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Rules Cheatsheet

Quick Reference


Legendary Deeds once/story/Legend, spend 1 legend point and add bonus successes equal to Legend to any action
Power Knacks/Boons/Magic Spells Obvious
Reroll an action Spend 1 Legend point and reroll any action. May only be done once per action.
Defensive Do-over Spend 1 Legend point to increase DV to DV + (Athletics / 2). Can only be done after an attack roll has occured
Performing Stunts Once per action, a scion can stunt that action and regain between Legend Points equal to the bonus dice awarded for the stunt. 1: attempt made, 2: GM impressed, 3: table impressed
Setting a Virtuous Example Regain 1 Legend when performing an action exemplary of one of their virtues.
Beginning of a Story Start with a full pool of Legend at the beginning of a story


Automatic Success Spend 1 Willpower point to gain an auto-success to one action. Must be declared before the roll.
Activate a Virtue Spend 1 point to gain a number of extra dice equal to the virtue rating for a single action (roll)
Act in Opposition to a Virtue Spend 1 point to act against a virtue without requiring a virtue roll
Resist Mind Influencing Powers Spend 1 point to automatically resist the effects of supernatural or divine powers that attempt to influence the mind or emotions
Acting in Accordance with Nature Acting in accordance with your nature in a manner that affects the story regains 1 willpower point
Spectacular Deeds Perform an action or behave in a manner befitting her role as a scion
Phenomenal Stunts 2-point or 3-point stunts can regain 1 willpower point (instead of Legend points)
End of Story Fill er up at the end of a story (not chapter)

House Rules


  • Advancing Legend: Players cannot spend XP to purchase additional Legend ratings. At the end of each story arc, the PCs will all gain 1 Legend (and the corresponding squared Legend Points).
  • Experience Point Rewards: Players will receive a flat 10 XP per session.
  • Demigods and Gods: Legend caps at 10 instead of 12 and there are no direct reality warping issues when characters above Legend 4 walk around the normal world.

Epic Attributes

  • Bonus Successes/Effects: Epic Attributes normally provide bonuses in this sequence: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29, 37, 46. Instead they provide bonuses using this sequence for sake of sanity: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


  • Ties to Defender: Attacker must exceed the DV (not equal) in order to succeed. In other words, ties go to the defender and therefore miss on attack-vs-defense rolls or are only cosmetic injuries on damage-vs-soak rolls.
  • Ranged Attacks: Ranged attacks which are muscle-powered (thrown weapons, bows, etc.) add Strength successes and Epic Strength auto-successes to their damage codes. Ranged attacks which are not muscle-powered (guns, crossbows, etc.) add Wits successes and Epic Wits auto-successes to their damage codes.
  • Wound penalties: -2 penalty after 3 damage, -4 penalty after 5 damage, incapacitated after 7 damage.
  • Damage vs Extras: All extras/minions/mooks have normal stats and abilities, but have a damage track of exactly 1 box. They therefore drop out of combat (for whatever appropriate reason) when they are wounded at all.

Healing Times

Bashing Lethal Aggravated
Mortals 1/12hrs 1/24hrs 1/24hrs
Scions 1/3hrs 1/6hrs 1/6hrs

Social Combat

  • Social Tick Duration: 1 minute
  • Social Join Battle: WITS + Empathy + Epic WITS
  • Social Attack Pool (Persuade): MANIPULATION + Presence + Epic MANIPULATION
  • Social DV:: (Willpower + Legend + Integrity) / 2
  • Effective Appearance: APPEARANCE + Epic APP
  • In some interactions (rolls) where Appearance can make a difference, the net result of subtracted Effective Appearance (between the instigator and the target) goes to the one with the higher Effective Appearance as bonus dice for all rolls.

Clarifications of Rules as Written


  • [BOOK] (Clarification) Epic Dex auto-successes on attack DO roll over into damage.
  • [BOOK] Extras do not count 10s as 2 successes, never perform stunts, and never spend willpower.


A Supernatural character has two mutually exclusive choices when entering into social combat as the defendant:

  • They can spend 1 Willpower (per power used on them) and ignore it without rolling.
  • Or, they can choose to enter into social combat and die rolling begins.

Benefits of Legend

Using Legend, Hero pg 122.

  • Legendary Deeds: Once per story per dot of Legend, add (Legend) in bonus successes to any action.
  • Rerolling an Action: Spend one Legend point on a failed or botched action and reroll it. Can use this only once per failed action.
  • Defensive do-over: Spend one Legend point to retroactively increase your DV against a successful (already-rolled) attack by (Athletics/2).
  • Using powerful Knacks/Boons: Some Knacks/Boons require Legend spent in order to activate.
  • Fueling Magic Spells: All magic spells require the expenditure of Legend (doing a Sacrifices can substitute the expenditure of Legend, though).

Benefits of Willpower

Using Willpower, Hero pg 111. Only one point of willpower may be spent per action.

  • Automatic Success: Spend one willpower point and gain one automatic success on a given action.
  • Activate a Virtue: Spend one willpower point to gain (Virtue) in bonus dice on a given action that can be construed as applying to channeled (Virtue). Can do this once per story per dot in the applicable (Virtue).
  • Act in opposition to a Virtue: Spend one willpower point to take an action that violates one of the character's four Virtues.
  • Resist mind-influencing powers: Spend one willpower point (supernatural characters only) to automatically resist the effect of supernatural powers that influence the mind or emotions.

Regaining Legend Points

There are three methods of recovering Legend Points.

  1. Performing a Stunt: When you perform a Stunt, you regain Legend Points equal to the die bonus from that stunt. [note it is unclear if you get Legend Points only if the action is successful or just for the attempt itself]
  2. Virtue Fulfillment: When you perform a significant action in such a way that exemplifies one of your Virtues, you regain 1 Legend Point.
  3. Start of Story: Characters begin new story arcs with completely refilled Legend Points.

Regaining Willpower Points

There are four methods of recovering Willpower Points.

  1. Nature Fulfillment: Accomplishing the “Trait Effects” task in accordance with your designated Nature will recover 1 Willpower Point.
  2. Spectacular Deeds: Performing an “exceptional action” or behaving “in a heroic manner” that befits your “role as a Scion” will recover 1 Willpower point. [note this is very vague]
  3. Phenomenal Stunts: Rather than receiving Legend Points for a 2- or 3-die Stunt bonus, you may instead choose to recover 1 Willpower point.
  4. End of Story: Characters complete story arcs with completely refilled Willpower Points.

Specific Boons

Epic Charisma:

  • Charmer (Clarification): Spend a few minutes talking to suspicious (or otherwise hostile) target, and they will help you for a scene. For targets not hostile to the scion, just do a normal social interaction with them.
scion/cheatsheet.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/27 20:48 by mark