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Seemings and Kiths

Online Reference, credit for the main book kith writeups


Changeling, the Lost

  • Broadback: Changelings who are attuned to animals that are renowned for their endurance or stubborness, such as camels, elephants, horses, mules, goats and the like.
  • Hunterheart: Often, but not always, those changelings who have something of the predator about them: wolves, bears, cats, crocodiles, snakes, and birds of prey, but also those who embody the hunter in a more conceptual sense.
  • Runnerswift: Changelings who move like the wind, reflecting hares, rabbits, antelopes and the like.
  • Skitterskulk: Changelings who have an affinity with flies, spiders, beetles, centipedes, and other creepy crawlies.
  • Steepscrambler: Changeling who are at home in high places, and who are attuned to such animals as monkeys, raccoons, squirrels, some Insects and some lizards.
  • Swimmerskin: Changelings who draw affinities with aquatic or amphibious creatures: seals, otters, ducks, salmon, and the like; mermaids, too.
  • Venombite: Changelings who have an affinity with poisonous creatures, such as poisonous spiders and insects or poisonous reptiles.
  • Windwing: Changelings who are not confined to the earth, with their hearts in the skies, drawing affinity with birds, butterflies and bats.

Winter Masques

  • Cleareyes: Changelings who have been granted exemplary animal senses such as the bat's sonar, eagle's eyes, hound's nose, and raccoon's touch.
  • Coldscale: Changelings who are kin to cold-blooded reptiles of fact and fiction, such as serpents, lizards, crocodiles, basilisks, wyverns, etc.
  • Roteater: Changelings who have a relation to animals who feed on carrion and offal, like vultures, hyenas, crows, and worms.
  • Truefriend: Changelings who are not savage, but loyal, valued for the companionship they offer, such as hunting hounds, house cats, riding horses, and parakeets.


  • Hardbacks: Changelings who are kin to those animals with a tough natural armor, such as turtles, crabs, and armadillos.
    • Blessing: 1pt of permanent physical armor, always-on.



Changeling, the Lost

  • Antiquarian: Those Darklings who surround themselves with dusty tomes of lore and the artifacts of long-dead lands and peoples.
  • Gravewight: Cold-skined Darklings who draw comfort from the consorting with the dead, both restless and in repose.
  • Leechfinger: The faeries who steal life from humans, grain by grain, drop by drop, with just a touch.
  • Mirrorskin: Darklings who hide in plain sight from humankind. Their bones are malleable and their faces flow like quicksilver.
  • Tunnelgrub: Those of the Darkling faeries who slide and slither through tunnels and sewers and chimneys, the better to do terrible things in the night.

Winter Masques

  • Lurkglider: Changelings who were raised among the twisted treetops of Arcadian forests or the spires of places lost in dark storm clouds, watching the shadows from far above.
  • Moonborn: Changelings who are the lunatic children of the moon, dancing in their mother's pale light, insightful, foolish, calm, or wrathful.
  • Nightsinger: Changelings who compose symphonies of wolf howls and owl cries, sing banshee songs and play hauntingly devilish tunes on fiddles strung with unwholesome gut.
  • Palewraith: Changelings who have features and skin so colorless to the point of being translucent, bones visible through their skin.
  • Razorhand: Changelings who are the embodiment of nighttime violence, the sudden slash in the darkest alleys, the gleam of metal under a flickering street lamp.
  • Whisperwisp: Changelings who flit from alcove to alcove into the grand halls of the Gentry, worming their way into the confidences of servants and eavesdropping on the masters.



Changeling, the Lost

  • Airtouched: The Elementals of wind, cloud, smoke, and sky, who can be as healthy as a fresh breeze or as pestilent as the miasma that surrounds the dead.
  • Earthbones: Changelings who have the mark of earth and stone: lumpen Paracelsian Gnomes, sand spirits, dour men of peat and dwarfs made of mountain granite.
  • Fireheart: Elementals marked with fire, heat or electricity.
  • Manikin: Changelings who have the character of man-made objects, such as caryatids, mannequins, and other, stranger things, such as enchanted beings powered by clockwork or steam or living bodies made of mercury or glass.
  • Snowskin: The Children of the cold, who can be as powerful as the Arctic ice or as delicate as a snowflae.
  • Waterborn: Changelings who are imbued with the nature of the waters, soft and brutal, gentle and mighty: undines and nymphs, man-eating river demons, water babies, ladies of the lake.
  • Woodblood:The children of the plans: Green Men, flower faeries, spirits of mandrake, rose, thorns and all manner of medicinal herbs fair and foul.

Winter Masques

  • Blightbent: Changelings who are children of pollution, altered by choking smogs, toxic waters, blighted land, diseased forests and chemical fire.
  • Levinquick: Changelings who are the embodiment of electricity itself.
  • Metalflesh: Changelings who were remade in Arcadia's foundries, infused with bronze, copper, gold, silver or brass, but never pure iron.
  • Sandharrowed: Changelings who were produced by the howling deserts of Faerie, with the merciless grace and power of the shifting sands.



Changeling, the Lost

  • Bright One: changelings who came from light; will-o'-the-wisps, bright elves. White Ladies and other beings of light and fire and ice from all over the world.
  • Dancer: Those among the Fairest blessed of particular agility and grace, for whom motion is itself beauty and art. Whether entertainer, courtesan, artist or murderer, the Dancer is happiest when moving to the sound of her own rhythm.
  • Draconic: Changelings who bear within them the blood of dragons or other Great Beasts of Faerie, including celestial bureaucrats and tithe-payers to Satan alike. Haughty and possessing a robust physicality.
  • Flowering: Flowers blossom on bare earth where these changelings have stood (although they take months to appear in the human world rather than seconds, as they did in Faerie). Their skin is soft like the petal of a rose or a chrysanthemum and bright with a bloom of health.
  • Muse: Their beauty inspires the arts. Whether a Romanesque beauty, a sedate and delicate daughter of the Heavenly Ministry, a grotesquely beautiful masqeur garbed in tatters, or a Dark Lady who drives her beloved to destruction, the Muse inspires the creation of things of beauty and honor and love and feat.

Winter Masques

  • Flamesiren: Changelings who represent the entrancement of flame, a force that holds peoples' attention unflenchingly, beauty and danger intermixed.
  • Polychromatic: Changelings who are living embodiments of color itself, their features all colors of the rainbow, their hues sometimes shifting to reflect their moods.
  • Shadowsoul: Changelings who are the antithesis of the Bright Ones, beautiful for their dark and sensual nature, distant cousins to the Darklings.
  • Telluric: Changelings who walk the skybridges in the vaults of Faerie heaven, with stars in their hair and comets in their eyes.
  • Treasured: Changelings who were treated as nothing more than display pieces, living as beautiful works of art themselves.



Changeling, the Lost

  • Cyclopean: The Cyclopeans are like the ancient hunters and herdsmen of legend who sought men for their cooking pots: changelings who resembles Cyclops of Orchaic Greece, the one-legged Fachan of Scots legend, the three-eyed oni of Japan, the elephant-eared rakshas of India or the wind-borne footless Wendigo of North America. Although many are crippled in some way, they have profound senses to make up for it.
  • Farwalker: Changelings who resemble the abominable men of mystery, the possibly savage hairy creatures of the wilds whose existence straddles the divide between folklore and cryptozoology: the Sasquatch, the yeti, the Russian Alma, the Australian yowie and dozens of other wild men.
  • Gargantuan: Captures by giants, these changelings had to grow to a greater stature, perhaps being stretched on racks or forced to drink noxious potions. As humans, they appear less frakish.
  • Gristlegrinder: Man-eaters and gluttons, taking their cue from the English Black Annis, Scottish Red-Caps, or the Rakshas of India, but also sometimes resembling more modern Ogres, such as he masked unstoppable lunatics of slash-and-stalk horror movies.
  • Stonebones: Changelings who resemble the rocky giants of folklore, Nordic trolls, Native American mountain spirits and the like.
  • Water-Dweller: Changelings who resemble the legendary water-demons of many cultures, from life-demanding river spirits through to the trolls of coastal caves and under-bridge shadows.

Winter Masques

  • Bloodbrute: Changelings who are veterans of the fighting pits frequented by the jaded and sadistic Gentry.
  • Corpsegrinder: Changelings who survived the massive charnel pits, maintained a diet of bones and carrion, and are the hulking guardians of the burial grounds.
  • Render: Changelings who were kept as living engines of destruction, performing the role of shock troops for their Fey masters.
  • Witchtooth: Changelings who are the embodiment of cruel, manipulating hags, and selfish mystical monsters; they are the wizest and most cunning of all Ogres (Baba Yaga, Spearfinger, Black Annis).



Changeling, the Lost

  • Artist: The Wizened who create startling works of art and craft: seamsters, sculptors, painters and builders.
  • Brewer: Changelings who spent their durance in Faerie learning how to create mind-bendingly potent drinks or peculiar alchemies. Due to long exposure and gradual immunity, a Brewer gains resistance to poisons or intoxication.
  • Chatelaine: Preternaturally skilled manservants, organizers and house-managers.
  • Chirurgeon: Changelings who master surgery and pharmacy, sometimes from altruism, and sometimes simply because they can, ranging from scary back-street surgeons to strangely alien experimenters.
  • Oracle: Changelings who, like many imps and goblins, can, in a limited way, see the future.
  • Smith: Changelings who were forced to labor under the watchful eye of the most unimpeachable faerie blacksmiths, tinkers and toolmakers.
  • Soldier: Members of the vast goblin hosts of the Fae, the Soldiers fought strange, inconclusive battles and now find the fighting comes easier to them.
  • Woodwalker: The Wizened who, like their captors, live within and protect the wilds, sometimes jealously, sometimes violently.

Winter Masques

  • Author: Changelings who compose words of all kinds, from poetry to plays to nonfiction.
  • Drudge: Changelings who were made to perform the most menial of unseen labor during their stint in Faerie, such as toilet scrubbing, laundry, dishes, etc.
  • Gameplayer: Changelings who are kept to empower the Gentry's love of games of all kinds, as a gamepiece, a player, or a dealer.
  • Miner: Changelings who labored in the deep mines to extract rare gems, precious metals, or perhaps other things for the Gentry.


nwod/changeling/seemings.txt · Last modified: 2008/07/29 00:32 by tara