several fighters swooped in to surround us. Obviously we had been found out. When we were hailed by, unfortunately, Jaxon again, to snarkily query our intentions, it was definite. Well, it was time to put Turret up on stage.

Turret got on the com and gave Jaxon a dressing-down for displeasing and delaying him on his important task, by Sith Master Darth Something-or-Other. That we were carrying sensitive cargo that needed to be delivered to a classified location on the planet with as little attention and fuss as possible. And that he had screwed that all up. Yadda yadda.

Jaxon got off the com to run Turrets fake credentials and came back on a little later all apologetic. He asked if we would be ok with boarding for a face-to-face discussion. Turret told him only one would be allowed: Jaxon. Jaxon accepted this meekly and then a ship from across the system came swooping down to engage us after a while.

He boarded and told us that he was a representative of some Cult of Revan, and that he had been expecting us. Apparently this was the Cult that Cookie was told to talk to. Jaxon gave us a token of the cult, and stated he was pleased that our excuse and credentials were so rock solid because no eyebrows would be raised when he bypassed a certain amount of bullshit protocol to get us down onto the planet. He gave us coordinates and clearances and sent us on our way. The fighters disengaged and went on their merry ways.

So we flew in casually to land outside of Kaas city.

To get to the Cult's hangout, we had to trek through a day's worth of rainy, muddy, jungley, giant aggressive lizard infested terrain. I bought a friggin' poncho. And so we set out. We managed to make it without any snags, although we did run across one of the lizards. But the boys scared it off before it could think to attack us, so that was good.

We finally came across a small tent city. We talked to their little gatekeeper for a while. Cookie convinced him to let us in, and so we were lead to a fire to keep warm/dry by, and were visited by a Sith “pureblood” named Atronis. She talked to us, mostly Cookie, about the concept of their cult and all that. Basically they believe in the concept of a Unified Force, that neither the Sith nor the Jedi are fully right or complete about their relationship with the force. No real dark and light side; it's all the same thing.

Anyway, their force-sensitive members apparently can use powers from both sides. This interested Cookie obviously. She made her pitch, and told us to think about joining. Talk to people around camp and such. She'd be back in the morning to hear our thoughts.

Cookie set off to talk at people. Turret and I headed to a loaner tent reserved for guests. While Turret and I sat around and mildly discussed the idea of joining, a Mandalorian bounty hunter came up to talk to me and basically hit on me. I considered it, but we were in the middle of a thing, and there was no way I could leave right now. Maybe if he's at that Cantina when we head back to the ship…

Anyway. Cookie eventually came back, and we all went to sleep. I had an annoyingly erotic dream about Mandalorian guy. What was his name? Kraan I think. Don't really need that right now.

Anyway, after we all awoke the next “morning” and were eating our green goop for breakfast, Atronis came back to visit, just like she said she would. We agreed to join up and she assigned us each a mentor. I had a red Twi'lek chick named Yara Tash assigned as mine. She was alright. And now, it was time to prepare for my three trials: mental, spiritual, and physical.

Loot to spend (xLy == x level y cost items):

  • 4L4
  • 1L2
starwars/protagonists/tara/reports/entry06.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/26 21:00 by tara