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George Hemdev

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Which way to White Castle? Name: George Hemdev
Nicknames: George
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Nationality: Indian
Ancestry: Indian
Languages: Hindi, English
Birth Place: Mumbai, India
Current Home City: Norcross, GA
Job: Leet Hax0r, software developer
Hobbies: Expensive hobbies, seeking a playboy lifestyle
Life Goal: To achieve international notoriety as a successful playboy and idol to millions.

–Height: 5'9“
–Weight: 155 lbs
–Hair: Black
–Eyes: Black
–Skin: Medium Brown
–Build: Medium, athletic

Born in a middle class household in Mumbai, George emigrated to the US early in his teens. He met with easy success all throughout high school and college, proving an agile and popular athlete despite being not particularly physically strong (he just always managed to look cool at whatever sport he was in). His academic abilities were never challenged throughout school, so he started challenging himself with computer programming and “hacking”. Attending GT, then dropping out in his senior year to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors, he writes software ranging from games and entertainment software to network security testing (and breaching) tools to weapon control systems for military contracts, all under his one-man corporate front, BabylTech. While not on the scale of the software giants, the income from his software company is enough to allow him to pursue the lifestyle of an international playboy. So far, this is the one challenge he has pursued where he's met only with limited success. Nomatter how many BMWs he wrecks or debutantes he has romantic flings with, he can't seem to actually make the headlines as a playboy, instead merely showing up as part of someone else's scandal. Possibly he is always looking too cool even when he screws up to generate the media interest necessary to get his own headlines, and is permanently a C-list celebrity. His nerd standing probably also doesn't help his cause – Hollywood only pretends to like nerds, with shows like Chuck and movies like Hackers. Bollywood doesn't even bother pretending. He also distances himself from the usual vices of the stars - drugs, prostitution, pornography, trafficking, extortion, mafia ties. He's just a clean cut nerd trying hard to get attention as a roguish playboy, and failing.

In short, he's a successful, suave hacker, looking cool even when screwing something up, desiring the headlines but stuck in the third or fourth paragraphs of any news article.

Currently lives in Norcross, GA, drives a BMW Z3, and doesn't eat meat.

How did your divine ancestry get revealed to you? In grade school, I discovered it didn't matter how little I tried, I kept succeeding. I experimented further, and Ganesha revealed his presence to me.

You're rich/well-off… how did you make your money? I have lucrative software contracts with the US military, as well as various commercial programs I've written and still receive income from the sale and support of.

What is one thing your colleagues know about you I am lucky.

What is one secret your colleagues don't know about you? I have an estranged, possibly diabolic younger brother, Charles, who is also fantastically successful and always seeks to outdo me or trip me up.

Do you still keep in touch with your non-divine parent? My mother won't leave me the hell alone, constantly calling me on my cellphone, nagging me about my career, my lifestyle, and how much better my brother is doing than I am.

What are your hobbies? Driving fast cars, wrecking fast cars, throwing money around at starlets, trying to make the playboy scene, running and climbing and doing other things that showcase my strength, bravery, non-nerdiness, how awesome I am.

apotheosis/protagonists/george/index.txt · Last modified: 2010/10/23 18:59 by matt