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Name: Ugly Archie
Gender: Male


  • Age: 30
  • Height: 6'1“
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown


  • Age: Indeterminate
  • Height: 6'2”“
  • Weight: 230lbs
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Appearance: As mask, save for bone spikes extending out of his shoulder blades and prominent tusks curving up from his lower jaw

Seeming: Ogres
Kith: Unknown
Court: Aspirant of Spring

Archie is a foth, having only escaped a month ago. He has the misfortune to run across Volcano Jack and his crew of privateers and the Tickle and Spank. He was seduced by Nicky back to her apartment where Volcano Jack's crew tried to grab him. To his credit, he fought his way free, becoming the first known to escape the privateer's grasp.

nwod/changelings/ugly_archie.txt · Last modified: 2008/03/02 16:51 by tara