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Charm Cost Book Description
Soaring Crane Leap 4m Core Reflexive, instant. Free Jump on her turn (on an action), (distance x5). Does not stack with Monkey Leap. Too expensive for the benefit
Charm Cost Book Description
2nd Melee Excellency 2m/1s Core Spend 2 motes per success on a single roll. Max: Attribute + Ability + Specialty in motes.
3rd Melee Excellency 4m Core Spend 4 motes to re-roll a single roll.
Fire and Stones Strike 1m/1d Core Supplemental. Add 1m=1d dice to post-soak damage pool
Dipping Swallow Defense 2m Core Reflexive. Ignore all Parry DV penalties against a single attack Get the Resistance one instead
Bulwark Stance 5m Core Reflexive, until next action. Ignore all Parry DV penalties until next action, including ones invoked by his own attacks Get the Resistance one instead
Heavenly Guardian Defense 8m Core Reflexive. Perfectly Parry a single (expected) attack, even if it's unblockable. Virtue Flaw applies Get the Resistance one instead
Charm Cost Book Description
Ox Body Technique N/A Core Permanent. Increases health levels by one +1, two +2.
Willpower Enhancing Spirit 4m Core Reflexive. Roll damage levels taken. Regain (1 + successes) temporary willpower. MUST take the damage to use this.
Strength of Stone Technique 2m/person DB For every 2m, +1 STR / +1 STA per person for a scene incl self.
Mountain Toppling Method 4m DB One action. Increases STR +5 for a feat of str. Counts in melee attack only if weapon is jade alloy. Combo-OK
Iron Skin Concentration 2m Core Reflexive, 1 tick. For the tick, all incoming attacks have their minimum damage reduced by 1 for the duration of the charm REQUIRED FOR ADAMANT SKIN
Adamant Skin Technique 8m Core Reflexive, one attack. Perfect soak. (via errata –>) Perfect soaks even against charms that add damage post-soak etc.
Charm Cost Book Description
Salty Dog Method 3m Core One scene. Reduces penalties involving activities while shipboard, including combat stuff.
Charm Cost Book Description
Mastery of Small Manners 1m Core Reflexive, until next action.
Web Cutting Eyes 5m Core Reflexive, one scene. All attempts to read motivations of others is made at a difficulty of 1. Requires Essence 5, Socialize 5 and is in an unapproved book.

Martial Arts

Charm Cost Book Description
Air Dragon Sight 3m DB Simple, one scene. No penalties for fighting blind while surrounded by air. Add (essence) to awareness rolls w/in (Essence x 10) yards
Charm Cost Book Description
Flash-Fire Technique 1m DB Supplemental. Join Battle + (MA ranks)
Flame-Flicker Technique varies DB Reflexive, until next action. Motes spent 1-for-1 increase both DVs by 1 (max=Essence)
Charm Cost Book Description
Flowing Water Defense 1m DB Reflexive, (essence) actions. Exalt takes -1 to Attack pool, all enemies attacking him take -3 to all attack pools. (THIS MAY REQUIRE MARTIAL ARTS ATTACKS AND/OR FORM WEAPONS) This would encourage people not to attack me which is bad, so no.
Charm Cost Book Description
Leaping Mantis Technique 3m SotM Reflexive, instant. Add MA ranks to Join Battle and leap distance. At any time in the fight, add MA to move. NEEDS CLARIFICATION. Not compatible with armor.
Charm Cost Book Description
Striking Cobra Technique 3m Core Supplemental. Add MA ranks to Join Battle as auto successes. Not compatible with armor (via errata)
Charm Cost Book Description
Impeccable Patterned Deployment 4m SotM Simple, one scene. Practitioner dematerializes when moving and rematerializes when he stops moving. Not compatible with armor.


Combo Cost Charms
Excellent Melee Onslaught 3m+ Melee Excellency 1; Melee Excellency 2
Blade Fumbling Recovery +4m Melee Excellency 3; added to any other melee combo, step 4 or 6