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Светлана водяной

Русалка водяной deep water is never still

Name: Svetlana Vodník (czech spelling)
Concept: Arctic Current
Seeming: Elementals
Kith: Waterborn (and Iceheart, later)
Court: (none, yet)
Wyrd: 3

Appearance: (Mask / Mein)

  • Gender: female / female
  • Height: 5'7“ / 5'4”
  • Weight: 140lbs / 125 lbs
  • Hair: light blond / clear with blue tint, reflective
  • Eyes: blue / deep blue
    Русалка водяной mask
  • Skin: pale white / light blue
  • Apparent Age: 23 / ??
  • Build: muscular / muscular
  • Svetlana's Mein appearance is like one would expect of a nymph: vaguely fishlike features, with long clear but vaguely blue-tinted transparent hair (like water or ice crystals), light blue (almost white) skin, webbed digits, eyes blue as the deep sea, a muscular but fluid and hairless frame, much shorter and thiner than her human appearance
  • Svetlana's Mask would appear just like Svetlana did with the exception of now having lighter/whiter skin that doesn't tan, blue eyes (instead of brown), and a blond hair that is much lighter in color than it used to be.

Dual Kith: Ice (*)(*)
Blessing: Spend 1 Glamour to freeze Wyrd size in water that the character is in contact with directly (or the container) as an instant action. Water freezes in current form and stays frozen until it would normally melt.

Русалка водяной maskРусалка водяной mask

  • swimming (atheltics)
  • hedge (occult)
  • hedge (survival)
  • boat, motorcycle (drive)


  • Athletics
  • Survival
  • Science

Vehicle: Kawasaki Ninja 250R (MSRP $2500)
Svetlana's sweet ride

Contracts Ranks
Elements (water):(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)
Eternal Winter:(-)(-)(-)(-)(-)
jaeger/svetlana/svetlana_vodnik.txt · Last modified: 2008/06/09 21:15 by tara