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After taking care of the pack animals I went inside to find the others. I managed to find them as they were going into a large central room. It had a display in the center, showing a sculpture of Thrym killing Tempus. Tempus's wound even had a blood like substance continuously flowing out, pooling around him. The group explained how they had fought a swarm of large ice spiders, and were just getting ready to keep exploring.

We went up some giant stairs, leading us to a hatch. Kethys went up first to scout around. After a few minutes, we heard a loud commotion and a cry for help. We all climbed up, and went into the hallway. It proved to be problematic, since there were snow drifts here, but we were able to move around. There was a group of gargoyles, fighting what seemed to be nothing. A couple of them peeled off and came to us, but didn't stand a chance. Soon, Kethys blinked into existence among us, looking like he had just had a serious fight. The rest of the gargoyles came and attacked us, but we fended them off.

We bandaged and healed up Kethys, and explored the area we were in. We found a door with a snow bank up against it. Looking inside, there was nothing in particular, but as it looks like it had remained undisturbed for a few hundred years, we decided that it would be a good place to rest when we needed to.

We went back down to the display room, and went from there through an entrance that was covered in chains hanging down. In there, we found what was the giant's eating hall. There was a thron at the far end, a long, oval pit in the center with blue-glowing mist roiling out of it, and tables and benches lining either side of the pit. I went to examine the throne, then a group of yeti's ran around the corner of a doorway and attacked us. These were foul beasts, whose gaze could freeze you in place. They managed to lock eyes with Kethys, and nearly killed him. We managed to get him to safety, and Najila launched a fireball at them, allowing us to start chipping away at their numbers. Once Kethys recovered from his paralysis, he ducked into the room the yeti's came out of and ran smack dab into their leader, an abominable yeti, who towered over the heads of the others. While he was coming out, we heard cracking and scraping sounds coming from the pit, and a huge white worm-like creature arose from the mist. The remaining yeti seemed scared of the remohraz, but we fought to the last of them. Then, all that was left was the yeti boss and the remohraz. We were all wounded and running out of supplies, but our only light at the end of this tunnel was that the 2 beasts didn't like each other any more than us.

dd5/thilius/journal/10_24.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/15 19:00 by eric