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Character Sheet

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  • Aspect: Earth
  • Anima: Red wolverine w/earthy growls and translucent-red eyes at full banner
  • Concept: Bubbly tank
  • Motivation: Restore honor to her family after their part in the failed attempt on the throne



Strength 3 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 3 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 3
Stamina 5 Appearance 5 Wits 3


Linguistics x Awareness 2 Athletics 2
Lore 2 x Craft 2 Dodge
Occult x Integrity 3 x Melee 5
Stealth x Resistance 4 Presence 2
Thrown x War 1 Socialize 3
x Bureaucracy 3 Archery 1 x Melee (daiklave) 3
Investigation 2 Medicine x Bureaucracy (realm) 1
Larceny Performance 1
Martial Arts 1 Ride 1
x Sail 4 Survival 2


Merit Rank Book Description
Carouser 2 SoHp51 Add +2 to all social rolls in the context of a party.
+2 to (STA + Resistance) rolls to resist effects of drug/booze at a party.
+2 bonus to rolls to sexual performance in the context of a party.
Virtue Rank Used Description
Compassion 1 [ ] Empathy and forgiveness.
Conviction 3 [ ][ ][ ] Determination and emotional fortitude.
Temperance 2 [ ][ ] Mental clarity and self-control.
Valor 3 [ ][ ][ ] Courage and bravery.
Dots Used
Willpower 5 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Health Levels 0 -1 -2 4 I
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Rank Personal (8) Peripheral (23)
[ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] . [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Essence 4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][x][x] . [x][x][x][x][x]
[ ][ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x][x][x] . [x][x]

Anima benefits: Spend 5 motes. Character can now soak lethal damage with full (Stamina) and add (Essence) to rolls to resist grappling attacks or to avoid knockback. May add (Essence) to (Stamina) for all rolls when standing on earth or stone.


Charm Cost Book Description
Confluence of Savant Thought 2m DB One Scene. Spend 2 motes and gain instant familiarity with a bureaucracy encountered.
Charm Cost Book Description
2nd Excellency 2m/s DB Spend 2 motes per success to gain bonus successes for Integrity rolls. Max: Skill + Specialty in motes.
Charm Cost Book Description
2nd Excellency 2m/1s DB Spend 2 motes per success to gain bonus successes for melee rolls. Max: Skill + Specialty in motes.
Melee Specialty Focus perm TCAotUS Reduces cost of using 2nd Melee Excellency by (Specialty) ranks, to a minimum of 0. Max is still Max.
Charm Cost Book Description
2nd Excellency 2m/s DB Spend 2 motes per success to gain bonus successes for Resistance rolls. Max: Skill + Specialty in motes.
Strength of Stone Technique 2m/person DB For every 2m, +1 STR / +1 STA per person for a scene incl self.
Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation 1m/2B2L DB One Scene. Up to (essence) rating motes can be spent.
Mountain Toppling Method 4m DB One action. Increases STR +5 for a feat of str. Counts in melee attack only if weapon is jade alloy. Combo-OK
Ox Body Technique N/A DB Permanent. Increases health levels. One -1, two -2 per purchase
Charm Cost Book Description
1st Excellency 1m/2d DB Spend 1 mote per 2 dice, max Skill + Specialty in dice.

[ Stuff To Buy ]


Background Rank Description
Artifact (armor) 3/5 Super heavy plate, white jade (no fatigue)
Artifact (weapon) 2/5 Wavecleaver daiklave, white jade (-1 speed, +1 dmg)
Artifact (hearthstone setting) 1/5 Setting for 3rd hearthstone, 1 mote attuned
Manse 3/5 Six levels of hearthstones, including possibly one level 3
Reputation 2/5 Looks just like (a younger version of) the Empress
Resources 2/5 Money!
Artifacts Rank Description
Wavecleaver Daiklave 2 Speed 3, Acc 1, Dam 6L/2, Def 3, Rate 2, Attuned: 5m, Overwhelming
Super Heavy Plate 3 Soak: +15B/+15L/+15A, Hardness: +10B/10L, Mobility: -2, Attuned: 8m
Weapon Name Spd Acc Dmg Def Rate Rng Mag Flags Notes
Wavecleaver Daiklave “Dream Breaker” 3 1 6L/2L 3 2 N/A N/A N/A Overwhelming
Armor Soak Mobility Flags
Super Heavy Plate +15BLA -2
Hearthstones Rank Page Benefit
Jewel of the Clever Merchant (Water) 1 95 +3 Mental or Social rolls involving trade, bargaining, contract negotiations, and other business dealing.
Gem of Youth (Water) 2 96 Bearer looks the same age as when the gem was attuned, forever. Does not extend life.
Gemstone of Spoken Language (Air) 3 87 Can speak any language/dialect. Does not apply to reading.
Misc Equipment Description
Blankie Shaddup

Derived Values

Name Value/Pool Speed Def Calculation
Join Battle 5 N/A (WITS 3 + Awareness 2)
Dodge DV 3 N/A (DEX 3 + Dodge 0 + Essence 4 + Mobility -2)/2
Parry DV 8 N/A (DEX 3 + Melee 5 + Specialization 3 + Weapon 3 + Melee Focus 1)/2
Soak (natural) 0A/2L(5L)/5B N/A (Aggie = 0), (Lethal = (STA/2)) or (Lethal = (STA))*, (Bashing = (STA)).
Soak (w/armor) 15A/17L(20L)/20B N/A *Anima lets Lethal be soaked with full (Stamina). Spend 5 motes.
Soak (w/Charm) 15A/23L(26L)/26B N/A Impervious Skin of stone Meditation (Resistance). Spend 3 motes.
Hardness (w/armor) 10B/10L N/A If damage dice do not exceed 10, attacker can't even roll dmg.
Attack (daiklave) 12 + 1 3 -1 (DEX 3 + Melee 5 + Accuracy 1 + specialization 3 + Melee Focus 1)
Damage (daiklave) 10L + extra N/A (STR 3 + Weapon 6L + Jade 1 + extra ?)
Name Value/Pool Calculation
Move 1yds (DEX 3 + Mobility -2 yrds)
Dash 7yds (DEX 3 + Mobility -2 + 6 yrds)
Jump (Vertical) 3yds (STR 3 + Athletics 2 + Mobility -2) yds
Jump (Horizontal) 6yds (STR 3 + Athletics 2 + Mobility -2)*2 yds
Climb Speed 1 (DEX 3)/2
Swim Speed 1 (DEX 3)/2
Social Combat
Name Value Calculation Notes
Effective APPEARANCE 5 (APP 5)
Mental DV 6 (Willpower 5 + Integrity 3 + Essence 4)/2
Join Battle 5 (WITS 3 + Awareness 2)
Attack (Presence) 5 (CHA 3 + Presence 2) Honesty
Attack (Performance) 4 (CHA 3 + Performance 1) Honesty
Attack (Investigation) 3 (CHA 3 + Investigation 0) Honesty
Attack (Presence) 5 (MANIP 3 + Presence 2) Deceit
Attack (Performance) 4 (MANIP 3 + Performance 1) Deceit
Attack (Investigation) 3 (MANIP 3 + Investigation 0) Deceit


Character Creation (18):
Bonus Points: Essence 3 (10 pts)
Bonus Points: Attributes/APP 5 (4 pts)
Bonus Points: Abilities/Melee 4&5 (2 pt)
Bonus Points: Abilities/Resistance 4 (1 pt)
Bonus Points: Backgrounds/Hearthstone Setting (1 pt)
Bonus XP: (2XP) Spent on Merit Carouser

Chapter 01:
XP: +8 (Total: 10, Current: 8)
Purchased: STR 3 (-8 XP)

Chapter 02:
XP: +8 (Total: 18, Current: 8)
Purchased: INT 3 (-8 XP)

Chapter 03:
XP: +8 (Total: 26, Current: 8)
Purchased: MANIP 3 (-8 XP)

Chapter 04:
XP: +8 (Total: 34, Current: 8)
Purchased: PER 3 (-8 XP)

Chapter 05:
XP: +8 (Total: 42, Current: 8)
Purchased: Investigation 1+2 (-5 XP)

Chapter 06:
XP: +8 (Total: 50, Current: 11)
Purchased: N/A (-0 XP)

Chapter 07:
XP: +8 (Total: 58, Current: 19)
Purchased: N/A (-0 XP)

Chapter 08:
XP: +8 (Total: 66, Current: 27)
Purchased: N/A (-0 XP)

Chapter 09:
XP: +8 (Total: 74, Current: 35)
Gained: Essence to 4 (-0 XP)
Purchased: N/A (-0 XP)

Chapter 10:
XP: +8 (Total: 82, Current: 43)
Loot: Amulet +4 personal essence pool (-0 XP)
Purchased: 1st SAIL excellency (-10 XP)
Purchased: Charm: Strength of Stone Technique (-10 XP)
Purchased: Charm: Mountain Toppling Method (-10 XP)

Chapter 11:
XP: +8 (Total: 90, Current: 21)
Loot: Flying Fortress
Purchased: Sail 4 (-5 XP)

empress/protagonists/isha/character_sheet_db.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/21 15:10 by tara