"Look into my eyes..." Name: Jae Kwon
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9“
Weight: 150lbs



Jae Kwon Age: 34
Occupation: Psychologist

Seeming: Darklings
Kith: Antiquarian
Court: Winter


An Antiquarian Darkling of the Winter Court, Jae's human guise works as a psychologist at a community wellness center located on Buford Highway. Jae runs several of the support groups there, and serves as a grief counselor as well. Despite his cold, detached demeanor, people find him to be a very effective counselor. Jae's able to look into their eyes and somehow know exactly what's troubling them. And after providing an effective ear, he always knows the right thing to say, talking them through their problems and seemingly having wisdom beyond his years. Of course, what they don't realize is that while he's helping them, he's also harvesting glamour from the emotional outpourings.

Jae's office and home are a mess of books on a variety of different subjects. Despite the disorganized appearance of both places, Jae seems to not only know where each book is, but just about everything contained within each tome. As such, he is considered a font of knowledge by Jennifer Brisk and the other court Monarchs, and they have often asked him for advice on various situations over the years.

Jae's drive for knowledge stems from his time in Faerie, where a member of the Gentry (whose name he did not even know) imprisoned him in the Great Vault, a huge underground repository of tomes that that particular Fae had collected over hundreds of years. Jae had been tasked with guarding the maze like Vault, which was more like a tomb than a library, protecting it from thieves trying to steal the books within. In order to make it even harder for a thief to find a particular tome. the place was kept eternally dark, and it was that stagnant darkness that shaped Jae into the creature he is now. The appearance of thieves was incredibly rare, so Jae was left with nothing to do at first. But as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he found himself able to read the books under his care, even in the pitch blackness. And so he spent more time reading than anything else.

Then one day, thieves working for another Fae finally did appear. Jae stealthily dispatched all but one. The final thief proved to be quite swift, and Jae chased him out of the vault and through the night covered land. However, when day came, Jae was forced to flee. He sought cover in a cave that turned out to be an exit out of the Hedge.

Jae also serves another, little known purpose amongst the courts. The time spent guarding the Great Vault has made him one of the stealthiest, if not the stealthiest changeling in the Atlanta courts (though word is that there is a newcomer trying to lay claim to the title). Combined with his investigative technique and wealth of knowledge, he's often secretly dispatched to look into weird occurrences in the Greater Atlanta area that concern the court Monarchs.