Sabina is an ornery minx
Name: Unknown
Alias(es): Sabina Chaya
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Height: 5'7“
Weight: 135lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Grey-Green

Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Unknown Sabina in her signature shadow dress
Court: Winter Court
Contracts: Darkness 3, Smoke 1, Vainglory 1

Occupation: Shop girl at A Nose for Clothes

Sabina keeps a low profile by working at A Nose for Clothes. Though an adherent to the philosophies of winter, she is rather vivacious and enjoys a good time. She has recently been seen working with Ilya Novosi at the behest of Nehemiah Rumples. The two seem to get along fairly well and enjoy each others company.

Sabina is a bit of a kleptomaniac and will keep track of particularly rude well-heeled patrons. She supplements her meager income by visiting them in the night. Her nocturnal activities are frowned upon by the ranking members of the Winter Court, and were she to get in trouble with the authorities, would draw their wrath. Sabina's infectious smile

When in social situations, she wears a hedge spun dress of shadow.

She is an unwitting member of the Big Boobie Brigade due to things like this (NSFW).