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The Pool Party

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Percy came back over to the house in the days leading up to the pool party. At first, he and I worked in finishing the construction of the Pool House while Grey worked on the Pool itself and its heating element. In the evenings, I would go over the finer points of seduction and essentially how easy it was to “act” and get girls to fall all over themselves for him. I pointed out to him at least once sheepishly that not even I was immune to such things.

He was a very quick learner, as my quizzing of him on what I had taught him afterward revealed. But, he still had a long way to go yet. I decided after a few days, though, that I'd leave him to learn the peculiarities of sex on his own. Or from someone else. I was simply teaching him how to get to that stage with pretty much any girl he was interested in.

Thus, I ended up abstaining from romping with him further; perhaps that might change if he could successfully seduce me after all of his “lessons” were completed. We'll see.

I did send Ryn and Regil invites to the party, explicitly telling them to invite on my behalf whoever is usually invited to these types of parties. I mean, I didn't really know that many people despite having gone to a few of these events. Certainly, I didn't know others well enough to make a list, and didn't really have anyone elses' addresses.

I also told Percy to invite his friends and anyone of their social circle that typically attend parties of this nature.

And so, the day of the party arrived.

I went to sit by the pool to lounge about with a glass of wine as people began to arrive. I was wearing a white two-piece with some silver trim and silver metallic hitches to hold it closed. I also had on a lounge robe that was very light and airy, and completely see-through. It had some crystals woven into it that sparkled in the light. I was also wearing a necklace made from the fire dragon scales I had collected during our last adventure. The damn things had been so hard that I ended up having to use magic in order to pierce holes into them for them to be strung. Their rich red color stood out in stark contrast to my neutral-colored two-piece, light creamy skin and black hair.

Right after I sat down, Boyce wandered over to tell me I looked great in my two-piece, and I smiled up at him and told him he looked like he was about to get into a whole lot of trouble. He chuckled and noted that that kinda thing did seem to follow him around a lot. We chatted for a few minutes until the first guest arrived, and slightly early at that.

It was Boyce's scandalously underage sex toy. After some 30 minutes, Doak and Liri came in and waved, and then other people started trickling in, mostly folks I didn't know. Doak it seemed was interested in doing some bar tending tonite, which was fine, he was good at it.

Grey I hadn't seen since he finished the detail work on the pool area the previous day, and he was still non-present as of tonite. Well, social situations weren't exactly his forte so he was probably intentionally avoiding the place. Trent, on the other hand, I let handle door duties since he had nothing better to do and wasn't particularly interested in hobnobbing. I just hope he didn't scare the party goers too much. Eventually he left to go fraternize with the wilderness spirits or roll around in the mud or whatever it was that he did to pass the time.

I saw Percy wander in with some friends after a few more minutes. He waved to me from across the pool and I waved back in greeting. I had to wonder what he was telling his friends about me, heh.

I stood up to head to the bar to get one of Doak's specialties, and saw Boyce goofing off with Liri. He had just pushed her into the pool so as I walked by (quietly!) I gave him a hard shove and sent him ass-over-tea-kettle into the pool with her. I smiled and waved down at them as I continued on to my destination.

After acquiring my freshly made Doak-specialty, with a peck on the cheek for him in thanks, I headed off into the crowd to talk to people. People were really starting to get here now, and so there were quite a few people around to talk to. At the moment I was talking to a pair, Stepham Waterwick and Thiery Esington, who had been all-the-drama at the first party we had attended.

According to what Regil had told me then, these two had been very good childhood friends, and then he had kissed her at some recent party (alcohol was involved, I had been told), and then for some reason after that they were on the outs, presumably over the kiss. I guess they had made up though, cause I noticed they were standing awfully close to each other, and he'd reach to grab and squeeze her hand on occasion.

Thiery was really nice, and after talking to her for a few minutes, I could see how she may've been a bit freaked over being kissed like that. It sounded like Stepham had a birthday coming up soon (his 20th, so he mentioned offhandedly), and that they were planning a party of some sort. Hopefully his birthday party would be filled with far less drama than Thiery's (17th) had been, where the infamous kiss had happened.

While I was engrossed in conversation with the two (they seemed to know a lot of the comings and goings of the social scene around here), I suddenly felt an arm slip around my shoulders and looked to the side to see Ryn standing there. He commented quite confidently, hugging me against him, “I see you've met my girlfriend,” to Stepham and Thiery. Thiery's mouth made a big O at that pronouncement and she looked genuinely surprised, meanwhile Stepham snorted at Ryn, a skeptical look on his face. It seems Stepham was somewhat familiar with Ryn's shenanigans.

I excused us bemusedly from Stepham and Thiery without confirming or denying his statement, and pulled Ryn aside where there was no one else immediately within earshot, up next to the pool house but still well within view of other guests.

Without much in the way of fanfare he leaned forward to kiss me, pushing me up against the side of the pool house as he did so, before I could get a single word out. After a few moments of making out, I pushed him away from me lightly and commented, mildly put-out, “Staking your claim early on, eh?”

He regarded me easily. “You're not actually dating anyone, are you? Well besides me.”

I quirked an eyebrow at him, replying coolly, “I am not dating anyone.” Not you either, I thought to myself.

“Well, then there's no problem.”

He leaned in to kiss me again but I snuck my hand up against his lips to stop him before his mouth could reach its goal. “It's not going to be that easy,” He poked a pouty lip out at me and I smiled up at him. “But it won't be all that difficult either. I like to play.”

I ran my fingers lightly up his bare chest, and then suddenly turned and did a running-cannonball into the pool, which was only a few feet away from where we stood. The splash generated as I hit the water had a blast radius of several feet, so I ended up getting him all soaking wet as he stood there with surprise, staring in the direction I had suddenly run. It only took him a moment to regain his composure and follow my lead, doing a far more elegant dive into the water next to me.

He swam over to me beneath the surface, his arms encircling me as he came up for air. He pushed me back a little as he did this, and his face ended up between my boobs, him looking up at me with a childish grin. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

“Hey guys,” came a voice from the side of the pool. It was Regil, who was sitting on the edge, his feet slowly kicking back and forth in the water, watching us with interest. “Having fun without me, I see.” He gave Ryn a stern look for a moment, then smirked.

Ryn detached himself from me and stood up, commenting, “Eh, you took forever doing your hair and ended up being late.” He shrugged and smirked back.

The two exchanged several rounds of taunts, before finally I grabbed ahold of Regil's hand and pulled him into the pool with us.

He surfaced and glared at me playfully, sinking back into the water all the way up to his chin. “How rude!” he accused, mock-offended. He then turned to Ryn. “You can keep this manner-less ogre!”

And with that, Regil headed off to hit on some other girls enjoying themselves in the pool. But, as he drifted by me, he reached out a hand to pinch my butt, getting the last jib in on me.

I made an “eek!” sound and turned to mock-glare at him. He looked back over his shoulder at me as he floated away, a rather mischievous expression on his face for a brief time before he finally turned away and swam to the other side of the pool into the midst of a bunch of girls hitting an inflated ball around.

As soon as Regil disappeared, Ryn floated up to me, in front of me, and essentially backed me up against the side of the pool. He leaned forward and kissed me again, pressing his pelvis against mine, and this time slipping his hand inside the top of my bikini.

For some reason, I don't know what it was, but there was something about Ryn that made me want to drag this out for as long as possible. Which was odd, because I really just wanted to rip his clothes off right this second, I mean, he was totally my type, even more than Regil or Percy. But something, I don't know what, just kept prodding me to tease him more and more.

Instead of giving into that temptation, I went with it instead, putting my arms around his neck and pushing back against his pelvis as well. After a few minutes of making out and being all gropey-handsy, he broke away from my embrace and, somewhat to my dismay, lifted me up bodily, slung me over his shoulder, and headed for the steps leading out of the pool.

I only made a few mild protests, and then simply hung there over his shoulder face red with embarrassment. People were staring, pointing, and whispering. Not everyone, mind, but still a sizable number. And boy do these nobles just loooove gossip; no doubt this would be great fodder. Ryn didn't seem to care though, and acted as if we were the only two people in the place.

Ryn headed into the house with me and managed to find the study without too much trouble despite never having been here before. He opened the door with his free hand, only to see Grey sitting in there glaring up at us annoyedly, we having disturbed his peace and quiet and BORING. Ah, so this is where he'd been hiding.

“ooooohkay….” Ryn commented, slightly annoyed himself that the room was already occupied. He closed the door again, and turned back to the hallway to head further into the house.

I couldn't help but snicker for a moment at Grey's curmudgeonly behavior. But, I figured Ryn must be getting tired of carrying me by now, so cut my laughing short and instead gave him directions so we could get down to business already. “Go that way, turn here, down that hall… that door over there”.

He turned the handle of the door to reveal my relatively messy room. “Ah, this will do nicely,” Ryn announced, closing the door behind him, walking straight over to my bed, and slinging me down on it without much fanfare.

I indicated to him that didn't want to be absent from the party for too long since I was one of the hosts, so we made this one a quickie but a goodie, and then headed back out to the pool.

At this point I noticed a few things as I rejoined the party. Boyce's friend Rei was here but sitting by herself. Boyce was missing, and so was Liri. I frowned a little at that. And there seemed to be a bit of chaos ensuing with Boyce's weird pals from the costume party we'd attended a couple of weeks ago.

I also spied Percy across the pool a ways. I watched him for a few minutes while Ryn went to get us some new drinks, and a smile grew on my face as I noticed something. I walked casually over to him, but quickly, and said, “Hey, Percy! Good to see you're here. Come here for just a second, I need to talk to you about something.”

Percy excused himself and I pulled him aside from his friends for a moment to chat with him in private. I told him that I noticed a girl across the way wearing a black and white two-piece with leather buckles and white lace trim and her hair in two braids that was totally checking him out. I quickly told him not to look, just to act casual like we're not talking about anything too important. He smiled and eyed me with interest. I told him that if he thought that he might be interested in that, he was totally free to make use of my bedroom.

“Alright,” I said louder, and stepped back from him, “I'll see you later then!” I headed back off to the other side of the pool where Ryn was, on his way back from the bar. I grabbed the drink out of his offering hand, and turned to see what Percy would do.

“Is that the kid you ditched me for the other day?” Ryn asked, incredulous.

I looked up at him for a moment, a smirk on my face, then replied, “Yep, it sure is.”

Ryn made a face, and I elbowed him in the ribs playfully.

At this point I saw Percy break from his group and head over to talk to that girl. I could see he was utilizing some of the things I had taught him. Her face turned red and she had a hard time looking straight at him. He talked to her for a few minutes and then took her hand (whoa, I could see her eyes bug out from here!), and pulled her over toward the bar to get some drinks.

Doak ponied up two filled glasses for them, and they sat down at the bar next to each other and talked. I took a sip of my drink and grinned. I couldn't help it, it was too funny!

Ryn followed my gaze and silently watched Percy's goings-on for a few minutes as well, and then he grabbed my hand and pulled me off in the direction of a group of people he was going to introduce me to.

After while, Regil reappeared with two chicks on his arm. And they appeared to be twins. Oh my. Ryn cuffed him on the shoulder in a friendly way, calling him a sneaky bastard. Regil simply smiled at him.

Conversation then began within the group as everyone began to mingle some. Discussion was light and gossipy, but fun, and it occupied my attention for a good while. At some point Boyce reappeared and some antics occurred with his group of people. The little sex toy of his was all over him in a totally obvious manner while it seemed like he was less than interested in her attentions, meanwhile the slutty one with the huge tits was definitely in control of the situation.

But, while Boyce had reappeared, I didn't see Liri anywhere. I had an urge to go ask Doak where she had gone, but I quashed that temptation; Liri was a big girl, she could take care of herself. Even where Boyce was concerned. And I didn't really want to go open up a can of bees right now by poking my nose up in all of that, so I instead turned my attention to Percy, to see what he was doing.

Wait, where was Percy? I looked around again. Hmm. And I didn't see his little girlfriend, either. Pfft! I stifled a giggle and redirected my attention back to the people around me and their excited gossiping.

Eventually Percy reappeared, and the girl was with him, and she clinged to his arm for the rest of the evening. They eventually left together, a little bit early.

As the evening wore on, more and more people started trickling out, mostly in couples. Ryn and I hopped into the pool again for some more groping and making-out antics, and he even stole my bikini top and made me chase him around the pool for a while in order to get it back.

During these antics, Regil came up to the side of the pool and told us he was heading out. We waved to him and Ryn gave him a thumbs-up as he headed toward the door with the two girls, whom had been introduced as Analais and Salianne earlier. My oh my.

I noticed at that point that Boyce and his brigade of sex fiends had disappeared somewhere, and that it was much quieter now. Doak was cleaning up the bar area, closing it down, and getting ready to leave as well… and apparently with the girl who was sitting at the end of the bar chatting with him in a very friendly and easy manner as he finished up.

And in what seemed like no time at all, Ryn and I were alone out here, the overarching silence settling down on the two of us as our behavior shifted to something a bit more intimate. We rid each other of our swimming clothes, and made out against the side of the pool, then exited the pool and made out against the pool house, then made out some more on one of the pool chairs. On that same pool chair I rode him, then we headed into the kitchen area and he bent me over the counter, then we finally made it back up to my bedroom where we continued our antics until the sun came up.

We were asleep on the couch in the sitting room the next morning after having stopped by the kitchen for a 4am snack (and never made it back to the bedroom) when Boyce and his crew bungled through, waking us up. Boyce pointed out something about a dungeon he had in the basement (what? really?), which seemed to pique Ryn's interest. The idea didn't sound very appealing to me, so I excused myself to head off to my bedroom to find some clothes.

I noticed one of Boyce's pals, the one I didn't find very appealing, eyeballing my naked form in a lecherous way as I stood up, so I grabbed the blanket off of Ryn leaving him stark naked, wrapped it around myself, and left. It's too bad it wasn't the other guy, cause he was actually hot! But he looked almost asleep on his feet, although he shook his head once and then focused on the slutty chick's ginormous rack and stared at that for a while. Not much hope for that ever happening.

In my bedroom, I took my good sweet time finding my clothes, because if Boyce was giving Ryn a tour of his dungeon… I didn't want to return until they were back. That Jaeden guy really creeped me out. But, before I could head back, Ryn appeared with some food in hand, and instead we ate in my room. He said he the dungeon idea intrigued him, but that Boyce said I probably wasn't interested in such things.

I told him that I just wasn't really into group sex, which was what Boyce seemed to be using it for. He frowned at that, and seemed rather put-out, making me wonder if he had had something in mind along those lines? So, I quickly added that even so, I'm generally okay with pretty much anything other than that.

“Ooooooooh really?” he said, suddenly pouncing on me and knocking the food out of my hands. “Let's see if you're okay with this!” And with that, he bent me over and… well, we'll just leave the rest to your imagination. But yeah, I was okay with it.

Ryn headed home after that, and I saw hide nor hair of Boyce or his crew. And so! Off to start the day and do some actual work for once!

farne/protagonists/cassie/entry18.6.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/18 21:35 by tara