XP: 350+562+380=1292 ( Total: 6190 )
Level Attained: N/A
Money Gained: N/A
Loot: 1 potion of greater healing per person (4d4+4)
Loot: 4 scrolls of SLEEP
Loot Spent: 2 potions of greater healing
Loot Spent: 2 scrolls of CW
Used: Chris & Mark used their GCW
Used: 2 x scrolls of CW
[x] Pearl of Power used
After Orc Fight:
Loot: 2 vials of CW, 1 vial of GCW, 1 vial fire resistance
Loot: 2 platinum rings (50 gp ea)
Loot: 2 gold tusk caps (10 gp ea)
Loot: gold bowl (250 gp)
Loot: fine furs (200 gp)
Loot: pure crystal globe size of baseball, ~1 lbs, absolutely flawless
Loot: medallion of lightweight silvery metal, two women's hands cupped with ruby in them
“Periapt of Wound Closure”
Allows wearer (attuned) to automatically stabilize any time they drop to zero
Any time spend hit dice to regain hps on short rest, you get max value of dice
Money Gained: 10 plat, 1042 gp, 4450 sp, 2240 cp
Money Gained: 4 amethyst (100 gp ea), 4 moonstones (50 gp ea), 2 zircon (50 gp ea)
Money Totaled: 10 plat, 2312 gp, 4450 sp, 2240 cp
Money Divided by 5: 2 pp, 555 gp, 890 sp, 449 cp (+6cp group fund)
Money Divided by 5, rounded: 2 pp, 462 gp, 4 sp 9 cp (+6cp group fund)
Najila's Money: 1 amethyst (100 gp), 1 moonstone (50 gp), 1 zircon (50 gp), 2 pp, 383 gp, 1112 sp, 565 cp
Daer'ys gets 1 GCW
Logru gets 2 CW, medallion of wound closure
Kethys gets 1 potion fire resistence
Najila carries the crystal globe