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Character Generation

All numeric values on this page are subject to change prior to campaign launch.

  1. Starting Build Points = 50
  2. Declare Calling
  3. Choose Nature
  4. Choose Faction
  5. Choose Background
  6. Choose Species
  7. Purchase Wealth: 1 per 5 Build Points, maximum 5
  8. Legend = 1
  9. Choose Traits
  10. Purchase Attributes: 1 per Build Point, minimum 1 (first one's free!), maximum 5
  11. Note Enhanced Attributes due to Species, 5 per Enhanced Attribute point
  12. Purchase any additional Enhanced Attributes at 5/point, maximum equal to normal Attribute
  13. Purchase Skills: 3 per Build Point, maximum 5 per Skill
  14. Select Gear (Armor, Weapons, Cybernetics, Vehicles, Droids): maximum item value = Wealth, maximum starting items = Wealth
  15. Purchase Force Powers, if applicable: 1 power per 3 Build Points
starwars/chargen/index.txt · Last modified: 2011/09/05 02:43 by mark