Faiza Badiya

Yes, I had to use a freaking fark cliche Name: (Unknown)
Alias(es): Faiza Badiya
Gender: Female



Seeming: Elementals
Kith: Sandharrowed
Fey Captor: Unknown
Court: None, but seems to favor Summer
Court Rank: Special
Occupation: Unknown

It was longer ago than it seems when Faiza first swirled into town from the Hedge. Only a few folks left in the Atlanta freehold even remember such an event, and only Nehemiah of the current group was in his current position of power within the Courts at the time. Even having been there, Nehemiah is very tight-lipped on the subject whenever it is brought up in discussion.

Faiza almost always is swarthed head-to-toe in a black Abaya with black Niqab. Occasionally when she bothers to show up to social events, she will wear blue or red. No one, that anyone knows of anyway, has “officially” seen her face. Or if they have, they're not talking. Kevin Fourpaws has on at least one occasion indicated very circumspectly that she is not nearly as unsociable and chaste as she would like people to think.

At any and all times Faiza exudes a sensual grace with her silent, fluid movements and very deliberate actions. She usually only speaks when prompted by others, and after a moment in thought, typically replies with a quiet, concise, and insightful reply. Any moment at which she chooses to speak unprompted typically gains the immediate silence and attention of all around her. Indeed, she rarely wastes words.

While she is not affiliated officially with any of the courts, it is known by most that she has some sort of unofficial tie to the upper ranks of Summer Court, in the intricate mechanizations of Violet and Wallace. It is rumored she is a spy, and further that she is an assassin. She has been seen in possession of a Yatagan on a couple of occasions, carrying it with practiced ease.

Additionally, she has been known to associate regularly with ol' Jeb, the former emissary of the Autumn Court, who was emissary at the time when she first appeared.