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We headed to the northwest building to clear it out. We entered the door ready for a fight, but the main room was empty. Caedmon searched around and found trap after trap, disarming them. We headed further into the building, and that was when we were attacked. We held our ground, dispatching all the goblins but one who went running across the courtyard towards the well. He almost made it there, but Kethys managed to drop him before he made it.

We immediately went onto the next building. A couple of traps did catch us, but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. However, there weren't that many goblins around. They were easily taken care of, but the rest of this building was empty. We took a short breather, letting the spell casters re-focus their minds and gather their magic back a bit. We also saw a couple of goblins go from the last building to the well and then disappear. Looks like we'll have investigate that as well.

dd5/thilius/journal/4_18.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/15 15:34 by eric