
Once the seat of the Prefecture of Vara, the city is surrounded by a massive double wall that once housed nearly 70 thousand souls. Population declined precipitously following the Sundering, with the population being down to about 10 thousand when the sundering was fully realized. Hunger and plague driven aftershocks of instability brought the population further down to about 5 thousand, where it has been stable for about 200 years.

The current residents live amongst the splendor of the dead prefecture, with only their immediate neighbors for aid and succor. Farming and animal husbandry grew by necessity to feed the residents when the once plentiful food shipments ceased. Mining of iron and coal became more important than the gold and silver the mines once produced.

The libraries have grown more and more empty, as those that understand the old script become fewer and fewer. More practical arts of swordplay and archery have replaced sculpture and poetry. The workers of dweomer have a scant voice now, with only the most learned among them able to make out the most basic passages of the might books of magic in the libraries.

Those who claim to speak for the Gods claim the gods are angry, and refuse to grant but the most simple requests. This of course gives faith to the faithful, and fuels charges of charlatanry amongst the not. Many of the temples still stand, providing silent evidence that somebody is watching over them.