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  • Aspect: Wood
  • Anima: A giant, creaking oak with whipping branches
  • Concept: Ranger/Sniper
  • Motivation: To bring honor and prestige to his family through martial deed



Strength 3 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 5 Manipulation 2 Intelligence 2
Stamina 3 Appearance 3 Wits 4


Linguistics x Awareness 5 Athletics 3
Lore 2 Craft x Dodge 5
Occult Integrity 3 Melee 1
x Stealth 5 Resistance 3 Presence 3
Thrown War 3 Socialize 2
Bureaucracy x Archery 5 Archery (powerbow) 3
Investigation 2 x Medicine 2 Survival (wilderness) 1
Larceny 3 x Performance 1 Archery (flame piece) 3
Martial Arts 1 x Ride 2
Sail x Survival 4


Virtue Rank Used
Compassion 3 [ ][ ][ ]
Conviction 2 [ ][ ]
Temperance 1 [ ]
Valor 3 [ ][ ][ ]
Dots Used
Willpower 5 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Health Levels 0 -1 -2 4 I
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Rank Personal (10) Peripheral (29)
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] . [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Essence 4 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] . [ ] [ ] [x] [x] [x]
[ ] [ ] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] . [x] [x] [x] [x]

Anima benefits: Spend 5 motes. For duration of a scene, can render himself immune to any plant based poison. This power is reflexive and he does not need to know he was poisoned prior to activating this power. While this effect is active he becomes a walking plant toxin. If he makes skin to skin contact with another while this power is active, the target must make a successful stamina+resistance roll against the exalt's essence or suffer the effects of poisoning. Poison is (Essence)L damage/minute, Toxicity (Essence), and Penalty of (Essence/2, round up).

May add essence to defense values against archery attacks and any attacks using wooden or wood hafted weapons.


Charm Cost Book Description
2nd Excellency 2m/1sux DB Reflexive, Spend 2 motes per success to gain bonus successes for archery rolls. Max: Skill + Specialty in motes.
Archery Specialty Focus perm TCAotUS Reduces cost of using 2nd Archery Excellency by (Specialty) ranks, to a minimum of 0. Max is still Max.
Fire Dragon Graced Arrow total # of elements unleashed/2 per attack DB Instant, Supplemental- Arrows inflict an additional 4L and sets the target ablaze for an action
Wood Dragon Graced Arrow total # of elements unleashed/2 per attack DB Instant, Supplemental- Arrows deliver a dose of poison 4L/action, toxicity (essence)
Swallow Defends the Nest 1m/Arrow DB Instant, Extra Action- Can fire multiple arrows in a single tick at full dice pool, up to essence arrows, each arrow must be fired at a different enemy
Charm Cost Book Description
1st Excellency 1m/2die DB Reflexive, Spend 1 mote per 2 extra die on dodge rolls. Max: Skill + Specialty in die
Threshold Warding Stance 1m DB Reflexive, can ignore all environmental penalties to dodge DV
Hopping Firecracker Evasion 2m DB Reflexive, after a successful dodge, can instantly and reflexively execute a dash action w/o DV penalty
Charm Cost Book Description
Ox Body Technique N/A DB Permanent. Increases health levels.


Combo Charms
Dragons Defend the Nest Dragon Graced Arrow + Swallow Defends the Nest


Background Rank
Artifact 3
Breeding 1
Command 1
Henchmen 1
Manse 3
Resources 3
Artifacts Rank Description
Jade Hearthstone Bracers 2 3 die bonus to dodge rolls, -1 spd to ranged and hand to hand attacks, Attuned: 4m
Mysterious Orichalcum chestnut necklace - 3 extra motes of personal essence while worn
Weapon Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate Rng Attune Flags Notes
Jade Long Powerbow 5 +4 +3L N/A 3 400 6 2,B Gladestalker hearthstone inset (+3 acc, +3 dam)
Straight Sword 5 +2 +3L +1 2 N/A N/A -
Ironwood Flamepiece x2 4 +2 9L N/A 1 8 N/A F,S Exceptional, no essence surcharge for archery charms
Armor Soak Hardness Mobility Attune Notes
Jade Breastplate +6L/+4B +2L/+2B 0 2 May be concealed under heavy jacket or coat, subtract 2 from any environmental damage
Hearthstones Rank Benefit
Gem of Night Vision (Fire) 1 Can see clearly in low light; in complete non-magical darkness, can see clearly out to 10yds, murkily to 20yds
Gladestalker Stone (Wood) 3 +3 Acc, +3 Dam when set in Powerbow
Stone of Healing 1 +3 to Medicine Rolls

Derived Values

Name Value/Pool Calculation
Join Battle 9 (WITS 4 + Awareness 5)
Dodge DV 9 (DEX 5 + Dodge 5 + Essence 4 + Hearthstone Bracers 3)/2
Parry DV (short sword) 4 (DEX 5 + Melee 1 + Def 1)/2
Soak (natural) 0A/2L/3B (Aggie = 0), (Lethal = (STA/2)), (Bashing = (STA)).
Soak (w/armor) 6A/8L/7B Jade Breastplate, +6A/+6L/+4B to natural soak
Hardness (w/armor) 2B/2L
Attack (long powerbow) 17+1 [DEX 5 + Archery 5 + Accuracy 4 (w/Gladestalker Stone) + powerbow specialization 3] + (powerbow Focus 1)
Damage (long powerbow) 9L (STR 3 + Weapon 3L + Gladestalker Stone 3)
Damage (fowling arrow) 8B (STR 3 + Weapon 2B + Gladestalker Stone 3)
Attack (flame piece) 15+1 [DEX 5 + Archery 5 + Accuracy 2 + flame piece specialization 3) + (flame piece Focus 1)
Damage (flame piece) 9L (Weapon 9)
Name Value/Pool Calculation
Move 5 (DEX 5) yds
Dash 11 (DEX 5 + 6) yds
Jump (Vertical) 6 (STR 3 + Athletics 3) yds
Jump (Horizontal) 12 (STR 3 + Athletics 3)*2 yds
Climb Speed 3 (DEX 5)/2
Swim Speed 3 (DEX 5)/2
Social Combat
Name Value Calculation Notes
Effective APPEARANCE 3 (APP 3)
Mental DV 6 (Willpower 5 + Essence 4 + Integrity 3)/2
Join Battle 9 (WITS 4 + Awareness 5)



empress/protagonists/grantaire/character_sheet.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/23 04:15 by geebs