So once the heated pool was finished, we could have our pool party. I had to hand it to Cassie, this pool thing was a brilliant idea. Anyways, we decided to invite the same folks we'd been seeing at all these other parties we've been going to. Well, the ones our age. I also decided to invite over Rei and Sina. Oh, and Doak and Liri. I figured with all the things the two of them have been through these past couple of months, they could use a little fun. And I really wanted to see Liri again, we hadn't really gotten a chance to really talk since that night we rescued her and her brother and I slept with her.

I mean, that next morning we had whisked them off to Mikake for their protection while we hunted down and destroyed the Keepers of Enma. Then once that threat was over and we got them back to Alestia, they were busy taking care of their father's affairs while we were running all over Upper Thalia. So there was never a good time. Well, that's not true, I guess there were plenty of times I could've dropped by the Inn. But the time never seemed right. That's why I was glad for this party, it'd be a chance to interact with her while everything's all chill.

Anyways, Elector Winters was still trying to give me the hard sell on his daughter. I guess its my own fault, I had been spending a good deal of time with her since I was introduced her. But she was such a cute and innocent looking piece of ass, and between her naivete and the pressure from her father to try and get a proposal or something from me, it was easy to get her to do all sorts of naughty things. I just couldn't resist. But I digress. So, Brittana was the first one to show up, her father having sent her over a little early. She looked way cute in her little light cornflower blue bikini trimmed with white lace that really went with her eyes, her hair done in braided pigtails.

Brittana basically stuck with me as soon as she got there. I got her a drink to loosen her up and offered to put some lotion on her. So, I was rubbing down her back, my eyes drawn to her pert little butt. Of course, its at that point that Doak and Liri show up. Liri was wearing this sunflower yellow one piece that flared out around the belly with ruffles at the bottom, looking all skirt-ish. It hugged her body well and she looked amazing in it. I stood their frozen, not knowing what to say when I was jarred out of it by Brit asking why I stopped.

I noticed Doak behind Liri, smiling in approval. Liri was… unreadable. She didn't seem mad, or jealous, or hurt. After all, we weren't together. She just smiled pleasantly and said hello. I introduced Brit as my friend, and I told Brit that this was Liri, wherein Liri interrupted me and said she was also my friend. Then I pointed out Doak, who just wanted to know where the bar was. He mentioned learning how to make a few new drinks, and wanted to get in a little practice for when they reopened the inn. I asked Doak if he could take Brit with him and mix her something up. So she flounced off with him, leaving me and Liri in awkward silence.

“So, she seems nice,” Liri told me. I said she was, and mentioned how Brit's been kinda hanging around me since I met her and how I think her dad's been trying to fix us up or something. I brought up how Brit was kinda shy and I was helping her come out of her shell. Liri joked that she was sure that's all I was doing, I gave her a “you got me” grin, and felt a little less anxious as we both laughed. It was just like old times. With the tension somewhat lifted, I earnestly told Liri it was nice to see her again and I was really glad she could make it. She was glad to be here, her life's been pretty sucky lately, and she was happy for a chance to just forget her troubles and just be a kid again.

I told Liri I could help her with that, and got a mischievous look in my eye. Figuring out my intention, she told me, “Don't you dare!” She pretended to put up a fight as I grabbed her and tossed her into the pool. The other guests were prolly staring after hearing a girl's scream followed by a huge splash. “You jerk!” she told me from the pool. She looked so hot all wet like that. I offered to help her out and reached out my hand to pull her out. As soon as she grabbed my hand though, she tugged just as I felt a shove from behind. As I hit the water I could hear Liri thanking Cass and Cassie laughing as she headed to the bar to greet Doak. she had some little dude with her, I think I saw him around the house the other day. “Was she seeing this guy?” I thought to myself. And I thought I was robbing the cradle with Brit!

Anyways, I chased Liri around the pool, finally cornering her against the edge. The rest of the party seemed to fade out as she got this demure look on her face, staring up at me expectantly. I leaned in close, when all of a sudden we were doused with a cold liquid that wasn't pool water. “OMG!”, Brit said to us, “I am so sorry!” She giggled, acting all tipsy, but I could've sworn she just had the one drink, and unless she was knocking them back fast, she couldn't have gotten but one drink from Doak, and that seemed to be currently all over me and Liri. “That's alright,” I said, although I'm not sure Liri thought so. Brit continued on seemingly obliviously, “Oh Liri, your brother makes such good drinks. C'mon, you guys have got to come over and try some!” I told her to go ahead and tell Doak to make us some then, and we'd catch up with her in a minute.

“Okey!” she said airily. Though I could've sworn as soon as she turned around she seemed a little less drunk and a little more mad. In any case, whatever moment Liri I had had passed and she was already climbing out of the pool. As I climbed out, I heard a throat clear and looked up to see Elloie standing there in the skimpiest bikini I had ever seen- the bottom, if you could call it that, was a thong consisting of a ridiculously small patch of white fabric held there by a tiny string tied off on either side of slim waist, just begging to be undone. And her ample breasts were threatening to spill out of the half-cups of her white and lavender bikini top that only tied around the back.

“Woah,” I said. “Nice to see you too, Boyce,” Elloie replied seductively. I was still mesmerized by how amazing her rack looked when I heard a male voice say, “So who's your cute friend?” It was Damon, and I noticed he and Jaeden were dressed as scandalously as Elloie, both wearing matching black bikini briefs that left little to the imagination. But if any one could pull that look off those two could. “Who?” I said, and I realized my mistake when Liri said, “I think he means me!” Crap, things were just going downhill fast.

I introduced Liri to them, and Damon looked at her all seductively and acted all charmed to meet her, He was starting to flirt with her when I mentioned Brit was at the bar getting us some drinks and how we wouldn't want the ice to melt. So we headed to the bar, getting between Liri and Damon and standing protectively close to her. I think Liri was suddenly annoyed about how close I was next to her, because she picked up her pace and quickly got a seat at the bar. I sat next to her, but then Damon sat on the other side. Jaeden took the last seat, and Elloie huffed, telling Jaeden, “That's real gentlemanly of you!” Still clueless, her cousin told his friend, “She means you should've offered her the last seat!” Jaeden just grinned stupidly and got up, making a motion for her to take the seat. But then she said, “No, its alright, I know where I can sit.” And she goes and hops up on my lap!

Damn, what the hell was this girl trying to do to me?! I could feel her practically bare ass pressing up against my crotch and I had to try my best to keep from “poking” her all of a sudden. “You don't mind, do you Boyce?” she said, though it looked like she was looking at Liri as she said that. I tried to formulate a response but Liri replied for me, saying “I'm sure its fine with him.” I tried to protest when Doak showed up and with the drinks I told Brit to order for me and Liri. “Oh,” he said, “I didn't realize you guys had some more people with you!” Suddenly noticing the scandalously dressed girl on my lap (though I'm not sure he really noticed me under her), he grinned widely and asked if she wanted a drink, offering to make her one of his specialties. She flirtily told him she would love it if he would make her something.

Damon looked down at Doak with a little disdain, saying he'll have an ale, and Jaeden telling him to make it two. After Doak went out of ear shot to get the ales and start mixing Elloie's drink, Damon told his cousin, “Flirting with the help? Really?” I could tell Liri was getting more annoyed and I told Damon that he wasn't a servant, he's a friend who likes mixing drinks. And, he happens to be Liri's brother! Damon quickly changed his tune, apologizing (insincerely) to Liri. But, I was a little glad of his faux pas if it would salt the game he was trying to run on Liri.

“Hey guys!” Brit shouted from the table in the corner, motioning us to join her. Wanting to get Elloie off my lap since it seemed like she was trying to screw me right there, I quickly stood up, almost dropping her to the floor. I managed to catch her from falling, but she still huffed in annoyance. When we got to the table, I pulled out seats for Liri and Elloie to be all gentlemanly but mainly to avoid Elloie trying to sit in my lap again. Though to do that I had to pull out two seats next to each other, which would place them, well, next to each other. I briefly wondered if that was a good idea, but I guess it was better than Elloie making me cream my trunks in the middle of the party.

After me and the guys sat down, we struggled through some small talk. Luckily, Jaeden asked me for tales of my latest adventures. He's always excited to hear my stories, I think he wishes for that kinda adventure in his life. So, I told them about my most recent with the dragon and those ogres, being sure to leave the part out about how we were there trying to find the flowers to heal Parnth, because we didn't want that detail getting out. I talked about teleporting to the mouth of the dragon's lair and bumping into those ogres. I had Jaeden and Brit in rapt attention as I told them about dueling with the ogres on the treacherous cliffs, where the slightest loss of balance could lead to a fatal fall, and a deadly dragon flying overhead swooping down and breathing fire. Granted, Cassie had distracted the dragon, but that doesn't make me sound as cool.

The cousins looked more bemused than anything, with Damon paying more attention to Liri than my story. I was starting to get a little annoyed, I know what kinda of guy he is, and I didn't want him sniffing around her. Doak called over and said our drinks were ready, so I stood up to get them. Wanting to get Liri away from Damon, I asked if she could help me. Damon volunteered Jaeden to head over to the bar with me. Not wanting to start a scene and/or piss Liri off more than she seemed, I walked off. She didn't seem to be succumbing to Damon's charms, and Liri was a big girl who could take care of herself. Jaeden continued to grill me about the ogres and the dragons.

As I made way to the bar, I looked over and saw Rei across the way, her hair in a cute updo. She looked quite fetching in her swim suit- a cross strapped mid-riff baring fire red top and black bikini bottom with a red wrap tied around her waist. I waved and she headed over. I told Jaeden to continue to the bar, I had to greet someone.

“So, this is your place,” Rei stated, “Not bad.” She remarked that she didn't know I knew so many people. I mean, I took her to a couple of those shindigs, but this was the first one me and my friends were hosting. Rei seemed impressed. I told her I was glad she could make it and she looked good. She joked that I probably tell that to all the girls. Well, I guess I did complement no less than 5 girls already (her, Elloie, Liri, Brit, and I did tell Cassie she looked pretty hot as well before the party started) I jokingly asked her that I thought the Crane clan's colors where white and blue and I expected her swimsuit would have to be those colors. She remarked that it didn't work that way, and besides, she didn't think I was the type who cared about things like protocol and tradition and what-not. I told her she was prolly right. We continued to make small talk, wherein I offered to take her to Masayume one of these days when we were both free. I guess I ended up losing track of time, and when I realized I'd prolly been kept my table waiting ten minutes I asked her to join me at my table.

As we walked over, I saw Damon and Liri talking, his hand on her thigh. I quickly went over and shoved him, asking him what the hell he was doing. Damon smirked and I could tell he was about to make a smart ass comment when Liri asked me what the hell I was doing. I said I was protecting her and she got mad and grabbed me and told me there's a conversation we've been needing to have for a while, and she would prefer we have it in private. I acquiesced and excused myself from the table and told the onlookers to go back to enjoying the party. Then Liri and I went to another room to have a talk.

So, Liri lays into me for getting all jealous of Damon talking to her when I've been flirting with several girls in front of her this whole time- I had my hands all over Brit when she got there, then Elloie was all over me, and then I left her to chat up some Masayuman girl. What right did I have to say who she could or couldn't talk to? I stated she's right, we weren't going out, so we're both free to do as we please. But then I threw it back to her, about when we slept together that first time all those years ago, she was the one who didn't want to be a couple. Liri said this was why. She tells me how I act like I want her and only her, but she knows me, she doesn't think I could ever do the monogamous thing. I'd try for a while, and I'd just end up making the both of us miserable until I finally succumbed to temptation and cheated on her. And she didn't want to be hurt like that, and she knew I didn't want to hurt her like that, so she figured she would just be pro-active about it and take the option out of my hands.

She told me she loved me, and she always will, but she just can't be with me. She was crying now, and she told me its taken her a while to accept it and after the emotional turmoil of her father's death, she had a moment of weakness and almost fooled herself into believing there was a chance for us. She came here today with an open mind, but the party just proved she was right. She apologized and said she was just gonna go home, and to just tell Doak she wasn't feeling well and that she'd be heading back to the inn. But also say its not a big deal and he should continue to enjoy the party. Oh, and to tell Cassie bye for her also. I walked her out and Sina was coming up at the same time, apologizing for being late. Sina's silky red locks were tied up in a pony tail, and she wore a pink tank top with white floral print along with a matching tight pink bikini bottom that hugged her curves quite nicely. Liri just laughed to herself, Sina's sudden appearance just proving her point. (I guess she remembered the last time they met.)

I told Sina she could just walk on in and ran to catch up with Liri. I apologized for my behavior and told her I really wished I could be the kinda man she deserves, and she was right, I'd just end up hurting her. So I watched her go, knowing there was nothing I could do or say to change her mind. I was a jerky horndog, and as I made my way back to the party, I figured I've committed to the part, might as well revel in it.

Rei was at the bar, I guess she had no desire to hang out with the others without me there, though I didn't see them at the table either. A quick scan showed the boys horsing around the pool with Brit, and Elloie must've been in the water at some point herself, since she was lounging in a pool chair all wet. Geez, with her sheer swimsuit all wet, you basically could see everything at that point, so there were more than a few guys checking her out, and she was loving the attention. Though there was only one guy chatting her up currently, a huge-smiley Elendian dude in short trunks who took the chair next to her.

Wanting a drink and needing to tell Doak that his sister took off, I headed toward the bar and Rei. After informing Doak that Liri felt under the weather and went back to the inn, I asked him to whip me up something strong. “Sure thing, buddy,” he said and quickly poured me something. Then I told him he shouldn't spend the whole time back there and to go enjoy the party. He said he was fine being bartender guy, it was a great way to meet the ladies, pointing to a couple of girls who I didn't recognize at the other end of the bar. So if he was happy, that was fine with me. So I switched to Rei and asked if she was having a good time. She was, but then she pressed me about how things went with that pretty blond who dragged me off. I raised my glass and said everything was just peachy. “That's too bad,' Rei replied, “she seems like a nice girl. Is she like your girlfriend or something?” I told her that no, we've just known each other a really long time. Rei seemed intrigued, as she had that look on her face that seems like she's scheming, but I told her it was a party, not a time for boring conversations, indicating I really didn't want to talk about it. Rei conceded, telling me, “For what its worth, I'm sorry about your friend,” as she placed an understanding hand on my knee.

Afterward, she said its been fun, but she had to go, apologizing for not being able to stay too long. She had a family function to go to that night, and it was about time for her to head back and get ready for it. Rei told me she would definitely take me up on my offer to take her To Mikake one of these days, and if I ever wanted to talk about anything, I could always drop by her house and take her for a stroll around the gardens in Little Masayume. Then Rei really surprised me by kissing me goodbye. I mean, we had never gotten physical at all, so that seemed out of nowhere. “I'll see you around,” she said as she left. I never noticed before, but her smile always seems like that of the cat who swallowed the canary. I wasn't sure what that kiss was about, but it definitely lifted my spirits.

Feeling better, I went around and chatted up our guests. Brit showed up at my side at some point, clinging to me for the rest of the party. As I went to talk to Sina, I think Brit was trying to awkwardly emulate Elloie by getting all close to me, but I brushed it off as her typical weirdness. If she was trying to mark her territory (I'm her territory?) with Sina though, I think Sina was a little too blasted to notice. The redhead had knocked back two of Doak's “sour bombs” in addition to a couple of other drinks. Eventually, Elloie came over, Jaeden, Damon, and the Elendian-looking dude in tow. She introduced him as Titembay. Still with that wide grin on his face, he shook my hand and said he was Elector Sala's son. He mentioned his father narrowly avoided one of the assassination attempts by the Keepers of Enma, and he was very thankful me and my friends were able to save the city from the threat.

“So anyways,” Elloie interrupted, “is there a more private place we can 'hang out'?” Catching her drift, I told her the basement was free, but to give me a few minutes to set things up down there. So quickly ran down to do that, and then came back to the party to let them know the room was ready. Sina asked where we were going, and thinking about how interesting it would be to have a whole set- blond, brunette, and redhead, I convinced her to join us. It wasn't too hard given her inebriated state and my powers of persuasion. We all headed down and spent the rest of the night exploring carnal pleasures.

When the morning came, we headed back upstairs to find some grub. Since I don't cook, and I doubt Grey would be up for making us breakfast, we were going to head out to Elloie's favorite breakfast joint. In the sitting room, I noticed a weird form on one of the couches. Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was Cass and the lighter haired guy. It was obvious they were quite naked under the blanket they had draped over themselves and had a “fun” night as well. The sleeping couple eventually noticed me staring and Cassie quickly pulled the blanket over herself (not that I was able to see anything beforehand, sadly), and away from that Ryncer guy. That got a look of approval from Elloie.

Cass asked what was up with all the people, and I told her we were in the basement “hanging out”. Upon hearing that, Ryncer looked intrigued. I was curious if that friend of his was around. I jokingly asked them if that Regil guy was under there somewhere. Cassie replied, “No… he headed home with a cute pair of twins last night.” She grinned at me devilishly and added, “I'm sure he has his hands plenty full.”

I could tell Cassie was trying to get me riled up with that comment, but I slipped out a “really?” before I could stop my curiosity from getting the better of me. I remember seeing those twins at one point too, but never got a chance to really talk to them. Lucky bastard! Jaeden's ears had perked up at that comment too, I noticed out of the corner of my eye. But that's no real surprise, since he's a bigger horndog than I am, and who doesn't like twins? I'd have to seek them out at the next party.

“Well, since there appears to be a crowd of people in my sitting room, I guess I should go find some clothes,” Cassie commented, standing up and heading off down the hallway toward her bedroom, taking the blanket with her, leaving Ryncer completely naked on the couch. He wasn't bashful about the situation, making no real move to cover himself up, despite how lecherously Elloie was staring and how embarrassed Brit was the way she just kept staring at the floor. I'm surprised she's still so bashful given all that we've done together so far.

“So did you two ever…” Elloie asked me, letting the implication hang in the air. “Date?” I stammered. I told her we've known each other forever, it would be like going out with my sister. Elloie replied, “So you're telling me you've never wanted to frak her?”

“Oh, I totally hit that already!” I replied, which got a bemused look from her, and a cocked eyebrow from Ryncer. “But don't worry,” I told him, “it was just a one time thing and a long time ago.”

“Anyways, I would've said, 'you guys could've joined us downstairs, we would have certainly be glad to have had you!' But I know Cassie wouldn't have gone for that.” I noticed he seemed kinda disappointed once I said that. I continued, “But if you and that friend of yours ever want to join in our 'festivities' next time, you're definitely welcome to! But be sure to invite some lady friends along, I'd prefer we have a more even male to female ratio.”

“Speak for yourself!” Elloie chimed in. I think she was a little too forward for his tastes, but he definitely sounded interested. “Would you like to see the 'recreation room' I have down there?” I asked him. He said sure, and I told the others they could go ahead to the restaurant, I'd catch up after I gave Ryncer a quick tour. “You sure you don't need any help?” Elloie asked. To which Damon replied, “I'm sure Boyce can handle giving a tour of his own house, dear cousin!” as he pulled her towards the door, much to her chagrin.

So I took Ryncer downstairs and quickly showed him around, and he thought we had a cool setup going. “Yeah, I'll let you know the next time we have something going on. I'm definitely looking forward to you and Regil joining us!” Given my shirtless-ness and his nakedness and no ladies around, we got a little uncomfortable at my phrasing. “Anyways, you and Cassie, and whoever are certainly welcome to use it at any time!”

Before I left to meet up with the others, Ryncer asked if it was okay to grab some stuff from the kitchen, since he didn't want to go up there empty handed. I said fine by me and left him and Cass to their own devices while I left to enjoy a delicious breakfast.