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I eventually was able to rejoin the others inside a cave just outside of Ravenglass, following a strange light. Once inside, I was introduced to Seridan, a very handsome man. They explained that we need to face four trials. If we passed these trials, we would be given help that would allow us an easier time to defeat the great evil that waited for us. Caedmon went first to the test of patience. A full day passed before Caedmon reappeared. It looks like he didn't pass the trial. It was Kethys's turn next, for the test of Piety. His trial was much faster, lasting only a few minutes. Seridan said that he passed. Next it was my turn, for the test of honor. Seridan led me to a room that was full of racks of different types of weapons. He said that I would need to defend myself, and then proceeded to attack me. I took the first attack, asking him to stop, saying that I didn't want to hurt him. However, after the second, I attacked back. I only intended to incapacitate him, but my second strike found a weak spot and probably would have killed a lesser being. It did bring him to his knees, causing me to fail his test. At this point, all that was left was Najila and the test of sacrifice. Again, she returned after a few minutes, having succeeded.

Seridan concluded that we passed overall, and took us to a well. There, we met a quiet man named Thaylon (he could have almost been Saridan's brother). Seridan gave us water-skins that contained water from the well, which had great healing and restorative properties. He also gave us a pearl that dissolved in water from the well, greatly increasing our prowess. Once everyone was ready, we headed out to Ravenglass.

We approached the town carefully, but did not see much. As I led the way, I saw a child in the center of town. I went there to see if he needed help, and he seemed very unconcerned about what was going on. I used my divine sense, and the entire area radiated a malevolent energy, more so with the “child”. It's name was Grythyx, and it was the demon that was controlling the evil energy around here as well as the undead and ghosts (but it did not start this, it just took control of it). He transformed into his full demon form, so Caedmon and I attacked.

While we occupied Grythyx, he summoned 4 wraiths that attacked the others. Once they were engaged, he grabbed us in his giant pincer claws, and started flying up in the air. I tried hitting him with the power of Tyr, but he was surrounded by a misty blackness, and seemed to absorb the holy might of my swing. When we were a couple of hundred feet up, he dropped us. Caedmon managed to slow our decent at the last second with a quick spell. Back on the ground, Najila banished one of the revenants, and we started in on the others. As we fought, Najila countered just about everything Grythyx threw at us. This allowed us to to finish off the others, then concentrate on the glabrezu. Once we focused on him, we whittled away at everything that protected him. At the end, it was Logru that sliced him with a mighty blow. As his demon body dissipated, everything around us cleared up, with the connection to the shadow realm falling away into nothing.

dd5/thilius/journal/15_29.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/11 21:10 by eric