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Jack Atreides: Chronicles

[ Campaign ] [ Introduction ] [ Backstory ] [ Character Sheet ] [ Chronicles ]

Oct 17 2010

  • Roughly 2008. Thursday.
  • Everyone wakes up in a high-tech jail, a few days after being nabbed on the streets of Atlanta.
  • Explosion! Alarms go off. Doors unlock. Our anti-magic collars with bombs start a 2-hour countdown.
  • Large, bloody, feline footprints lead from our doors to the common area.
  • We follow the footprints to the common area, then find themselves in a guard nexus with a single shotgun-armed sentry in a bulletproof area.
  • Jack throws his toothbruth as a distraction then slips down to the exit.
  • The other PCs get noticed by the guard but run off.
  • PCs sneak down a hallway following the bloody tracks.
  • Two armed guards with flashlights are looking up at the ceiling. Jack and Nick slip up and take their swords. (-1 WP: Valor)
  • Lucy has taken her clothes off for some reason.
  • Jack attempts to disarm; unsuccessful (-1 WP: Valor).
  • A lot of failed disarm/knockdown attempts, then Nick gutted one guy. The other ran off, then got tackled by Jack and quickly ganked by Nick.
  • Jack loots belt buckle, access card, shoelaces, and a watch. He gets Lucy's clothes.
  • We sneak outside. Tracks go to another building; another guard kiosk to bypass. George's fast-talk attempt failed, shots fired.
  • Jack starts trying to MacGyver the door open with his shoelaces and belt buckle. It was unexpectedly hard, even with everyone helping. Eventually it works at the last moment. (-1 WP: Intellect, +1 WP)
  • Glowy floating person (angel) appears with two attending spearmen (templars).
  • Jack finds the electronic key to unlock the collars, as well as his magical dexterity ring. Everyone gets one magical item they had lost.
  • Angel and templars bust in. Everyone attacks; Jack jumps out from hiding and clips the nullification collar on the angel (-1 WP: Intellect)
  • Between the two axe hits and bow shot, the angel nearly drops. The catboys finish him off.
  • Enemies overcome; rest of the gear restored.
  • Rest of the prisoners rescued. We grabbed a church bus and left.
  • Next day. Met Jorge at Starbuck's. He helped bust us out.
  • Jorge suggests there's an issue in Afghanistan, something with Greek relics.
  • Jorge's worldwide phone number is 800-85.
  • Buddha statues were dynamited, apparently.
  • George will arrange transportation via company jet.
  • WRAP-UP: Landed in Afghanistan.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 4]
  • Advancement: Investigation 1 (2 XP), Survival 1 (2 XP) [Current 0]

Oct 24 2010

  • Landed in Afghanistan: Sep 15, 2008
  • Presumed we have sat-phones and sat-net devices. Also, we generally know the mundane and mystical capabilities of the rest of the team.
  • Lucy works some social mojo to scare us up some transportation: one armored Humvee and a few smaller escort vehicles with five hired mercenaries.
  • Road trip! Cross-desert for a few days. George monitors the wireless traffic, including military drone feeds.
  • Ambush! Ya rly. RPGs, SMGs, OMG.
  • We handily deal with the brigands. Two of our bodyguards take hits but not lethally.
  • Arrive at the blown-up golden Buddha site.
  • Met a suit name Farrokh Hassanpour (Scion of Ard) unexpectedly in the bar. He seemed to be awaiting for us, in a theoretically friendly way.
  • Farrokh asks us to look out for an anchor-shaped ring of Apollo. We agree, saying he'll owe us a favor.
  • Check out a blown-up Buddha, talk to a Japanese archeologist. Taliban blew up the statue with TNT.
  • Went to reclining Buddha area, Jack ninja-scouted the base camp some armed towelheads set up there. They seem to be digging under the statue.
  • “[On a hill,] a sheep that had no wool saw horses”
  • Apparently drinking the offered fountain water and repeating that phrase gets people welcomed into the camp.
  • George, Lucy, Nick, and Farrokh gain entry to the camp and are led down into the tunnel system.
  • Three 15-foot, dusty-colored loincloth-wearing giants doing wallwork sniff the Scions and cry out in alarm.
  • WRAP-UP: Combat!
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 4]

Nov 20 2010

  • Big giant (heh) fight, I wasn't there, wahh.

Dec 11 2010

  • Drone following us.
  • George pwned the drone, scouted with it, crashed it.
  • Ambush averted through Jack shenanigans. *BOOOM*
  • Returned to the states, updated our handler and handed over artifacts.
  • New job: South America. Headed down there.
  • Hiked through the jungle. Aiee, shadow jaguar warriors!
  • Yeah, we ran them off.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 8]
  • Advancement: Athletics 4 (3 XP), Brawl 4 (3 XP). [Current 2]

Jan 8 2011

  • At temple.
  • Clearing w/ step pyramid, 80' cliff on the other side of pyramid.
  • 40 Panthermen miling about, 10-15 peons, 7 tents, 4 giants.
  • Distracting fires (2), sneak around to cliff: George & NPC off camera.
  • Booby traps! Averted.
  • Guard post: Jack craftily steals makeshift alarm gong.
  • Lucy is told to deal with the guards, she opts for the Slut approach.
  • Jack crept up to a visible guard, choked him out and propped him up on his spear. No one the wiser.
  • Group slipped up atop the scaffolding, told the workers to skedaddle peacefully.
  • “Banded Eye God” (aka “God #6”) statue – Lucy took and transmitted picture.
  • Crowd shambled towards tents: Big Hat summoner type spotted atop the pyramid.
  • Dropped Big Hat with a quickness. Took his dagger, cellphone, and stone figurine of the Banded Eye God. Noted the summoner looked like a modern man rather than a native, noting his dental fillings.
  • Took document on altar (picture to guide mural paint-by-numbers).
  • Nick torched the tents.
  • Clean getaway. No giants engaged (aw).
  • George reported lasers and radio chatter in the jungle.
  • Party being tracked by (para?)military unit, including a helicopter. Initially evaded.
  • Set up ambush for helicopter.
  • Jack snagged two nightvision goggle sets and allocated them to the PCs who needed them.
  • Jack took 1L from a crucifix burning his hand during the initial fight. He took a moment to heal it up before resuming combat.
  • Double-grenade suicide run averted.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 6]
  • Advancement: Melee 4 (3 XP), Control Helicopter 1 (2 XP). [Current 1]

Feb 5 2011

  • Interrogated surviving soldier, he revealed that they work for Archbishop Emilio Carlos Berlie Belaunzarán.
  • Their mission is containment, to confine the changed people who were mentally affected by the odd magical effects.
  • Attempted to parley with troops, not really profitable.
  • Stealthed up to the copter camp.
  • George remote-guided Jack through the laser grid to the control tent.
  • Jack opened up LOS to George for the control system. Ahren was there tied up, so Jack freed her with the intention of causing further disruption.
  • Nick charged in. Everybody died or ran off.
  • Flew off in the helicopter.
  • Made it back to Atlanta.
  • Jorge reports that the poem has a lead in London: Lars Elstad (Nordic elf).
  • Party goes to a British museum, meets Lars.
  • “Diamond Sutra,” oldest book in the world, is out for reconstruction. Lars wants to see it. In exchange, he will tell the party about the poem.
  • Go to the restoration business headquarters, Jack walks in and does a very A-Team goofy intel gathering charade which results in an electronic back door and anecdotal information.
  • Narrowed down the probable location and a backup location.
  • Ahren did the break-in efforts.
  • Looks like it was the wrong place.
  • Went to the second place, it was not there either.
  • Lucy went back and interrogated Nigel. Looks like we have to go talk to Chester Knively.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 5]
  • Advancement: Athletics 5 (4 XP). [Current 1]

Feb 19 2011

  • Sitting in a tea shop in London
  • Gail walks in. Ice queen. Says she has information about Chester.
  • Jack's drinking Red Bull.
  • Gail escorts the party to the dwelling of Chester's ex-wife.
  • Sounds like Chester is into a Hellfire Club.
  • Ahren apparently will be throwing a fashion party to lure Chester out. Or not.
  • Drive in to visit a baron as an in to the HFC gathering in a week.
  • Ahren is hellbent (heh) on this whole costume thing.
  • Everyone but Jack gets dressed up in costume. Jack is going in sneaky-like.
  • Jack KOs a waiter and puts on his outfit, then starts serving guests.
  • Huge magical animated hedge full of guests, and apparently harmless goblins as a spookhouse cast.
  • Jack slips into the secure bunker, gets George to help with the electronic security.
  • Penny the cold guardian supernatural chick who doesn't breathe mind-spanks Jack.
  • The rest of the group play around for a while and eventually meet up with Chester to feel him out.
  • The ladies start getting Chester to talk about the subject document. They make some progress.
  • Yeah so a ridiculous amount of convoluted nonsense occurs. Lars gets to check out the document.
  • Mission complete.
  • Lars reports the deal is there is a linguistic virus working to create an archeological find.
  • First time it happened was at a temple of Clio (muse of history) by Hyacinth.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 5]
  • Advancement: Brawl 5 (4 XP). [Current 1]

Mar 5 2011

  • Arrive where the temple of Clio is supposed to be. Fishing village instead.
  • Jack harassed an old fisherman into telling the legend of where Clio speaks to people.
  • Headed to that cliff in question.
  • At the cliff, found a shack with underground access.
  • Met up with three guys infected with the linguistic virus.
  • Boring conversation anyway.
  • Stealthed up to an underground temple with villagers singing to Clio.
  • Talked to the congregation, high priest said Clio was uncool with us being there. Fight!
  • Temple cleared and collapsed.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 5]
  • Advancement: Melee 5 (4 XP). [Current 1]
  • Loot: Relic 3

Mar 19 2011

  • Missed session.

Apr 2 2011

  • Muses have been missing (uncommunicative) for about 100 years.
  • Meet-up at Super Target in north Roswell.
  • Turns out there's a Nazi connection, yay!
  • Joseph Goebbels was an adopted Scion of Calliope.
  • Sunken German subs; one of which has a relic birthright from Calliope to Goebbels.
  • Relic was an epic poem which details a thousand-year Reich, which apparently has the ability to convince people to play their role in that Reich.
  • Norway or Malaysia.
  • Halvard Varberg: Scion of Heimdall is a contact in Norway.
  • Head to Malaysia, rent a nice fishing boat.
  • Found the sub, Nazi zombies die under the axe.
  • First sub is a bust, go to meet Halvard.
  • Halvard just saved the world the other day.
  • Halvard's contact Arne Ramm will set up the party with transportation and “probe droids.”
  • Plan is hatched to remote-probe.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 5]
  • Advancement: Epic Wits 2, Knack “Don't Read the Manual” (4 XP). [Current 1]

Apr 16 2011

  • Captain Jan Orsedt has the group over for dinner.
  • Business talk successful with Lucy in the lead.
  • Jack sneaks in to look at the robotic control room.
  • Next day, robot techs are harassed by Jack while Lucy plays nice.
  • Shift change, Jack takes over minisub.
  • Found the sub. Nick gets sent into the water to retrieve the item.
  • Giant octopus attack!
  • Actually a giant octopus and a sidekick less-giant octopus. And a second less-giant one.
  • The giant one cannot be stopped, the boat is definitely going down.
  • Nick is soloing one of the smaller ones and it is kicking his ass hard.
  • Nick kills one of the smaller ones but a few times it nearly drops him.
  • Everyone coordinates on Lucy's word and enough damage is done to the giant one to drive it off.
  • The boat sinks, everyone gets on lifeboats. Five to ten hands lost.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 5]

May 6 2011

  • Floating in the ocean on liferafts.
  • Crew scared of the demigods. Jack is flippant in a language they don't understand.
  • Helicopters show up, spotting us for the rescue ship to come get us.
  • Military police show up with some questions.
  • We don't care for being questioned.
  • Gail uses the CIA to extract us from questioning.
  • Uh oh, we have to go to Burma.
  • So, we're in Burma, we see the guy (Than) we need to talk to. He'll meet us in a noodle shop.
  • Burmese cops show up. Yeah, really not so much of a threat.
  • Super-awkward conversation with the new guy.
  • Training montage with Than.
  • Nick manages to get into underground Triad fights.
  • Directed to a cave to the east which goes to a terra incognita.
  • Looks like that is a portal to a previously-unoccupied Overworld that was recently re-occupied.
  • Ford through the jungle, making our own road. We arrive at the cave.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 9]

May 21 2011

  • Gail sends her ghost into the cave to scout.
  • Than can't breathe in the cave air so we send him outside.
  • Jack gets quietly annoyed at Gail analyzing everything and tries to walk through the squishy wall. Not squishy enough.
  • Nope, killing a wild boar and drawing the hunt on the wall doesn't unlock the gateway.
  • Trying to camp out in case it was a time of day thing.
  • Investigating a mining camp nearby.
  • Disabled the mining camp, the god inside Than feels better now.
  • Nadine Wong owns the mining camps, she's a scion.
  • Sabotage plans are hatched.
  • “Barely Legal Jumping IX” with Tommy Chu
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 13]

Jun 11 2011

  • So, we own 10% of the mining company and therefore a chair on the board, and are making noises about finding out who the silent investor/buyer is.
  • Screw it, we go to Olympus.
  • Hey, we get in, too.
  • Hera is very nice and patient.
  • We know the deal now – the muses are unused and pissed
  • Race. Win. extract Tommy.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 17]

Jun 25 2011

  • Chinese army pursuing us. Woot.
  • Jack beelines to the beach with Tommy and Chui.
  • Rest of the group heads to another secure rendezvous spot.
  • Nadine has a daughter in a special care facility because she was forbidden to have children.
  • The bridge is out! Likely due to the missile fired at it.
  • General Lee got nothin' on Jack. And I don't mean the Chinese military chasing us.
  • Okay, so that eliminated the ground threat. Only helicopters remain.
  • Once in the village, Tommy and Chui jump out to safety and are supposed to meet up and the safe spot.
  • Jack does a “Thelma and Louise with N2O” off the cliff into the ocean, and swims towards the rest of the group, eluding pursuit.
  • Back in Hong Kong.
  • Shower, steak, sleep, bagels.
  • Pick up Than, bring him to meet the Hindu pantheon.
  • Holy crocodiles!
  • Door opened.
  • Ganesh took audience, was good with our plan.
  • Divine tubin'
  • Paddy returns from his visit, looking hearty and hale.
  • Yay, we finally get through the wall.
  • In the jungle, the mighty jungle, we have a day walk to the new castle.
  • Blue tigers, 12' long, are stalking us.
  • Tigers evaded. Maenads evaded.
  • Arrived at the temple.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 21]

Jul 9 2011

  • In the temple.
  • Greeted by a toga dude.
  • Calliope takes an audience.
  • Her position is that they were not needed.
  • The plan is a reboot with collateral damage.
  • Urania has been missing since 1630, presumably over the Galileo thing.
  • Deal is made: the reboot will be halted if Urania can be returned.
  • Also Jack gets a date with all nine sisters in Manhattan.
  • Visit Olympus to update Hera.
  • Time to find a Uranian artifact, so we go visit Galileo's tomb.
  • Antonio de Marc Antonio!
  • We now have an artifact telescope.
  • Jorge hooks us up with a river trip.
  • Well. We just slipped into the Vatican.
  • XP: 2 showing + 2 wiki = 4. [Current 25]
  • Advancement: Legend 4 (24 XP). [Current 1]

Jul 23 2011

  • Arrive at a steel airlock door with a guard
  • Lucy socially engineers an entrance
  • Successfully slip down to the storage
  • Pope Urban the XIII sent Vatican warlock assassins to capture Urania during the trial of Gallileo using the Spear of Destiny
  • Jack pockets that edict
  • Urania was placed on L10 in the Year of Their Lord 1639
  • In 1929, Urania was transferred to Mussolini's custody
  • Urania's storage container is probably a large iron maiden
  • So the deal is the first ICBM may have been muse-inspired
  • We're headed to Germany now
  • Sneak into a rocket base turned museum
  • Fort Bliss!
  • Jack let himself get captured
  • Everyone else planning an assault
  • Nick > Nuclear-proof blast door
apotheosis/protagonists/jack/chronicles.txt · Last modified: 2011/07/24 03:53 by mark