Entry 15: The Tricksy Not-A-Darth
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Off to take care of Malevius.
Except that he had already left. We opened the doors to the other room to find two turrets, who started shooting at us. Savn and Turret ran interference while I hacked one of them and had it shoot at the second. Just as Savn and Turret were decapitating one, Malevius appeared on a holo inside the force-field locked room. He snarked at us about escaping and attempted to gloat at his failure somehow. What an egomaniac!
The more interesting part of his rant was that the empire's envasion was stirring up the sleeping rakata. And once awakened, they were going to return for unknown purposes and he had been preparing for it, to contest them if need be, to have an advantage against their supertech. He had been researching for decades and the ship that was melting down was the result of all the research thusfar. And with it his preparations would die.
Savn seemed extremely excited to get a confession of failure out of him.
He had the turrets stand down and then the holo turned off. We decided to break into his office, but it was filled with poisonous gas. Savn and Turret cut a hole in the wall and we propped the outer door open and let the gas air out before heading in to do a quick check. Savn and Turret secured a rakata teleportation device while I reassembled and downloaded files off his computer. I had to do it quickly, the ship was coming apart fast. After we snagged everything we wanted and I got all the files I could, we ran out of the hangar as fast as possible.
It exploded just as we got out of range. As we headed cross planet to wait for the Tempest to return we discussed our next actions. We really wanted to re-engage Malevius but it just didn't seem possible. We didn't know how to activate the rakata device, and barring that, he could be anywhere. As a first measure, we headed back to the place where we left the rakata ship to see if possibly he was there trying to scavange what remained. But the ship… was gone. And there were bits of other ships floating around too, and not the one that Malevius's shock troopers were on.
I booted up robert and set him to task recreating the events that happened here. He calculated and figured and created a simulation for us to watch.
First in came a republic fleet and began working on setting the ship up for a tow. Then in came a cartel fleet, and a space battle ensued. Another very alien-looking craft appeared and just sat there watching as the other two factions shot each other up. Once both fleets were a fraction of their original strength and severely crippled, the new ship powered up and shot up everything that was left in a ridiculously overpowered and never-before seen fashion. Once all the other ships were nothing but bits of space junk, the new ship swooped down and docked with the top of the rakata ship, and the two immediately zoomed off into hyperspace to unknown places.
We sent a message to Darth Nebulous to catch him up on the state of things, then headed away to a neutral port to recover and plan our next moves. Malevius was out of our reach for now, but we did have some of his research notes which could assist with the development of this hyperdrive, and possibly more. We still needed another ship with intact parts that we could scavenge. There was the mysterious galaxy core with the rakata temple as well… So many possibilities. We would see Malevius again. Perhaps not today or tomorrow, but I could feel it. There was no need to force it.
Loot to spend (xLy == x level y cost items):
- 1L4 (personal)
- 3L3 (1 to each person) from taking out the Republic base
- 3L4 (1 to each person) from destroying the engine and delivering the schematics to Zrak